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Ah! I remember how in early days

The primrose and the wild-flower grew beside
My tangled forest paths, whose devious ways

Filled me with joys of mysteries untried,
And terror that was more than half delight,
And sense of budding life, and longings infinite.

And I remember how, in Life's hot noon,
Around my path the lavish roses shed
Colour and fragrance, and the air of June
Breathed rapture · -now those summer days
are fil.d;

Days of sweet peril, when the serpent lay
Lurking at every turn of life's enchanted way.

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And the decline of life's long pilgrimage
Is soft and sweet with marjoram and thyme,
Bright with pure evening dew, not serpents
glittering slime.

And round my path the aromatic air

Breathes health and perfume, and the turfy ground

Is soft for weary feet, and smooth and fair

With little thornless blossoms that abound
In safe dry places, where the mountain side
Lies to the setting sun, and no ill beast can hide.

What is there to regret? Why should I mourn
To leave the forest and the marsh behind,
Or towards the rank, low meadows sadly turn?
Since here another loveliness I find,
Safer and not less beautiful- and blest
With glimpses, faint and far, of the long-wished-
for Rest.

And so I drop the roses from my hand,


I BLAME not that your courage failed,
That prudence over love prevailed;
It seemed that we must walk together
Rough ways through wild and stormy weather,
And you must have smooth paths to tread,
And skies all cloudless overhead.

Wise was your choice the world will say,
That sees you fresh and fair to-day
As in the spring-time of your years,
Those hazel eyes undimmed with tears,
That forehead all unlined with care,
Nor streaked with gray that chestnut hair.

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A. J. C.


DR. LIVINGSTONE. In a letter, dated January 18, addressed to Sir Edward Sabine, President of the Royal Society, by Sir Thomas Maclear, Astronomer Royal at the Cape of Good Hope, occurs the following passage: "I am very anxious for news of Dr. Livingstone. last was from Ujiji, dated in May. Ujiji is seated near the north-east border of Lake Tanganyika. He had been robbed of the supplies forwarded to him from Zanzibar; and the chief of the place refused the assistance he needed, or to permit letters from him to be conveyed to Zanzibar. He had written some forty letters while slowly recovering from illness, which he wished to forward. Some of these, no doubt, were records of astronomical observations made at particular localities. He attributed the hostility of

And let the thorn-pricks heal, and take my the people to their suspicion that he would ex

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pose their slave dealings. His old friend, Dr. Kirk, who is acting political agent at Zanzibar, will make every possible effort to relieve him; but, unfortunately, the influence of the authori ties at Zanzibar does not reach the remote position of Ujiji."


In our old and thickly-populated Europe, the several nationalities that possess the soil among them, whether they be called Goths or Latins, Celts or Saxons, Scandinavians or Tartars, Greeks or Turks, or an amalgamation, more or less complete, of some or all of them, form in reality but a portion of that great race, of Asiatic origin, which it is now the fashion to call the Caucasian. Among these nationalities the antipathy of race can scarcely be said to exist; and whatever jealousy or prejudice of country may still be found among them, arises from political and religious rather than from ethnological causes. Some vulgar English may entertain a prejudice against the Irish, just as many vulgar and unreasonable Irish entertain a hatred of the "Sassenach." A similar prejudice once existed against Scotsmen, that first grew up in the reign of James I., and was fostered up to the time of George III. by such onesided writers as Dr. Samuel Johnson and others, and was aided more or less by the traditions of the stage. It also existed to a much greater degree against Dutchmen, whom it was the custom to call a nation of rogues, and against Frenchmen, whom in the middle of the last century it was sometimes held to be the duty of every true Englishman to hate, for the not very satisfactory reason put by Goldsmith into the mouth of the old soldier of Marlborough, that they were all slaves, and wore wooden shoes." But the real antipathy or antagonism of race whatever the feeling or the instinct may be called, which, with occasional exceptions on the part of individuals, forbids and prevents the union of the sexes is almost wholly a matter of colour. The white or Caucasian race, more especially the Anglo-Saxon branch of it, does not freely or even commonly, intermarry with the red-skinned aborigines of America; with the black-skinned Negroes, Caffres, or Hottentots of Africa; or with the yellow-skinned Chinese, Japanese, or Malays. The same antipathy or antagonism exists among the races that are not white. Neither the Chinese nor the Red Indians

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will seek their mates among the Negroes; and the Negroes themselves, though they look to the whites for protection, and are not averse to marriage with them, have neither respect nor love for the red skins or the yellow. In Europe we see so little of people who are not of the pure Caucasian blood, that when persons of the red, the black, or the yellow races come among us, we look upon them with curiosity rather than repugnance, and hold out to them, when either commerce or courtesy requires, the right hand of good-fellowship. But when the man of white skin goes forth to remote regions, to subdue and form settlements, as in America, Australia, South Africa, and New Zealand, he goes as a superior being, assumes possession by the right, if not by the divinity, of his colour, and will listen to no terms on the part of the original possessors of the soil but absolute submission to his sovereign will. If they submit, they may live. If they prove troublesome, they must be subdued. If they put themselves into a state of permanent rebellion, they must be exterminated. This seems to be the law, above all other law, which the Caucasian race has imposed upon itself; a law which has been somewhat relaxed in the case of the French and Spaniards, who were once the principal colonizers of the New World, but which has never been seriously relaxed by the Anglo-Saxons, the Anglo-Celts, and their Teutonic cousins

who now between

them form the great all-conquering, allpervading race, that replenishes the waste places of the globe, and clears the way before it by the dispossession and subjection of the natives.

It is in the United States of America, where many problems, or what were once thought problems, of religion, politics, and the art of government, are either solved or will become solvable by the progress of time, that this question of the predominance of race assumes its largest proportion, and works itself out in the most remarkable manner. The British and the Americans are alike in this respect. It is in the blood, the bone, the flesh, and whole spirit of the people; one in this respect, though politically two. Wherever they go, they must be kings and lords over all men who have skins of a different colour from their own.

When, as in the case of the Asiatic peoples, of an old civilization, that already possess the soil and are too numerous to be dispossessed, this haughty people only establishes itself to trade, and not to colonizeit must govern, as the native kings, princes, rajahs, and rulers of India were not long in discovering; and as the Chinese and the Japanese, with a not unnatural jealousy, have been and still are somewhat apprehensive of discovering also. And what the British have done with the dark-skinned peoples of the East, we may be quite sure the Americans would have done if they had had the opportunity.

In landing upon the Atlantic shores of the North American continent, the Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Celtic emigrants - we use both terms, for the British people, in the proper acceptation of the phrase, are quite as much Celtic as Saxon, if they are not, as Messrs Pike and Nicholas, and other writers, have endeavoured to prove, even more Celtic than Saxon or Anglo-Saxon - found themselves face to face with native tribes of a character, disposition, and race, very different from their own. The aborigines were inferior in all respects to the new-comers, though the new-comers did not arrive at the conclusion that they were so by any species of reasoning, inductive or other, but leaped to it without reasoning at all, having no more doubt of the fact than they had of the inferiority of the dog, the horse, the ox, or other animal created for their use. The aborigines, however, did not reciprocate the conviction; and having those nine points of the law which are included in actual possession, and all the instincts of humanity, on their side, treated the interlopers as dangerous visitors, who were either to be driven back into the ocean, or smitten, hip and thigh, in fierce and relentless warfare. Had the Red Indians been a docile and submissive people, who would have gently bowed their necks to the yoke, adopted the manners and speech of their conquerors, consented to be their hewers of wood and drawers of water in fact, their agricultural or domestic slaves - there was no such antipathy of blood on the part of the invading Caucasians as would have led the superior race to constant warfare with the inferior. But the inferior people were as proud

and haughty as the superior, and the consequence was war, daily, yearly, perpetually -war that could only be ended by the unqualified submission of the weaker party. This war has lasted for upwards of three centuries, and is not yet concluded. The unsubmissive red man has been treated for all that time by his next neighbours as if he were a wolf, to be shot down, hunted down, extirpated; though if, like the more docile man with a black epidermis, he would have consented to be made a slave, he would have been affectionately cared for. He has been driven by degrees from the sea-board of the New England States, out of New York, out of Pennsylvania, out of the South, far away into the Great West, first beyond the Ohio river, where he made desperate fight within the memory of living men, who in their youth never retired to rest without danger to their scalps, and those of their wives and children. From the western bank of the Ohio they have been driven, with constantly diminishing numbers, towards the slopes of the Rocky Mountains. In vain the Federal Government exercised its authority to protect them. The arm of the law was weak, and the passions of the frontier men were strong. And on their part the Indians were stealthy, aggressive, and treacherous. Tardy measures, inaugurated by a distant Government, were of no avail in emergency, and many a savage fight between the two races was fought out, to the extermination of the weaker, before the Central Government was made formally aware that difficulties had arisen. The Indians did not wage honourable war. They were burglars and murderers rather than soldiers and patriots, and when caught red-handed were slain, not only without the slightest compunction, but very often with the most savage satisfaction. Philanthropists inveighed without avail against the proceedings of the settlers. Public opinion, more especially on the infested frontiers, was clearly against mercy; and public writers, living in more settled and peaceable districts, whence the Indians had long since disappeared, were of opinion that interference by the central power was both unwise and useless, and that the matter should be left entirely in the hands of those who most severely felt the


hardship and the danger of Indian con- versal at the present time, in all parts of the tiguity. It was boldly asserted by Mr. United States where the red man and the Parton in his Life of President Jackson," white man come together. Statesmen have who was chief magistrate from 1824 to 1832, not held this language-members of Con"that the white settler of the frontiers gress have refrained from giving it utterance could not by any possibility live in peace it has never found its way into State pawith the Indians, and that the intense pers, or been openly avowed,- but it has, antipathy which was excited in the mind of nevertheless, been the common thought and the white man, by living in proximity to expression of all white men of the Anglothe red man, was sure to degenerate into Saxon race ever since the discovery and rancorous hostility. The white settler did colonization of America, except among a not long continue to believe that an Indian small minority of Quakers and philanthrohad rights which the white man was bound pists. The great William Penn and the to respect." A letter, which went the members of his amiable sect, from his day round of the American press, dated Septem- to ours, have always advocated a policy of ber 1859, from San Francisco, declared emphatically that "the Federal Government committed a great mistake at that time in not ordering a large military force to California, with orders to hunt and shoot down all the Indians from the Colorado to the Klamath! This," says the writer, "would have been the cheapest method of managing the Indian affairs of California, and perhaps the most humane! A weak sentimentalism may be horrified that civilized men should slaughter Indians as they would slaughter wolves; but the strong-hearted clear-headed philanthropist will say that a general slaughter, for the clearly-expressed purpose of getting the friendless red men out of the way, is preferable to the system of slow heart-breakage and long-drawn torments now practised. It is a settled fact that every wild Indian in the State must die; and the question is, whether it were better that he should be shot at once, or tortured through half-a-dozen years by rain, disease, bereavement of all relatives and friends, and then finally shot because he has committed some 'outrage.' If I were the Indians, I should prefer being shot at once. I should enter a strong protest against this violation of all my natural rights by wicked, rude, uncontrolled white they being secure from punishment, and I hopeless of redress. It is supposed that ten years ago there were sixty thousand Indians in the State; to-day there are not ten thousand."


Such language as this, atrocious as it must appear in England and Scotland, where we are not troubled with Red Indians, is by no means exceptional, but nearly uni

peace with, and of justice towards, the Indians; but their humane policy has never prevailed so far as to influence the actions of the Federal Government and its agents on the frontier-partly on account of the savage atrocities committed, often without provocation, upon the families of the border settlers; partly on account of the natural incompatibility of good neighbourship between a people exclusively addicted to the chase, and needing their aboriginal forests and large territories for their subsistence, and a people devoted to commerce and agriculture, and living together in towns and villages; and partly on account of the political necessity, real or supposed, that twists all laws, divine and human, to its own purposes, that led the central Government to look leniently upon the sharp practices or the gross injustice of the border whites, when with rum or brandy they enticed, or with bullets and swords they drove, the poor red man to destruction. Of course no civilized Government, such as that of the United States has ever been, or as that of the British colonies was before the outbreak of the War of Independence, ever avowed a policy of extermination, or openly acted upon it. On the contrary, the semblance of good faith and amity was always maintained in the political relationship of the white race towards the red. When the British colonists of New-England that departed in the Mayflower, and those under Lord Baltimore, General Oglethorpe, and others, peopled the regions farther south, and took possession of the soil that belonged to the aborigines, they found the different tribes of Indians in possession of different

portions of the country as common hunting- | Rocky Mountains. It was a long time beground belonging to the tribe, clan, or na- fore the Indians were finally expelled from tion. Individual property in the soil was the rich and prosperous lands of the original unknown, as it always is among savages. States, now teeming with population, wealth, The British settlers, therefore, could not and luxury; and the long history of every acquire legitimate individual rights from the one of those States contains many a bloody Indians, because the Indians, as individuals, page, recounting the fierce struggles of the possessed no such rights themselves. To Indians to be revenged upon the whites who prevent fraud, and to legalize individual were dispossessing them of their huntingtitles after the European fashion, the British grounds, and of the equally fierce struggles Government, at a very early date, prohibited of the whites to settle accounts with the savall its subjects from purchasing land from ages by the short and easy method of the Indians, and entered into a treaty with extermination. The Seminole war, carried the chiefs of the native tribes, by which the on by a famous Indian, known to the jourlatter bound themselves, when they wished nalism of the time, and to history now, to sell their hunting-grounds, to give the as Billy Bowlegs, taxed the patience and right of pre-emption to the British Crown. the strategy of the American Government Thus it became an established principle that for nearly twenty years, within living memthe Indians had only a right of collective ory; and General Sherman - without the possession in their own lands; that they prior aid of whose masterly soldiership and could not sell any portion of them as private unprecedented daring and success in his faproperty to any individuals whatever; and mous flank-march through Georgia, General that the Government alone had the privilege Grant, the actual President of the United of purchasing their right of possession, and States, would never have been able to strike of converting the tenure of the lands into the final blow against the Southern confedfee-simple. After the Revolution, and the eracy - has been busily engaged in keeping Declaration of Independence, the Govern- the peace of the far-western confines of civment of the United States claimed this right, ilization against the marauding and murderas one of inheritance from the British ous Indians of the prairies. General Grant, Crown; and their whole transactions with in his recently delivered message to Conthe Indians have been founded on it since gress, aware from early professional expethat event. Formerly, an Indian reserve rience as a soldier, and from later experience meant a certain tract of land left in posses- as a statesman, of the length, the cost, and sion of an Indian tribe, on which no white the cruelty of Indian wars, expressed his man was allowed to settle. Not only did anxiety to inaugurate a better system, or the American Government prohibit the In- rather to extend the old system of treating dians from selling these reserves in the first the Indians, by placing them in reserves. colonized States of the seaboard to individu- He says: als, but it would not permit them even to divide their farms or lots among themselves, and convert them into freeholds. They were either to possess them in common, or give them up and remove to the west. Furthermore, it refused to allow the rights of American citizenship to an Indian, under any circumstances. Some of these stringent acts of injustice, as they must be called, were afterwards either abrogated altogether, or modified by consent and usage, in the several States that formed the original thirteen that successfully rebelled against Great Britain; for which abrogation there was the sufficient reason that the Indians, who thus remained in the heart of a country that every day become more and more populous with The attempt is well meant, and the United the dominant race, were too few in number States have a sufficient territory in a state to render it worth while to act exceptionally of wilderness to have enough and to spare towards them. It became the policy of the to allow the poor Indian to try the experiFederal Government to encourage the re-ment whether he can be permanently weaned moval of the Indians to the west, first of all to the prairies, and the central regions that border on the cis-Atlantic slopes of the

lived in peace with Indians while the people of "The Quakers are well known as having other sects have been engaged in quarrels with them: they oppose war, and deal fairly. The President has consequently given them the management of a few reservations, with most satisfactory results. General Grant holds that any system looking to the extinction of the Indian race is too horrible to be considered. He sees no substitute except in placing all Indians on large reservations as rapidly as possible, and giving them absolute protection there; and adds that as soon as they should be fitted for it, they should be induced to take these lands severally, and set up territorial governments for themselves."

from the habits of the savage, and taught to live as a Christian, and a civilized citizen of a free state. The result of the contest is

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