regarded the size to which the volume might reach, would be too contracted. We thought that the complete revision which the text of Dr. Elliott was undergoing, the numerous additions from the "authentic and acknowledged standards of the Church of Rome," and the luminous statements and able confutations of the various dogmas of "the Great Apostasy," would demand an extension of the original plan, in order to complete the character and utility of an undertaking, designed to be of permanent authority in the Popish controversy,-a controversy which is daily becoming more rife, and upon which the spiritual and eternal destinies of myriads must for some time hang. We therefore rejoice to hear that the work is intended to be completed in twelve parts, eight of which have already appeared. We have also great pleasure in appending to this brief notice of our own, the following critique, from the pen, we believe, of a respected and able Clergyman, near Birmingham, who has long been actively and usefully employed, not merely in the discharge of the duties which pertain to his own parish, but in maintaining and defending the Protestant character of the Reformed Church and Constitution of our country. The numerous works which have proceeded from his pen on this all-absorbing topic, whilst they have made the enemies of the Reformation, and the friends of the Man of Sin, to quail, have reflected the highest honour upon the head and heart of the author. The paragraph to which we refer is the following "These numbers form a portion of a Transatlantic publication, which is now being reprinted, we are glad to find, by the Wesleyan Church; and seems likely to prove, from even a slight inspection, a most compendious, valuable, and comprehensive digest of material on the subjects controverted between the Church of Rome and all other Churches, she alone, by herself, being 'materially opposed to all other Churches, both insular and continental.' The additions and improvements, however, in this reprint, are so large and extensive, that it will derive one of the chief reasons for recommendation from the copious extracts introduced from authors, both of the Roman and other Churches, in their own language; and with direct and full reference to the sources whence they are quoted. And, in the case of Protestant authors, those seem to be selected for quotation who have studied the particular subject, for the illustration of which they are cited, and are, besides,—a point of no little importance,-not such as can be adduced on almost opposite sides of a question by any adventurer. Such economical writers are not, we should suppose, likely to find additional circulation for their misty notions through the medium of this Protestant publication. The passages of Scripture generally adduced as in favour of the peculiar opinions of the Church of Rome have, in this publication, a full consideration given to them, far more in quantity, and, of course, far more satisfactory than can be met with in ordinary expositors. The value of those portions of the writings of the Fathers, which are generally given in the original in notes, with a large proportion of context, is also fully discussed; not to mention, or briefly to allude to, the extracts from the volumes of modern defenders and expositors of the Church of Rome and her doings, which are concisely, but sufficiently, disposed of. In short, as we are not, we trust, given to dreaming' (to adopt the language of a celebrated contemporary,) we shall venture to anticipate a large circulation for this new ally in the defence of the Catholic faith. The Rev. Sydney Smith will, we hope, take it in: it would prove an excellent opportunity for making capital reprisals upon the American brethren, some of whom have, it seems, taken him in. In pp. 322 and 330, Dr. Lingard is, we observe, designated Jesuit,'- -a very venial error, it must be allowed; but that gentleman is, if we mistake not, a Member of the Benedictine Order, and not of the Company of Jesus. The mistake has been made in other quarters, and is worth correcting." 6 a Memoir of Mr. Thomas M. Haswell. By the Rev. Philip C. Turner. 18mo. pp. 177. Mason. Thomas M. Haswell was the son of the Rev. John P. Haswell, Wesleyan Minister, a young man of deep piety and of considerable promise. At the March Quarterly-Meeting, 1840, of the Birmingham West Circuit, he was proposed as a candidate for the work of the Christian ministry; but, before twelve months had rolled round, young Haswell was, by the inscrutable dispensations of Divine Providence, called to a ministry of a more exalted and glorified character before the throne of God. We have read the "Memoir" with sincere but mingled pleasure. We glorify the grace of God manifested in him, and rejoice with his surviving relatives, that he is, to quote a favourite verse, "chain'd to earth no more;" but we mourn in humble submission, that one who blos somed so fairly was not permitted to bring forth fruit as an active and an useful herald of the cross, in the militant church. We hope this useful piece of biography will find its way into every family, and especially into those where the juvenile members of Wesleyan congregations and churches reside. It cannot fail to be extensively beneficial. Oriental Illustrations of the Sacred Scriptures, collected from the Customs, Manners, Rites, Superstitions, Traditions, parabolical, idiomatical, and proverbial Forms of Speech, Climate, Works of Art, and Literature of the Hindoos, during a Residence in the East of nearly fourteen Years. By Joseph Roberts, Corresponding Member of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Second edition, corrected and enlarged. 8vo. pp. xvi, 612. Tegg.Mr. Roberts informs us, that during his eight years' residence in this country, he has revised and re-modelled several paragraphs, and made numerous additions to former materials. The appearance of the volume, and the character of its contents, amply testify the truth of this assertion. We hail with pleasure every accession to the sacred literature of our country, which is intended to assist in a better understanding of the inspired volume, by allusions and illustrations of an Oriental character. The Bible is an Eastern book, and many of its supposed obscurities arise, not from any intention in the holy penmen to be dark and mysterious, but from the customs, manners, rites, ceremonies, and superstitions to which they allude, of which the inhabitants of a different region, who are placed in opposite circumstances, have, at the best, but very imperfect conceptions. Mr. Roberts has cast into the treasury a valuable collection of Oriental Illustrations, by improving the opportunities he possessed of intimacy with the Hindoos, and of mingling with them in scenes of joy and sorrow, to a most necessary and valuable purpose. All students and expositors of the Scriptures will find in this volume important help, without which many passages of holy writ will still be unintelligible or of dubious meaning. We are pleased with the appearance of the work, as being an improvement upon the former edition; and as the price also is much more moderate, and within the reach of many who on that account hesitated to possess themselves of the publication, we can confidently anticipate a wide circulation of this useful volume, A Pastor's Memorial of Egypt, the Red Sea, the Wilderness of Sin and Paran, Mount Sinai, Jerusalem, and other principal Localities of the Holy Land, visited in 1842 ; with brief Notes of a Route through France, Rome, Naples, Constantinople, and up the Danube. By the Rev. George Fisk, LL.B., Prebendary of Lichfield, Rural Dean and Vicar of Walsall. 8vo. pp. xiv, 461. Seeley and Co.-This "Memorial" from the pen of the Vicar of Walsall will not fail to edify and instruct all who may peruse it. It professes to be a "sketch" of the manner in which he spent his time, during an absence from his flock of eight months' continuance; and from what we have been enabled to judge, after a perusal of the volume, we conclude that our author's parishioners in Walsall will in no degree regret its publication, especially as it was undertaken at their request. Mr. Fisk has travelled in the spirit of a Protestant Clergyman, with a mind deeply imbued with evangelical sentiment; and anxious to view all that came within his observation, in relation to the spread of the Redeemer's kingdom in the earth. On many topics connected with theological sentiment, we might not see "eye to eye" with our author; but when we behold an individual, whose heart is under the hallowing influence of the Holy Ghost, travelling the deserts of the East, or visiting the gorgeous cities of the Continent, where Popery is rampant, in the spirit of a Christian philanthropist, deploring that so small a'portion of Christendom is truly evangelical, and earnestly praying that the light of truth may speedily dawn upon these dark places of the earth, we admire his zeal, respond to his petition, and catch, if possible, an additional glow from the piety with which he is animated. We have given insertion to Mr. Fisk's description of his visit to Rome during the Holy Week; and, after having compared this statement with that given in Dr. Wiseman's "Lectures on the Offices and Ceremonies of the Holy Week," we can vouch for the fidelity and exactness with which our traveller has recorded that part of his interesting tour. From the Tractarian press, Mr. Fisk has met with little mercy he is stigmatized with being an ultra Protestant; and every expression of regret which is found in the volume, on the subject of Popish superstition and idolatry, of which he witnessed much, is attributed to an unprincipled and bigoted attachment to the doctrines of the Reformation. Mr. Fisk's cordial and scrip tural detestation of the great apostasy, is to us a powerful recommendation of the work itself; which, we hope, will secure for it an extensive circulation. Mr. Fisk knows his duty better than to imitate the conduct of his clerical Protestant neighbour, and on his knees implore the benediction of Dr. Wiseman; or to manifest regret, that he was unable, on the principles of God's word, to commune with a Church that was awfully idolatrous and depraved. We congratulate our author on any censure directed against him by these Romanizing clerical review. ers. The aspersions with which he has been assailed will not produce in his mind any consciousness of disgrace. There are calumnies without point, and reproaches without shame; there is a cause which converts censure into praise, and brightens obloquy into glory. Religion in the United States of America: or, an Account of the Origin, Progress, Relations to the State, and present Condition of the Evangelical Churches in the United States. With The Notices of the unevangelical Denominations. By the Rev. Robert Baird, Author of "L'Union de l'Eglise et de Etat, dans la Nouvelle Angleterre." 8vo. pp. xix, 736. Duncan and Malcolm. This is a volume, by an American Minister, containing a large quantity of valuable and interesting information on the subjects to which the title refers. Orthodox and evangelical himself, he gives the history, and states the present position, of religion in America, on orthodox and evangelical principles. statistical portion of the volume is particularly valuable, and is evidently given with a desire to furnish correct statements, and to furnish them with a friendly feeling to those from whom he may differ in religious opinion. Mr. Baird, as an American, speaks decidedly in favour of that view of the constitution of the United States, in which it appears so different from that presented by most of the European Governments, as having no established religion. He does not, however, put this on the basis on which liberal writers of the infidel school, both in and out of America, seek to place it. According to them, religion is a question with which Governments have nothing to do. Mr. Baird merely states, that at the time the Americans became independent, the framers of the constitution thought it best for the country, that, while assuming the truth and authority of Christianity, and even recognising it, though indirectly, in various laws, no one Christian church should be selected for VOL. XXIII. Third Series. particular acknowledgment and (so to A complete View of Puseyism, exhibiting from its own Writings its twentytwo Tenets; with a careful Refutation of each Tenet; also, an Exposure of their Tendencies; viz., to exalt unduly the Power of the Clergy; to enslave the Minds of the People; to propagate a spurious Religion; to delude and destroy unwary Souls. The Subject so treated as to involve the Scripture Doctrine of the Church, Uniformity in Religion, Justification, Regeneration, Sanctification, Baptism, and the Lord's Supper. By R. Weaver, Author of the "Reconciler," &c. 8vo. pp. x, 188. Jackson JANUARY, 1844. F and Walford.-For its size, this volume contains an account of Puseyism, from Puseyites, (let sectarians take their sectarian name, scriptural catholics they are not,) and of the principles of refutation, far more extensively detailed than could have been expected. To those who, for whatever reason, wish for a compendium of the whole controversy, we recommend Mr. Weaver's volume. The Fragments of Expositions of Scripture. Foolscap 8vo. pp. viii, 285. J. Wright. The title which the volume bears calls for an explanation of its nature. critical student might think it to be in his way; the devotional reader might pass it by as not being at all in his. The first three or four lines of the "Introduction" will indicate the character of the work. "The Tracts composing this little volume are literally what they profess to be, recollections noted down by different individuals, of Sermons and Ex. positions, felt at the time to be very precious." But whose were the sermons and expositions is not said. There is a spirit of earnest devotion running through the whole, along with many excellent remarks on the inward temper and outward practice of the Christian believer; but there is at the same time an absence of reference to the sacrificial death of Christ, and to justification forensically (that is, as we think, scripturally) considered, which reminds us of some of the mystic writers. Some of the expressions are very much in the style of the addresses of the Ministers of the Society of Friends. A judicious reader would meet with much here that might benefit him, while he could put on one side what he did not approve. Readers less sound in judgment would be very likely to be injured, by taking in truth and error indiscriminately. The Teacher's Companion; designed to exhibit the Principles of SundaySchool Instruction and Discipline. By R. N. Collins, Superintendent of the St. Bride's Sunday-Schools, London. Second Thousand. With an Introductory Essay, by the Rev. Daniel Moore, M.A., Minister of Christ Chapel, St. John's Wood. 12mo. pp. xlii, 386. Houlston and Co. We have perused this work with considerable interest, and are persuaded that, on account of its practical character and design, it will not fail to be highly acceptable and useful to the Sabbath-school instructor. The signs of the times intimate, that the period is fast approaching, when the present aspect and operation of Sabbath instruction will be considerably altered. For many years, on account of the paucity of day-schools for the children of the poor, a great part of the Lord's day has been consumed in teaching the scholars to read; that the word of God might no longer, for want of ability to decipher the alphabetic characters, be a sealed book. When this deficiency shall be supplied by the week-day schools, the instruction of the Sunday will be confined to purposes exclusively religious; in catechetical exercises, in the interpretation of God's word, addresses, and prayer. An aptitude to teach the alphabet, to read and spell, will cease to be the sole qualification of a teacher. Religion must be taught; and a preparatory course of study and reading ought to form a part of the preliminary occupation of every one, who engages in that important work of Sunday-school teaching. The Pastor's attention must be directed especially to this, that the congregation of the faithful may have some security that the individuals to whom the religious instruction of the rising generation, belonging to that church with which they are associated, is par tially intrusted, are persons of faith and probity. The work of a teacher is too sacred, and the interests at stake are too momentous, to justify the omission of any means which, experience has taught, may be made subservient to the work of saving souls. The notion that uneducated piety was all that was required for a Sunday-school teacher, is, we trust, happily banished. We hope another idea is on the wane, namely, that unprepared instruction was all that was needed for the taught; then, and not till then, will teachers rise to a proper sense of the responsibility of their undertaking, and no longer will they be satisfied with offering unto the Lord that which has cost them nothing. To teachers such as those we have been describing, this volume will make an excellent and faithful companion. Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation. A Book for the Times. By an American Citizen. 12mo. pp. 239. New-York. London, Wiley and Putnam.-We acknowledge that we opened this volume with some misgivings. "Vain philosophy" has so often obscured the clearness, and weakened the force, of the simplicity of the Gospel, that we cannot help being on our guard when even the term "philosophy" is employed, in reference to scriptural explanations. When a vessel arrives from a country where the plague is raging, even though neither crew nor cargo should be infected, yet extra caution is always called for. 3 After reading the volume, although by no means agreeing with the author in all his statements, we feel quite justified in dismissing him from quarantine. His grand principle is, that as all the divine appointments are made in infinite wisdom, whenever the reasons of any of them can be ascertained, they will always be found eminently calculated for accomplishing their proposed object. Man is to be justified by faith; and the examination of the entire subject shows such an appointment to tend directly to advance God's honour, and the humility, safety, and happiness of the penitent sinner. Of Christian sanctification divinely revealed truth is one appointed instrument; but this truth is calculated so to operate on man's intellectual nature, (supposing it to be accompanied by the influences of the Holy Spirit,) as to promote the views and dispositions which Christian sanctification includes. Such as these, generally speaking, are the principles of the volume; and for the most part they are discussed with orthodox and evangelical piety. At the same time, the subject is one of such delicacy, that only those who are truly able, and well experienced in divine things, should enter upon it. Decided piety, full, unhesitating submission to the authority of revealed truth, and a holy fear of intruding into what is concealed, and of seeking to be wise above what is written, are essential to the safe prosecution of such inquiries. Still, most true is it, that there is, in a sound sense, the philosophy of the plan of salvation; and happy are the people, whose teachers, leaving the rudiments of the Gospel of Christ, conduct them onwards towards that fulness of sacred wisdom, which the inspired Scriptures contain: thus aiding them in obedience to the solemn injunction, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, in all wisdom." Two evils are carefully to be avoided in the church. There is the pride of self-satisfied ignorance, contenting itself with a meager acquaintance with evangelical rudiments, often connected with narrow bigotry, and even fanaticism. And there is the pride of human wisdom, seeking so to explain the Scriptures, as to show, not what they do teach, but what they ought to teach; a pride destructive of all piety, and often issuing in fatal heresies. The armour of righteousness is needed on both the right and on the left hand. As to the volume before us, we quite agree with the author in his conclusions: "That the religion of the Bible is from God, and divinely adapted to produce the greatest present and eternal spiritual good of the human family:" and that "the demonstration is conclusive, that it is the only religion possible for man, in order to perfect his nature, and restore his lapsed powers to harmony and holiness." History of the Church of Scotland, from the Introduction of Christianity, to the Period of the Disruption. By the Rev. W. M. Hetherington, A.M., Torpichen. Royal 8vo. pp. 304. Groombridge. This is one of the most important publications of the day; and we are glad to see it has reached a third edition. We noticed it when it first appeared, and have therefore now only to announce the present edition, and repeat our recommendation of a work, which constitutes one of the most valuable chapters, in the English language, of general ecclesiastical history. A Tract for these Times. A Plea for the Sufficiency of the Scriptures, and the Right of Private Judgment, viewed with reference to national Education, and the present Crisis of religious Freedom. By J. C. Gallaway, A.M. 12mo. pp. 38. T. Ward.-A tract evidently written for local circulation, and arguing the controverted subjects on the principles of rigid Dissent, and even Congregationalism. We say this, not as detracting from the value of the writer's arguments, but as pointing out their character. Many of these smaller tracts, in the present controversial period, may be well calculated to meet some local or temporary exigency, without having any particular claims for more extended notice. We put the tract before us into this class. Second Sabbath-Evening Readings. Series. By the Rev. Denis Kelly, M.A., Minister of Trinity Church, St. Bride's, London, and Author of "Practical Sermons," &c. 12mo. pp. xii, 312. Edwards and Hughes.-We do not think the volume which is now on our table equal to that which it was our duty to bring before our readers a short time ago. The present work bears marks of great haste, want of proper preparation, and a wish to make up the number of "readings" for fifty-two Sab. baths; instead of providing that which was necessary for the edification of the church of God. The volume is tame, jejune, and destitute of that full and faithful exhibition of evangelical doctrine, which is so important to be declared in this day of rebuke and blasphemy. The witness of the Spirit of God, assuring the believer of his part in the atonement of Christ, and |