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sage reached me that a Pan-German officer of Landwehr had come over to London, and desired to see me. I wired that I could not come up, but that I should be happy to see him if he came down. ingly, a fine upstanding, soldierly man, speaking excellent English. The German proofs had passed through his hands, and he was much distressed by the way in which I had spoken of the hostility which his countrymen had shown us, and its effect upon our feelings towards them. We sat all day and argued the question out. His great point, as a Pan-German, was that some day both Germany and Britain would have to fight Russia-Britain for India, and Germany perhaps for the Baltic Provinces. Therefore they should keep in close touch with each other. I assured him that at the time the feeling in this country was much more bitter against Germany than against Russia. He doubted it. I suggested as a test that he should try the question upon any bus driver in London as a fair index of popular opinion. He was very anxious that I should modify certain paragraphs, and I was equally determined not to do so, as I was convinced they were true. Finally, when he left me on his return to London he said, "Well, I have come 800 miles to see you, and I ask you now as a final request that in the translation you will allow the one word "Leider" ("Alas") to be put at the opening of that paragraph." I was perfectly ready to agree to this. So he got one word in exchange for 1600 miles of travel, and I think it was a very sporting venture. One charming incident connected with this German translation was that a small group of Swiss (and in no country had we such warm-hearted friends as among the minority in Switzerland) were so keen upon the cause that they had a translation and an edition of their own, with large print and maps. It

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was published independently at Zurich, Dr. Angst, the British Consul in that town, helping to organize it. The fairminded and public-spirited gentlemen who put the matter through were Reinhold Ruegg, Colonel Affolter of the Artillery, Professor Haab, State-Secretary Keller, Dr. Rohrer, Professor Schinz, and Robert Schwarzenbach-Zeuner. Amongst other good friends who worked hard for the truth, and exposed themselves to much obloquy in doing so, were Professor Naville, the eminent Egyptologist of Geneva, and Monsieur Talichet, the well-known editor of the "Bibliothèque Universelle" of Lausanne, who sacrificed the circulation of his old-established magazine in upholding our cause.

So much for the French and German editions. The American and Canadian had arranged themselves. There remained the Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Hungarian, and Russian, all of which were rapidly prepared and circulated without a hitch, save that in the case of the Russian, which was published at Odessa, the Censor suppressed it at the last instant. We were successful, however, in getting his veto removed. In each of these countries several thousands of the booklet were given away. In every case we found a larger sale for these foreign editions than we expected, arising no doubt from the eagerness of English residents abroad to make their neighbors understand our position.

The Dutch edition was a stumblingblock. This gallant little nation felt a most natural sympathy for their kinsfolk in arms against us, and honestly believed that they had been very badly used. We should certainly have felt the same. The result was that we were entirely unable to find either publisher or distributor The greater the opposition the more obvious was the need for the book, so Mr. Reginald Smith arranged that a large edition should be

printed here, and sent direct to all leaders of Dutch opinion. I believe that out of some 5000 copies not more than twenty were sent back to us.


The Norwegian edition also presented some difficulties, which were overcome by the assistance of Mr. Thomassen of the "Verdensgang." This gentleman's paper was entirely opposed to us, but in the interests of fair play he helped me to get my book before the public. hope that some relaxation in his attitude towards us in his paper may have been due to a fuller comprehension of our case, and a realization of the fact that a nation does not make great sacrifices extending over years for an ignoble cause. One other incident in connection with the Norwegian edition is pleasant for me to recall. I had prefaced each Continental version with a special fore-word, designed to arrest the attention of the particular people whom I was addressing. In this case, when the book was going to press in Christiania, the preface had not arrived from the translator (the accomplished Madame Brockmann), and as she lived a hundred miles off, with all the passes blocked by a phenomenal snow-storm, it looked as if it must be omitted. Finally, however, my short address to the Scandinavian people was heliographed across from snow-peak to snow-peak, and so found its way to the book. There was one other language into which the, book needed to be translated, and that was the Welsh, for the vernacular press of the Principality was almost entirely pro-Boer, and the Welsh people had the most distorted information as to the cause for which their fellow countrymen fought SO bravely in the field. The translation was done by Mr. W. Evans, and some 10,000 copies were printed for distribution through the agency of the Cardiff "Western Mail." This finished 'our labors. Our total output was 300,000 of the British edition, about 50,000 in

Canada and the United States, 20,000 in Germany, 20,000 in France, 5000 in Holland, 10,000 in Wales, 8000 in Hungary, 5000 in Norway and Sweden, 3500 in Portugal, 10,000 in Spain, 5000 in Italy, and 5000 in Russia. There were editions in Tamil and Kanarese, the numbers of which I do not know. In all, I have seen twenty different presentments of my little book. The total sum at our disposal amounted to about £5000, of which, speaking roughly, half came from subscriptions and the other half was earned by the book itself.

It was not long before we had the most gratifying evidence of the success of these efforts. There was a rapid and marked change in the tone of the whole Continental press, which may have been a coincidence, but was certainly a pleasing one. In the case of many important organs of public opinion there could, however, be no question of coincidence, as the arguments advanced in the booklet and the facts quoted were cited in their leading articles as having modified their former anti-British views. This was the case with the "Tag Blatt" of Vienna, whose London representative, Dr. Maurice Ernst, helped me in every way to approach the Austrian public. So it was also with the "National Zeitung" in Berlin, the "Indépendance Belge" in Brussels, and many others. In the greater number of cases, however, it was unreasonable to suppose that a journal would publicly eat its own words, and the best result for which we could hope was that which we often attained, an altered and less acrimonious tone.

Mr. Reginald Smith and I now found ourselves in the very pleasant position of having accomplished our work so far as we could do it, and yet of having in hand a considerable sum of money. What were we to do with it? To return it to subscribers was impossible, and indeed at least half of it would

have to be returned to ourselves since it had been earned by the sale of the book. I felt that the subscribers had given me a free hand with the money, to use it to the best of my judgment for national aims, and I must apologize to them if I have not before now been able to give them some public account of what use it was put to. The fact is that it is only within the last few months that Mr. Smith has been able to get in the final accounts and bring the transaction to a close. It is my desire to give every information, which must be my justification in writing this rather personal article.

Our first expense was in immediate connection with the object in view, for we endeavored to supplement the effect of the booklet by circulating a large number of an excellent Austrian work, "Recht und Unrecht im Burenkrieg," by Dr. Ferdinand Hirz. Six hundred of these were distributed where they might do most good.

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Our next move was to purchase half a dozen very handsome gold cigarette cases. On the back of each was engraved, "From Friends in England to a Friend of England." These were distributed to a few of those who had stood most staunchly by us. One went to the eminent French publicist, Monsieur Yves Guyot, a second to Monsieur Talichet of Lausanne, a third to Mr. Sumichrast, and a fourth to Professor Naville. By a happy coincidence the later gentleman happened to be in this country at the time, and I had the pleasure of slipping the small souvenir into his hand as he put on his overcoat in the hall of the Athenæum Club. I have seldom seen any one look more surprised.

There remained a considerable sum, and Mr. Reginald Smith shared my opinion that we should find some permanent use for it, and that this use should bring benefit to natives of South Africa. We therefore forwarded £1000

to Edinburgh University, to be so invested as to give a return of £40 a year, which should be devoted to the South African student who acquitted himself with most distinction. There are many Afrikander students at Edinburgh, and we imagined that we had hit upon a pleasing common interest for Boer and for Briton; but I confess that I was rather amazed when at the end of the first year I received a letter from a student expressing his confidence that he would win the bursary, and adding that there could be no question as to his eligibility, as he was a full-blooded Zulu. The fund, however, was by no means exhausted, and we were able to make contributions to the Civilian Rifleman's movement, to the Union Jack Club, to the Indian famine, to the Japanese nursing, to the Irish old soldiers' institute, to the fund for distressed Boers, and to many other deserving objects. These donations varied from fifty guineas to ten. Finally we were left with a residuum which amounted to £309 08. 4d. Mr. Reginald Smith and I sat in solemn conclave over this sum, and discussed how it might best be used for the needs of the Empire. The fourpence presented no difficulty, for we worked it off upon the crossing sweeper outside who had helped to relieve Delhi. Nine pounds went in tobacco for the Chelsea veterans at Christmas. There remained the good round sum of £300. We bethought us of the saying that the safety of the Empire might depend upon a single shot from a twelve-inch gun, and we devoted the whole amount to a magnificent cup, to be shot for by the various ships of the Channel Squadron, the winner to hold it for a single year. The stand of the cup was from the oak timbers of the "Victory," and the trophy itself was a splendid one in solid silver gilt. By the kind and judicious co-operation of Admiral Sir Percy Scott, the Inspector of Target Practice, through

whose hands the trophy passed to the Senior Admiral afloat, Sir Arthur Wilson, V. C., in command of the Channel Squadron, all difficulties were overcome, and the cup has been shot for this year, and has produced, I am told, great emulation among the various


Our one condition was that it should not be retained in the messroom, but should be put out on the deck where the winning bluejackets could continually see it. I learn that the "Exmouth" came into Plymouth Harbor The Cornhill Magazine.

with the cup on the top of her fore turret.

Such is the history of the inception, the execution, and the results of a curious little incursion into diplomacy. Let my last word be of thanks, first to my partner in the enterprise, Mr. Reginald Smith, and secondly to all the contributors to the fund who encouraged me by their support. Their name is legion, and I have been unable to communicate with them individually as to the results of their enterprise. Perhaps they will kindly take this short statement as a sufficient explanation.


Widow Ogden's stall was the neatest in the market-place. The linen cover was washed and bleached every week; and always-winter and summer-a posy of flowers, artistically arranged in a bowl of ancient lustre-ware, glowed amidst the piles of quaint silk handkerchiefs that she wove by herself on the loom which had been in her family for seven generations. How she contrived to make her fuchsias and geraniums bloom at Christmas none knew; for her only greenhouse was the long latticed window of her work-room, Two centuries ago her faculty for horticulture would have gained her the repute of a witch!

She was a meagre old woman, with a brown, wrinkled face. The daintiness of her French ancestors (she was a L'Estrange by birth), had endowed her with a curious precision in dress; and she was never seen-even in the most inclement weather-without a pure white muslin fichu on her shoulders, and a large cap with goffered frills.

Her married life with Jake Ogden, who had inherited the rough stretch of moorland known as "East Hillocks," had been uneventful enough. She had 1664



worked quietly at her loom, day after day, whilst he, who had no knowledge of farming, had striven to win crops from the marshy ground, with so little success that after his death she found herself, save for the possession of the farm, no better off than before her marriage. She had borne one child, a boy who in his early youth had taken to a seafaring life, and had been drowned in the Channel on the first anniversary of his father's death. His neckerchief, one of her own weaving, had been sent home to her; it lay folded over the register page of her big Bible. One result of this loss was that she always inveighed against children leaving home; but notwithstanding, her thoughts of the lad always brought a high color to her cheeks and a proud ring to her voice; for he had died in attempting to save his captain's life. Over the press near the hearth a toy ship was preserved in a huge bottle of water: he had brought it for a souvenir of his first voyage.

Early in her widowhood she had ceased selling her wares to the hucksters and had hired the corner of the market-place, just beside the railings of

Nelson's Column. She had never missed a Saturday for the last twenty years; and her work had prospered so that she was looked upon as one of the wealthiest tradesfolk of the little town. In the intervals of business she sat quietly embroidering in silver and palehued threads the finer specimens of her weaving. The designs were those of the Huguenots-fleurs-de-lys, rosesprays, and long winding strands of eglantine. It was a common enough occurrence for the neighboring gentry to stop their carriages before her stall and purchase her handkerchiefs; as much for the excellence of the fabric as for the pleasure of listening to her odd, old-fashioned talk. The Squire of Fellbridge was often known to stand conversing with her for as much as half-an-hour at a time. In his case it seemed as if they discussed business; for they were wont to speak of property and investments. It was evident moreover, that the Squire held her in much respect; for he always shook hands with her at coming and going, and treated her with as much deference

as if she had belonged to l his own


Despite her worldly success, her housekeeping was of the most frugal order; yet the neighbors declared that such was her skill that she could live royally on sixpence a day. She had inherited a great number of recipes, by use of which the utmost nourishment might be drawn from the most inexpensive materials. It was a happy day for a poor ailing acquaintance when she brought her great quart jug of soup, flavored with the sweetest herbs taken from her fruitful garden. And sometimes, when the case was urgent, she produced small vials of syrups; which in the vulgar belief were more efficacious than the costliest wines. For such old folk as were in such poverty as to be unable to afford the necessary last robes, she made simple shrouds of

fine linen, and night-caps with many flutings. It was only natural that her goodness should endear her to the simple inhabitants of that decayed maritime town. She was great in counsel, and her advice sprang from a clear head and a sound heart. There was nothing of the disciplinarian about her: youths and maidens told her of their hopes and their prospects; and it was well known that all who confided in the Widow Ogden might rest content that their confidences were never displayed for another's curiosity.

She was wont to regret sometimes that her own greatest happiness (the happiness of being useful to her fellows, though she did not describe it thus) had only been given to her by the hand of Death. Her married life had been one of narrow interests; she had not flowered until her child had been taken away from her. What she might have done to help others in that longpast time often caused her poignant grief.

She was in her seventieth year when she decided upon the manner in which she might do most for the people after she had passed away. There was an ancient almshouse near the quay-a charity continued for many generations by the Earls of Yarlstone; but long ago, when the last member of that race had died, the endowment had been lost, and the place sold to a shopkeeper, who had let the cottages to laboring folk. And now it was in the market again, and when the Widow Ogden read the announcement in front of the Town Hall, she determined to visit it and see if it were still worthy of being restored to its former use.

So one afternoon she left her loom and went down to the town, and along the river-side to the green meadow where the red-brick and flint building stood, surrounded by a garden in which all manner of quaint flowers struggled up through the over-luxuriant grass.

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