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(c) Six guineas in respect of each teacher holding a third-class such certificate;

(d) Six pounds in respect of each pupil teacher holding a first-class pupil teacher's certificate granted to such pupil teacher by the Board;

(e) Five pounds in respect of each pupil teacher holding a second-class such certificate; and

(f) Four pounds in respect of each pupil teacher holding a third-class such certificate;

Provided that

(i.) No grant shall be made in respect of any pupil teacher in aid of any school at which there shall be an average attendance of less than sixty pupils; and

(ii.) In the case of every school at which there shall be an average attendance of upwards of sixty pupils, no grant shall be made in respect of more pupil teachers than one to every twentyfive or odd fraction of twenty-five pupils attending on an average beyond sixty.

48. In the case of infant schools the Board may, in lieu of making any grant under the preceding Rules, or any of them, grant four shillings a head upon the average attendance in aid of every school reported as fair by the Inspector, five shillings a head upon the average attendance in aid of every school reported as good by the Inspector, and six shillings a head upon the average attendance in aid of every school reported as excellent by the Inspector;

Provided that this Rule, when applied, shall be applied to all infant schools.

49. The Board may make, in aid of any industrial school, in addition to other grants, a grant of any sum not exceeding twenty-five shillings in respect of each pupil receiving industrial instruction (that is to say, devoting at the least ten hours a week to manual labour, as defined in Section 3 of the Ordinance) at the school.

50. In the case of schools situate in sparsely-populated districts the Board may, upon the recommendation of the Inspector, made after a visit paid to any school, increase all or any grants or grant made under the preceding Rules, or any of them, in aid of such school by any sum not exceeding twentyfive per cent. of the amount of such grants or grant.

51. The Board may make special grants of sums not exceeding fifteen pounds, ten pounds and five pounds respectively in aid of the three schools at which it shall consider that the most thorough and practical work is done. 52. In the case of newly-established schools the Board may grant in aid of any school

(a) Any sum not exceeding forty pounds, and not exceeding one-half of the cost of the buildings, furniture, books and apparatus of the school upon the amount of such cost being proved by the managers by means of vouchers or otherwise to the satisfaction of the Board; and (b) Upon the recommendation of the Inspector, made after a visit paid to the school an allowance at any rate not exceeding one pound a month as from any date not antecedent to the first opening of the school until the conclusion of the next examination of schools to be held under the Board Rules after such opening.

53. The Board may grant in aid of any school a sum not exceeding twenty pounds, and not exceeding one-half of the amount shown by the managers of such school by means of vouchers or otherwise to the satisfaction of the Board to have been expended during the preceding year upon the increase

improvement and maintenance of the buildings, furniture, books and apparatus of the school.

54. The Board may grant in aid of any school any sum not exceeding one pound in respect of books supplied to any pupil teacher certified by the Inspector as being properly employed at such school.

55. The Board may award under such conditions as it shall determine by resolution prizes not exceeding in the whole ten pounds in amount or value to individual pupils for special proficiency in particular subjects;

Provided that not less than one-half in amount and value of the total awards made in any year under this Rule shall be attributed to proficiency in needlework.

VIII.-Payment of such grants.

56. Payments in respect of grants made by the Board in aid of schools shall be made to the managers of the schools in aid of which such grants shall have been made.

57. Subject to any directions to the contrary that may be given by the Board, grant moneys voted by the Board shall be paid early in the beginning of each month in monthly instalments proportionate to the periods in respect of which such grant-moneys were voted.

Provided that payment of such grant-moneys, or of any part thereof, may be withheld where a school shall have ceased to exist or a teacher or pupil teacher shall have been dismissed from or have resigned his office.

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IX.-Application of such grants.

58.-(1) Subject as hereinafter mentioned, all moneys paid to the managers of any school on account of any grant made under Number 47 of these Rules shall by them be paid to the teacher or pupil teacher in respect of whom such grant was made.

(2) All moneys paid to managers on account of any grant made under Number 52 (a), Number 53 or Number 54 of these Rules shall be applied in reimbursement of the expenditure in respect of which such grant was made.

(3) All moneys paid to managers in respect of awards made under Number 55 of these Rules shall be paid by them to the pupils in respect of whose proficiency in particular subjects such awards were made.

(4) Subject as hereinafter mentioned, all moneys paid to the managers of any school on account of any grant made under any of the foregoing Rules other than Numbers 47, 52 (a), 53, 54, and 55 shall be applied in such manner as the Board may direct and subject to any direction of the Board, or, in the absence of any such direction, such moneys shall be applied to increasing the remuneration of the teachers of such school.

(5) Where there shall have been a change of teachers or pupil teachers, the Board may make such disposition or dispositions with regard to apportionment of moneys coming within Paragraph 1 or Paragraph 4 of this Rule, or otherwise as shall seem to it to be just under the circumstances, and every such disposition hereunder made shall be binding upon managers.

X.-Assisted schools.

59. Numbers 15 and 17 of these Rules shall apply to assisted schools.


60. The Board of Education may grant to any child of good character who shall have attended a primary school in the Colony for two years at the least, and who shall have passed a creditable examination in Standard VI., a scholarship of ten pounds a year to enable such child to attend a secondary school or secondary schools, whether in the Colony or elsewhere;

Provided that no such scholarship shall be granted for any longer period than four years, and that the amount to be payable in respect of such scholarships shall not in any one year exceed fifty pounds;

Provided also that the Board shall not award scholarships to children of well-to-do persons.

61. Whenever the number of eligible candidates for such scholarships shall exceed the number of scholarships to be granted, the claims of such candidates shall be decided by examination.

62. Every such scholarship shall be tenable only so long as the holder thereof shall attend a secondary school, and remain of good behaviour, and the Board may at any time withdraw or suspend any such scholarship without assigning any reason for so doing.

XII.-Duties of Education Officers.

63. Besides performing the duties specifically or otherwise assigned to him by the Ordinance and the foregoing Rules, the Inspector of Schools shall

(1.) In or before the month of November in every year furnish to the Colonial Secretary estimates of expenditure under the Ordinance and Board Rules for the following year;

(2.) Pay frequent surprise visits to schools, record the time and results of every such visit in the visitors' book of the school visited, and in the first quarter of every year report to the Board, in writing, upon all surprise visits paid by him to schools during the previous


(3.) Report to the Board in writing all matters whatsoever which it shall be expedient for the Board to know in order to give full effect to the Ordinance and Board Rules; and

(4.) Subject to the Ordinance and Board Rules, at all times act in accordance with any directions that he may have received from the Board.

64. All other Education Officers shall act according to the directions of the Board and subject to any such directions, or in the absence of any such directions according to the directions of the Inspector.


65. Every manager and every person authorised with the approval of the Board to act on behalf of any manager of a school may be deemed to be a representative under the Board Rules of the managers of such school.

66. A copy or copies of the Board Rules shall be displayed in a prominent position in every school


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