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From The Spectator.


tranquil, reposing in light of the full moon. ual foible, their admiration for the gran Thus the great sight of a century passed diose, was somehow touched by reflections away among one of the most excitable pop- on the bigness of the Russian dominion. ulations in Asia without the least disturb- They were quite ready to be friends, and ance. Some praise is therefore due to the especially ready to use the alliance as a Chief Commissioner for the political tact far-off menace to the power which, as they displayed throughout; and to Major Dun- thought, was refusing them justice. And can, the inspector-general of police, to yet, with all these advantages in their fawhom was committed the duty of making | vour, the Russian Ministers failed, failed all the necessary arrangements. egregiously, failed in the way in which of J. T. W. all others it was improbable they would fail. The astute Foreign Minister selected an agent who almost from the first made himself unacceptable to the American President, allowed this agent to assail the head of a Government whose favour he was soliciting, and after he had become RUSSIAN Diplomacy, that bugbear of aware that M. Catacazy was an object of Western Europe, does not appear to have bitter dislike to General Grant, ordered been very successful in America. For him to present the Grand Duke Alexis at some years past the Foreign Office of St. the White House, and so spoiled an act Petersburg has made it one of its objects of unusual international courtesy, Grand to conciliate the Government of the United Dukes usually travelling under some thin States. American diplomatists have been disguise. M. Catacazy may have much to received in St. Petersburg with exception- say in his own defence, for as yet we have al cordiality, allowed to break through only Mr. Fish's story; but nothing he can many rules of etiquette, and assured on bring forward can disprove the fact evident every occasion that the Czar entertained from Mr. Fish's own letter, that he was a a special feeling of amity for the great most unsuccessful Ambassador; that he Republic. During the war the Russian misunderstood the character of the AmeriCourt sympathized openly with the North, can Government, and misconceived the and allowed its servants to hint that temper of the American people. It is not American events had a great influence in difficult to understand the origin of his inducing the Emperor Alexander to pub- blunders, though it is difficult to underlish his decrees of emancipation. The stand why Prince Gortschakoff should sale of Russian America to the Union was have made such an error in the selection a breach of all Muscovite traditions, and of his agent. M. Catacazy, a Greek by was intended to conciliate, by a conspicu- birth, is evidently a man accustomed to ous exhibition of deference to the claim of despotic Courts and Southern society, to the Union to rule the entire Continent, think individuals all-important, to gather the deepest pride of the American people." opinion" from the talk of society, and to It was hinted that, in the event of a quar- believe intrigue the most available weapon rel with Great Britain, Washington might of diplomacy. Hearing incessant denunfind an ally in Russia, and the Continental gobemouches were never tired of predicting that Russia would one day seize India by aid of an American alliance. It is doubtful whether the Russian Court has ever considered a plan so vast and so uncertain, but it is certain that it greatly desired to maintain intimate relations with the Republic, and to keep up the irritation which it supposed to exist between Washington and St. James's. On the other hand, the American people were not indisposed to welcome Russian advances with a demonstrative warmth. They were angry with France for her Mexican policy, and with Great Britain for her Southern sympathies; they were gratified by the course taken by Czar Alexander during the Civil War, and their special intellect

ciations of England from those around him, he fancied that Americans really desired to keep up a quarrel with that country; that they would dislike a settlement of all differences even on their own terms, and would repudiate a President who proposed one. He could not perceive the broader and deeper national sentiment that war with England would be a dreadful war, almost a civil war, a calamity to be avoided at any sacrifice, except that of national honour. Being told every day, again, that "the people" were above Presidents, and reading every day fierce attacks on General Grant, he imagined that an appeal lay in some way from the President to the people, and forgot the broader truth that in all serious foreign affairs the American people follows and does not

lead its Government; that, for instance, a | without arrière pensée or secret jealousy, wave of the President's hand instantly is our government of India - as witness changed the first ill-judged resolution of O. W. Holmes' remarks on the Mutiny, the masses in the Mason and Slidell affair. and the tone of Bayard Taylor's travels He consequently attempted, as we under- in India - and it is not difficult to understand Mr. Fish's narrative, to interest the stand why this is so. The opinion of the people against the President, just as in New Englanders is, in the long run, the Constantinople he would have endeavoured governing opinion of America, and the to set off one Pacha against another, and we opinion of the New Englanders on India doubt not was greatly surprised to find is formed mainly by Missionaries, whose how futile were all his efforts, how utterly letters are the delight of thousands of uncontrolled the American" Government," quiet villages where Indian affairs might that is, the President when supported by be supposed to be unknown. As a rule the Senate, is in its foreign policy. His indeed we know of no exception - these Own recall was demanded on other Missionaries are friendly to British rule, grounds than his intrigues against Eng- which protects them as vigilantly as England, grounds which affect his personal lishmen, which secures them unlimited character, and can hardly be fairly dis- freedom for their teaching, and which cussed till his reply has been published treats them invariably with personal reand the whole facts made known, but his spect as men who, up to their lights, are failure as a diplomatist in Washington is doing good at the sacrifice of personal self-evident. The most astute government ease. They would object to the rule of a in the world has failed in one object on power devoted to the Greek Church alwhich its heart was set, and failed because most as strongly as Englishmen, and it is among other reasons it selected an agent by them that in any collision between specially ill adapted to deal with the England and Russia on Indian frontiers special situation. Our Foreign Office, which the sympathies of the American public is not supposed to be excessively astute, would be guided. While, therefore, Amerand is often accused of knowing nothing ica has no material advantage to obtain that it ought to know, has never been so from a Russian alliance, her sentimental badly served as this. interests would be somewhat strongly pronounced against one, at the very moment when her friendship might be most valuable to St. Petersburg. M. Catacazy could not have altered these conditions by any exhibition of tact or any skill, but he might, had he been abler, have contrived to keep open the sore, to marshal a party in the Senate favourable to delay, to neutralize much of the friendliness inspired by Earl de Grey's exertions, and so to have kept the Alabama difficulty suspended over our heads until, at all events, affairs in France had settled themselves a little more, and Russia could have turned to another and very powerful ally. That he did not succeed even in this may be due in the main to uncontrollable circumstances, but is certainly no proof of the marvellous statecraft we are all of us apt occasionally to attribute to St. Petersburg.

We do not, of course, mean to say that even if M. Catacazy had been a Bismarck, he could have succeeded in securing for his country an alliance with the Union available as against England. The bonds which bind this country to America are too strong to be severed by any trick of diplomacy, and Russia had nothing to offer in return for aid which in any serious contingency would have involved a war. Russia could not prevent the Canadians from defending themselves or us from sweeping American commerce off the ocean, while the only serious diversion she could create would be a movement with which Americans do not sympathize. Russia must attack us through India, and in India the Americans are definitely on our side. One of the very few points upon which Americans heartily sympathize with us,

QUEEN MATILDA's celebrated tapestry at Bay- entrusted. The reproduction will be half the eux is to be reproduced in lithography in time | size of the tapestry, sufficiently large to show for next year's International Exhibition. The every thread and every mending of this " sampLords of the Committee of the Privy Council on Education sanctioned an application to the municipal authorities at Bayeux, who gave every facility to Mr. Cundall, to whom the work is

ler" of the eleventh century, and a few copies will be printed of the full size, 218 feet long, 19 inches high, and coloured in fac simile of the original.— Lithographer.

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For 5 new subscribers ($40.), a sixth copy: or a set of HORNE'S INTRODUCTION TO THE BIBLE, unabridged, in 4 large volumes, cloth, price $10; or any 5 of the back volumes of the LIVING AGE, in numbers, price $10.


THE fervid breath of August, that all day With withering kisses, drooped my garden's splendour,

Sunk with the sun, and like his parting ray, Touched the sad flowers with soft caress and tender.

My fevered pulses with the cool, grew calm, And twilight dews freshened the lily's beauty; Dropped on my heart's unrest a holy balm,

And changed to dear delight each dreary duty.

In this translated mood, while yet the sun, Flushed the pale sky with twilight's indecision,

By music's magic charm my soul was won,
And all my senses steeped in joys elysian.

In a grand temple consecrate to Heaven,
Whose mullioned windows made the twilight

Fading to purple gloom but faintly riven, From the tall choir, with distant gaslights' glimmer.

Woo'd sweetly there, as I, a thankful throng, And reverent, crowded and crossed its sacred portal,

Woo'd with the lure of high, majestic song,
And organ voices tender and immortal.

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WHEN I am called to die,
To yield my spirit to His sacred keeping,
To rest my body in the long, long sleeping,
I fain would not belie

My trust in Him who doeth all things well,
Whose will alone my every wish should quell.

I would not vainly choose
What road shall lead me up the holy mountain,
What path conduct me to the crystal fountain;
Nor willing be to lose

The guidance of the hand that e'er has led
In ways I knew not, but with mercies spread.

If gentle be the call,

If faint and feeble be the distant warning, Like dimmest daystreak of the early morning, Tipping the pine trees tall,

And brighter growing, till the red east shines With fullesst glory on the glowing pines,

How grateful should I feel!

That I might still behold my loved ones longer,
Might tarry till my timid faith grew stronger,
Might linger to reveal

The loves that buoyant life can ne'er unveil,
Like odours evening only can exhale.

If sudden be the stroke,
If all unheralded His solemn coming,
Like flash, fast followed by the thunder's boom

That scathes the skyward oak, While pale with fear we hold our bated breath, In awe of the swift messenger of death,

How blest the favored lot! A lot to few departing spirits given Painless to pass from earth and sin to Heaven, Oh! surely it were not Departure we should dread, at once to rise On whirlwind pinions to the opening skies.

So I repose my trust; And, whether speedy messenger obeying, Or waiting, patiently, my Lord's delaying To summons me to rest, On His dear love my willing trust would dwell; He knoweth best; He doeth all things well.


From The Cornhill Magazine.

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not have an eagle for his crest, for the excellent reason that crests "were not inIn the present enlightened period the vented in that age." The natural history, road to learning is carefully macadamized. however, was more exciting than the All hindrances are swept aside, and every heraldry. Fuller, of whose Pisgah-Sight appliance used to help the tottering foot- of Palestine I am of course speaking, had steps towards the desired goal. Grave found it necessary to beg his readers not professors condescend to act as guides to to apply his scale of miles to the "history infants, and cunning artists beautify every pictures" in his maps, for then, as he truly halting-place with glowing pictures, de- observed, some men would appear signed with the strictest regard to histori- giants, yea monsters, many miles long; cal accuracy. So, at least, I am informed, but my childish imagination was above and, as in duty bound, I believe the change such niceties. The "history pictures to be an improvement. To me, however, served like plums dispersed in a pudding, it happened that, in one department of to sharpen a flagging appetite. I somelearning, the text-book of my infancy was times wondered whether an army was really of the old-fashioned kind. Such knowl- as the artist appeared to imagine, someedge as I possessed of the geography of thing like an animated hat-brush, the bristhe Holy Land was derived from the pages tles representing the thick grove of spears, of a goodly folio, with cover blackened by and the wooden back the serried mass of the thumbs of some six generations of warriors; and there were difficulties as to readers, and with grotesque engravings the relative proportions of Jezebel and the which would revolt a critical instinct large dice-box from which she was being ripened by three modern summers. These extracted in order to be thrown to two last affected to be maps of the territories small black dogs; but I accepted Balaam's of the twelve tribes of Israel. It was im- ass, and Jonah's whale, and Samson's possible to doubt of the fidelity of the foxes as very fair representations of the local colouring, for the trees by which reality. Perhaps, indeed, it was a shortthey were profusely sprinkled had been coming in that quaint old performance obviously copied to the life from that pecu- that it failed to impress upon one that liar species which still flourishes in our there was any great reality about the Noah's arks; certain graven images pre- Holy Land. Though not inclined to posiserved in the same museums vouched for tive scepticism on the subject, I never the truth to nature of sundry interesting thought of that region as belonging to the monsters - the ravens, for instance, which commonplace workaday world of which were bringing large rolls for a very small London was also a part. I should have reprophet and the bears who were tearing jected as profane the suggestion that Jeruthe forty-two children to (as I must con- salem was accessible by means of rail-roads fess) my never-failing delight. There was, and steam-boats, much as older persons indeed, no great need for the geographer to repudiated the identification of Abraham portray "elephants for want of towns." with an Arab sheikh. The more orthodox The smallest village was indicated by a faith seemed to be that all places mencluster of distinctly-drawn houses, and in tioned in the Bible had, for the most part, the intervals the various incidents of Old a kind of cloud-land existence, like the Testament history crowded every vacant castle in St. John's vale, only assuming space. Where other objects were wanting tangible form for a brief period on Sunthe arms of the tribes were blazoned with days. The Palestine of my imagination due heraldic accuracy: Dan, for example, was a semi-fabulous region, bounded by had for his cognizance, vert, a snake or well-known countries of the same unsubadder argent nowed; and Issachar an ass stantial character. Somewhere in those argent in a field vert, couchant between two parts was the Valley of the Shadow of burdens; though, it is fair to add, a certain Death where Christian had that exciting approximation to the historical sense was adventure with Apollyon, and heard in the indicated by the statement that Dan could darkness the beast which made "a great

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