Annual Report of the American Bar Association: Including Proceedings of the ... Annual Meeting, Volume 27Headquarters Office, 1904 |
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action adopted amendment American Bar Association annual meeting appointed Asso Baltimore BAR ASSO bill Boston buyer Chairman Charles F Chicago CIATION Cincinnati Columbia Commissioners Conference Congress Constitution corporations COUNTY BAR Denver District EDWARD elected examination Executive Committee federal Fort Smith Fort Wayne FRANCIS FRANK FREDERICK FREDERICK E GEORGE GEORGE W HENRY Henry H Indianapolis interest interstate commerce Iowa JAMES JOHN JOSEPH Judge jurisdiction Justice Kansas City law schools lawyer Legal Education legislation legislature Little Rock Louis Louisiana Louisiana Purchase Exposition Louisville Mass ment Missouri mittee Negotiable Instruments Ohio Omaha Orleans party patent person Philadelphia Portland practice President question recommended regulate remedy resolution ROBERT Russian SAMUEL Secretary seller Simeon E SMITH SOCIATION statute student Supreme Court territory THOMAS tion treaty United Virginia Washington Wilgus WILLIAM H York
Popular passages
Page 770 - ... the right of possession or property in the goods until certain conditions have been fulfilled. The right of possession or property may be thus reserved notwithstanding the delivery of the goods to the buyer or to a carrier or other bailee for the purpose of transmission to the buyer...
Page 778 - In any case not provided for in this act, the rules of law and equity, including the law merchant, and in particular the rules relating to the law of principal and agent and to the effect of fraud, misrepresentation, duress or coercion, mistake, bankruptcy, or other invalidating cause, shall continue to apply to contracts to sell and to sales of goods.
Page 758 - Subject to the provisions of this Act and of any statute in that behalf, there is no implied warranty or condition as to the quality or fitness for any particular purpose of goods supplied under a contract of sale...
Page 396 - Any person who shall be injured in his business or property by any other person or corporation by reason of anything forbidden or declared to be unlawful by this act may sue therefor in any Circuit Court of the United States in the district in which the defendant resides or is found, without respect to the amount in controversy, and shall recover threefold the damages by him sustained, and the costs of suit, including a reasonable attorney's fee. Sec. 8. That the word "person
Page 780 - in good faith," within the meaning of this act, when it is in fact done honestly, whether it be done negligently or not.
Page 8 - Then let us pray that come it may, As come it will for a' that ; That sense and worth, o'er a' the earth, May bear the gree, and a' that. For a
Page 758 - Provided that in the case of a contract for the sale of a specified article under its patent or other trade name there is no implied condition as to its fitness for any particular purpose; 2.
Page 754 - ... ready for delivery or some act may be requisite for the making or completing thereof, or rendering the same fit for delivery ; but if the goods are to be manufactured by the seller especially for the buyer and are not suitable for sale to others in the ordinary course of the seller's business the provisions of this section shall not apply. (3...
Page 738 - Let the end be legitimate, let it be within the scope of the Constitution, and all means which are appropriate, which are plainly adapted to that end, which are not prohibited, but consistent with the letter and spirit of the Constitution, are constitutional.
Page 767 - In the absence of express or implied agreement of the parties, acceptance of the goods by the buyer shall not discharge the seller from liability in damages or other legal remedy for breach of any promise or warranty in the contract to sell or the sale. But, if, after acceptance of the goods, the buyer fails to give notice to the seller of the breach of any promise or warranty within a reasonable time after the buyer knows, or ought to know of such breach, the seller shall not be liable therefor.