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As there is some truth in the following complaint-we have suffered our correspondent to state it in his own quaint and amusing way :

October 24.

cant to say so:-it is cant or ignorance to say, as some have done, that she can do without it. Scientific men have invented terms accordingly, framed on the common rule. But why does it happen that the phrase of science, built wholly by an aristocracy among men, should be of all others most absurd and cumbersome?

Some years ago the use of alligators was Two reasons suggest themselves. First, does it announced-Each of them contains, be the same not often happen that those who have devoted their more or less, of oil one barrel-full. The teaching lives to the pursuit of facts contract a contempt for of science is a pleasant stream, particularly full of fancy? Apt to discover, they are totally unable to alligators. Sigillaria, Lepidodendra-with such invent. Such men have done vast good in their names is a past creation rebaptized by our scien- generation. They have created among us inteltific god-fathers; and for the poor creatures of to- lectual light-but are they not also answerable for day, Lamprogena pulchella, Asterotrichion Ble- a little darkness? Then, too, as an appendix to pharanthemum, or Chamedoria Nunnezharia, are this suggestion, it might be added that the same examples of style and title. Five syllables or motives which impel one man to call his mud-boots none; while our own darling English asks not so Antigropelos, and another to convert braces into many letters-pine, oak, elm, yew-with which to Kalomorphoplastics, are not inert in their operation mark the living children of the forest. Ichthyosau- upon mortals of a higher class. The man of rus, Megalotherium-here are fine animals: while literature labels his book with some title often mother English is quite happy with two letters for an elaborated carefully to catch the passing eye: after ox-and in honor to the feminine gender adds but the same plan is it that the man of science labels one more to make it cow. Man, bull, cat, mouse, his discovery-happy if, at the expense of a new frog, toad-dear mother English, be not yet cast crop of dogs' ears, his lexicon yields to him some down!" An ass in cloth of gold is but an ass.' name, Greek and sonorous, which he trusts will Megalotherium is a disheartening fellow-but he almost by its own power win for him the respect only means "big beasts." There is no barrel of and attention of the wise. oil in that alligator :-barely a pipkinful. As for the mystic elements-Oxygen is nothing more rare than a chemical Xantippe, mother of sharpness and Bromine is but the father of stink. May I, then, venture the profane conviction that one half at least of our scientific nomenclature is no better


A cheat which scholars put upon
Other men's reason and their own?

This is

There is a second reason, however, for the cumbrousness of scientific language, which appears more worthy of attention. If we observe among the nations the results at which language-makers have, perhaps instinctively, arrived, we shall find this rule of tolerably extensive application :-that words are short very much in proportion to their frequency of use. In some cases this may be because, being more often upon the tongue, they Dare I venture to hint that they make fine are more liable to suffer the contracting process; words much after the manner of that precocious but in whatever manner we have arrived at the son of a discerning bricklayer who, according to result, certain it is that those nouns and adjectives, Sir Kenelm Digby, came home from school and those verbs and expressive particles, which are of told his father that Bredibus was the Latin for perpetual recurrence, rarely overstep two syllables, bread, and that the Latin for beer was Beeribus-and are most commonly confined to one. and continued thus in his endeavor to delude him, not fanciful :-but it may be fanciful to carry out until that fond parent, 66 apprehending that the the proposition further still. To suggest that mysteries his son had learnt deserved not the among the trees, for example, those which are expense of keeping him at school, bade him put off most common to our lips are almost all one-sylimmediately his Hosibus and Shoosibus, and fall to labled-as oak, elm, beech, fir, ash, yew, and the his old trade of treading Mortaribus?" greater number of the fruit-trees; that those of two syllables include for the most part objects of less frequent speech-as, poplar, willow, chestnut ; three syllables carry us a little further-among sycamore and horse-chestnut; and another syllable brings us into the society of such dainty exclusives as rhododendron and laurustinus. This accidental result of the tendency of language to shorten all words in familiar use might be illustrated also among the animals by which we are surrounded. Nature in the days of Torricelli used to abhor a vacuum:-now the jaws of man object to being perpetually filled with nuts. Man was given an omnibus to ride in-and he calls it a bus. He was provided with street cabriolets-and he called them cabs. If it so happened that the name of horse was hippopotamus, it would be potmus in a month, and pots before a year was over.

Revenons à nos-Alligators. The chief cause of the great space which scientific words are suffered to consume consists in a desire to construct names which shall describe as well as designate an object. Thus, a possession common to many families of men, a night-cap, apt at a certain spot to wear into a hole, is ascribed by the imagination of human science in an especial manner to one family of plants, under the name of a Dimidiate Calyptra; and thus, again, a class of Mollusca parallel with the young imitators of Lord Byron's toilet are called Nudibranchiate, from their naked gills. And it is for the sake of these meanings that repulsive terms are cherished! It is for the sake of this oil that we nourish alligators!-Now, it is to be granted that there is no language which does not build upon the same foundation. In every case the name of an object sprang first from a rude attempt at terse description. This is the source of language; first, sounds are imitated-then we translate sight into sound, (as Locke's famous blind man did who thought that scarlet color was like the sound of the trumpet,) and on that foundation build descriptive compounds. Science, to be exact, must have a language of her own. It is not

Now, do we not trace here the origin of a great flaw in Scientific Nomenclature? Terms and phrases which must of necessity recur in almost every page, are all built alike on a colossal scale. This language is a chess-board with all the pieces kings. There is no flow in scientific speech :-it crawls or marches. It is a stream, all fish, and without water. It is a grand march of alligators,

forcing each other down some stony channel-not | jacket. He rubbed his hands continually; his a river in which alligators swim.

eyes twinkled, and he seemed to abandon himself entirely to the merry humor of the moment.

A few words had hardly passed before the curtain was gently pushed aside. The lady, like a timid fawn, peeped in then, closing the curtain, advanced a few steps into the room, watching the eye of her husband, who, without rising, half laughing, yet half commanding, beckoned her to a seat on the divan, while we-our hands on Our bosoms in the oriental fashion-bent respectfully as she came forward and placed herself between the old Mollah and Mr. Farren. Speaking Arabic well, the latter was enabled to commence a conversation, in which, after some slight hesitation at this first introduction to mixed society, the lady appeared to bear her part with much ease and vivacity. This delighted her husband, who could

The fame of scientific men would be more justly grounded, it would be less a matter of courtesy and tradition which the mass take for granted, if the general public could be admitted to at least a part appreciation of the honors which they deserve. A dry style and an unwieldy language shriek out now their "Procul ite profani"-but this need not be. For much longer time this cannot, indeed, continue. The likes and dislikes of that little unruly member which "no man can tame," must be consulted. For want of this respect to the Tongue's old prejudices, the noblest pictures of the human mind are already too much obscured from an unpractised eye. The dust of ages, with all its disadvantages, it would indeed he unwise now to submit to dilettante picture-cleaners-but we may at least preserve from like disfigurement the works which are to be pro-hardly help expressing his satisfaction by laughing duced in time to come-Athenæum.


MR. BARTLETT, the English artistic traveller, who has so well illustrated with pen and pencil the scenery of Jerusalem, and the desert through which the Israelites passed, gives in his "Nile Boat" the following curious proof that the ancient customs of the east are giving way. It occurred in Damascus.-Chronotype.

Some of the higher illuminati showed a secret pleasure in evincing their emancipation from the prejudices of their forefathers. Of this class principally were the visitors to the consul's house. was on one occasion engaged in drawing the costume of a native female servant, when a man of some distinction entered, a Mollah of high descent-claiming as his ancestor no less a personage than the father of Ayesha, the favorite wife of the prophet himself. His demeanor was accordingly grave and dignified; and, as I afterwards remarked, he was saluted in the streets with singular respect. His amusement was extremely great as he saw the girl's figure rapidly transferred to paper; he smiled, from time to time, as if occupied with some pleasant idea, of which at length he delivered himself, expressing his wish, to our infinite surprise, that I should come to his house in company with the consul, and take a drawing of his favorite wife. It may be supposed that so singular an invitation, one so opposed to every Mussulman prejudice, and even established custom, much amazed and excited us.

At the appointed hour we repaired to the old Mollah's abode. Externally, unlike the houses in Cairo, it presented nothing but a long dark wall upon the side of a narrow, dirty lane; within, however, everything bore testimony to the wealth and luxury of its owner.. The saloon into which we were ushered was spacious and splendid; marble-paved, with a bubbling fountain in the midst, and a roof supported on wooden beams highly enriched and gilt in the Arabesque fashion. A large door, across which was slung a heavy leathern curtain, which could be unclosed and shut at pleasure, similar to that adopted in Catholic churches in Italy, opened on the court, from which another communicated with the mysterious apartments of the harem. We seated ourselves on the divan. Our host shortly entered, smiling at his own thoughts, as before. He doffed his turban and pelisse, retaining only his red cap and silk

outright, so proud was he of the talent of his wife, and so tickled with the novelty of the whole affair.

While this was going forward, I observed that the curtain of the door was drawn aside by a white hand, but so gently as not at first to attract the attention of the Mollah, and a very lovely face, with all the excitement of trembling curiosity in its laughing black eyes, peered into the apartment: then another, and another, till some half-dozen were looking over one another's shoulders, furtively glancing at the Giaour in the most earnest silence, and peeping edgeway at the old fellow to see if they were noticed. Emboldened by this impunity, and provoked by the ludicrous seriousness of our visages, they began to criticize the Giaour freely, tittering, whispering, and comparing notes so loudly, that the noise attracted the attention of the old man, who turned' round his head, when the curtain instantly popped too, and all again was silent.

But ere long these lively children of a larger growth, impelled by irresistible curiosity, returned again to their station. Their remarks were now hardly restrained within a whisper, and they chatted and laughed with a total defiance of decorum. The favorite bit her lips and looked every inch a sultana at this intolerable interruption; whereupon the old man gravely arose and drove them back into the harem, as some old pedagogue would a bevy of noisy romps.

Delivered from this interruption, the lady, at a sign from her liege lord, proceeded to assume the pose required for the drawing. She assumed for the occasion her richest adornments; her oval head-dress was of mingled flowers and pearls, her large close-fitting robe, open at the sleeves, and half way down the figure, was of striped silk; a splendid shawl was wreathed gracefully around the loins, and a rich sort of jacket was thrown over the rest of her attire. Her feet were thrust into embroidered slippers, but the elegance of her gait was impaired by her walking on a sort of large ornamented pattens some inches from the ground. It may be supposed that I did not keep the lady standing longer than was necessary.

When I had finished, our host, with a smile of peculiar significance, directed her attention to a small carved cupboard, ornamented with pearl, from which she proceeded to draw forth-mirabile dictu!-a glass vessel containing that particular liquor forbidden to the faithful, and pouring it out in glasses, handed it to us all, then, at her husband's suggestion, helped herself; and, as we pledged each other, the exhilaration of our pious Mussulman entertainer seemed to know no bounds.

From the Examiner, of 8 Dec. WHAT WE HAVE NOT DONE, AND WHAT MR.


A PARTISAN of Mr. Phillips twits us with the "significant fact" that we carefully abstained from alluding to Mr. Warren in our remarks a fortnight back. This omission is remedied below.

Another of our omissions has greatly grieved the Standard. We were to have defended ourselves at the expense of the reporters. But, exclaimed the Standard, triumphantly, "The universal scapegoats, the reporters, cannot be charged with the invention of the calumny." Miserable and malignant libellers that we were, the outlet commonly open to the worst offenders was remorsely shut against us. Mr. Phillips himself vouched for the accuracy of the Times, and for us there was nothing but to accept even the word of Mr. Phillips.

Perforce accepting, then, this frail voucher, and submissively turning to the "giant of the press, who can make and unmake reputations," we found enough in its damning report to unmake fifty reputations less crazy than Mr. Phillips'. Hereupon, up start half a dozen wigged letter-writers to declare they were present at the trial, and don't believe a word of the Times' report that makes against their friend, and Mr. Phillips claps their letters into a pamphlet to annihilate "an obscure journalist's" abominable libels. Call you this backing your giant of the press?

If the Times is to be believed, Mr. Phillips, to screen a murderer, with whose guilt he was acquainted, threw suspicions of the guilt upon the innocent, invoked to a falsehood the name of the omniscient God, grossly slandered a woman for the performance of a sacred duty, and accused the police officers of a "bloodhound" conspiracy to convict an innocent man for the money they would get by it. But if Mr. Richard Garde, barristerat-law, is to be believed "upon his honor as a gentleman, and, what he considers far greater, his faith and word as a Christian," Mr. Phillips cast no guilt upon anybody, nor did he in the least depart from the strict rules of honor and truth; and Mr. Garde particularly claims credit for his memory in the matter because of "the evident interposition of Divine Providence which brought the guilty to punishment"-in other words, because of the critical arrival of Madame Piolaine to undergo the slander of Mr. Phillips. In like manner Mr. James Espinasse, Recorder of Rochester and Judge of the Kent County Court, deposes that Mr. Phillips kept scrupulously within the bounds of propriety; Mr. M. Fortescue protests that Mr. Phillips did not utter a word to justify the imputations cast upon him; and Mr. Clarkson, as befits his impartial position in the affair, entirely and cordially confirms every statement in Mr. Phillips' letter.

These communications are so dated as to indi cate the possibility of the writers' having seen the article in the Examiner of the 24th, though allu

sion to it is evaded; and we have ourselves received a letter from a barrister of the northern circuit, expressing strong approval of what we have said as to the license of counsel, but demurring to our inculpation of Mr. Phillips on the faith of an uncorroborated Times' report:

The report of Mr. Phillips' speech from which you quote, seems to me to have been made by a gentleman who was not a short-hand writer, or who, being a short-hand writer, was desirous of abridging the report of the speech. It is written in the third, not in the first person. The reporter is the speaker, not Mr. Phillips. He narrates what he (Mr. Phillips) said. He was, in changing the mode of expression from the first to the third perthe exact words of the speaker; and if he either son, necessarily compelled to vary his report from was a reporter who took his notes in long hand, or was desirous of condensing the report, it is highly probable that Mr. Phillips' words were not literally taken down; and it is quite obvious that a very slight transposition of words might alter the sense most materially.

We quoted the report indorsed by Mr. Phillips himself as a faithful one; but thus appealed to, and sensible how little worth was the learned gentleman's authority, we have thought it right to ascertain if the reports of the other morning papers suggest any better case for Mr. Phillips, or in any respect tend to confirm what he now brings his friends to depose to. And, first, for a few words of explanation upon two points in the evidence of the police at the trial.

The prisoner's trunk was twice searched after suspicion had fallen upon him, and, during the interval of a week between these examinations, had been left in the custody of the police. A pair of gloves very slightly marked with blood, which had not been detected at the first search, fell from the enclosure of a shirt when the trunk was examined the second time; and there was no reason to doubt, as the judge's charge suggested, that, if the shirt had been shaken on the first occasion, as it was on the second, the gloves would then have been discovered. But, one way or the other, the fact was of the smallest possible importance, the bloody marks upon the gloves, and upon two handkerchiefs which were found with them, being hardly discernible; and any such revolting suggestion as that the police had so stained them with blood of their own procuring, the chief justice quietly disposed of by remarking, that if such had been the design it must have been more successfully effected. The other circumstance to be premised is, that one of the constables, Baldwin, contradicted himself as to his personal knowledge of the reward for the discovery of the murderer. Confused and terrified under a long and bullying crossexamination, this uneducated man, ignorant and unable to read, fell into a confusion between denying that he had read the government offer of the reward placarded in the streets, and admitting that he had heard it read at the station-house. Upon these two facts, which we have thus simply stated, was to be built the entire superstructure of alleged

ship? She saw no stains of blood about the house, she suspect that anything had happened to his lordand why therefore should she suspect that his lordship was not safe? Courvoisier and all the other inmates of the house were safe, and why should she have suspected that her master had been injured?

conspiracy between the police and the maid-ser- | as very extraordinary. If she had said, "Let us go vants. Fresh from a careful reading of the case, and tell my lord that the house is plundered"-it we distinetly affirm that every part of the evidence would have appeared different. But why should of Sarah Mancer, and, with the single exception of Baldwin, of every member of the police, was upon the face of it honest and irrefragable testimony; and it is a matter of amazement to us, that the poor women-servants could have retained so consistent an impression as their evidence conveyed, of the frightful terrors they had undergone. We have now compared the report of the Times with those of the Chronicle and Herald, (the Post's report was that of the Herald, with a few unimportant printer's deviations,) and are in a position to state that they confirm, in a remarkable manner, every imputation against Mr. Phillips' speech, and only differ in the large additions they make to its profanity, its wickedness, and its falsehood.


[ocr errors]

The language employed against the police appears also in ranker luxuriance in the Herald than in the Times. "A gang of villains, tempted by the 450l. reward," is the mildest description vouchsafed to them. They are "ruffians" tampering with every point of evidence "to fasten guilt on the wretched man at the bar." Their hands are fangs." They do nothing that is not a foul machination." 'My learned friend asks who murdered his lordship? I ask who put the bloody The key-note of the oration is struck in the first gloves and the bloody handkerchiefs into the box of few lines. The jury, according to the Times, are the prisoner? I say openly and fearlessly, that told that the orator will demonstrate, not only the articles were placed there by some of the police, that there is nothing on which they can safely for reasons best known to themselves." So far the convict Courvoisier, but that there is a good deal Herald. The Chronicle goes further. The powhich might make them suspect that he had lice are "miscreants" laboring to "condemn and been made the victim of an unjust and depraved damn" the prisoner, whose box has been left purconspiracy;" or, according to the Chronicle," that posely accessible to the "whole gang" and to the he is sought to be made the victim of the greatest maid-servants. The wretches who hid the gloves depravity." This was what Mr. Phillips under- in the prisoner's box, are wretches who had an took to put before the jury, and did put before equally good opportunity of concealing the artithem. Proceeding strictly upon the Brougham cles in the prisoner's pantry. In other words, as canon, and regardless of the alarm, the suffering, the chief justice stated it to the jury, the police the torment, the destruction he might bring upon must in that case have removed and concealed these others, he denounced the police and the women- articles (which had been in their place late on the servants, throughout, as fellow-conspirators against night before the murder) at the very instant of the life of his client. Such a charge might also their discovery of the crime, and before suspicion be so stated as to involve what would infinitely had fallen anywhere. "Who put the gloves in strengthen it; and this he did not omit. Imputa- the box?" asks Mr. Phillips repeatedly. "I tions of a knowledge of the murder previous to told you before, that there was evidence to induce Courvoisier's knowledge of it, were levelled at a supposition that this man is sought to be made the servant girl who had passed the terrible night the victim of a foul contrivance. of its commission near the bedroom of the victim; gloves got into his box. and these the jury were left to couple with that cross-examination before the confession which Mr. Phillips now palliates on the ground of his client's supposed innocence, but of which his client's confessed guilt nevertheless received all the advan


Heretofore we have given these revolting imputations from the report in the Times. What we shall now quote is from the Herald; and the barrister of the northern circuit will be glad to learn, not only that the Herald's report is in the first person, but that it is throughout more full than that of his contemporaries, and has every appearance of verbatim accuracy.

Tell me how the
Who put

these things into the trunk, I ask, and for what purpose were they put there? Was it anything but an act of justice to the man WHOM, I SAY, THE CONSPIRATORS SEEK TO MURDER, that this box should have been locked up and sealed?"

It was the same at every step of the evidence. Everything was wrested and perverted to the foul work in hand. A very respectable man, named Pearce, a police inspector, to whose character and evidence the chief justice was careful to bear testimony in his charge, admitted that on the sudden discovery of the articles concealed by Courvoisier he had shown them to the latter, and asked him if he now "dared look him in the face." Mr. Phil

lips seized upon this as a proof of intimidation. "MERCIFUL GOD, gentlemen!" says the report in the Herald," was this an expression to be used by an officer of justice to an unfortunate man?" The inspector is denounced as an 'inquisitorial ruffian," who "browbeats" and "bullies" for his share of the plunder. "Yes, gentlemen of the


Now the first imputation cast upon this man was the agitation he displayed. Let us try this by the test of our own hearts and consciences. Here he is, having seen his master perhaps in a state of repose, and in the morning he is alarmed by the housemaid, who was up before him, with an outery of robbery, and some dark, mysterious_suggestions "Let us go," of murder having been committed. said she, "and see where my lord is." Gentle- jury, the money is to be divided upon the coffin of men, I must confess that that expression struck me my unfortunate client should you pronounce him

guilty, and Mr. Inspector Pearce and the rest of
the police myrmidons, will, when they receive
their respective shares, write the receipt in the
blood of the prisoner." Incredible as are these
expressions in the report of the Herald, they are
more than confirmed in that of the Chronicle,
which represents Mr. Phillips deploring, in deep
pathos, the return of the days of" blood-money,"
and denouncing the crime of the government
reward (which he attributes to a desire of Lord
John Russell to avenge his relative's death) as
having "induced men to compass the death of their
fellow-creature." Both reports unite in affixing
such epithets as miscreant bloodhound" to the
constable Baldwin, and in applying his solitary
self-contradiction to the "whole villanous gang.
"Er uno disce omnes," exclaims the conscien-


life and death is in your hands. To you It is GIVEN TO CONSIGN THAT MAN ONCE MORE TO THE ENJOYMENTS OF EXISTENCE AND THE DIGNITY OF FREEDOM, or to send him to an ignominious death, to brand upon his grave the awful epithet of murderer. Gentlemen, mine has been a painful and an awful task; but still more awful is the responsibility attached to the decision upon the general fact or circumstances of the case. To violate the living temple which the Lord hath made to quench the fire within his breast, is an awful and a terrible responsibility; and the decision of guilty once pronounced, let me remind you, is irrevocable. Speak not that word lightly-speak it not on supposition, however strong-upon conviction, however apparently well grounded-upon inference-upon doubt -nor upon anything but the broad, clear, irresistible noonday conviction of the truth of what is alleged. I speak to you as a friend, as a fellowChristian, and I tell you, that if you do not act in the spirit which I have called upon you to do, THAT THE DEED OF TO-DAY WILL NEVER DIE WITHIN YOU. If you should pronounce your decision without that deep and profound consideration of its awful import, the error which you have fallen into WILL PURSUE YOU WITH REMORSE TO THE LATEST PERIOD OF YOUR EXISTENCE, AND STAND AGAINST OF YOUR GOD. SO BEWARE WHAT YOU DO.

tious advocate.

The blasphemous invocations to the Deity are less frequent in the Chronicle report than in that of the Herald; but in both they are sufficiently rife. "THE GOD ABOVE ALONE KNOWS WHO IS GUILTY OF THE TERRIBLE ACT of which the prisoner stands accused," is one of many similar expressions in the Herald report; and the suggestion of the minor guilt of robbery thrown out to meet that evidence of Madame Piolaine which no amount of personal slander could shake or evade, is here accompanied with language more disgustingly profane than we had found even in the Times. "You are asked," says this advocate, whom the pious Mr. Garde so much admires,


Now let the reader pause a little to consider that the man in whose behalf this passionate and profane appeal was uttered, was known to the man who uttered it to have murdered a venerable nobleman as he lay sleeping in his bed. Let him reflect that all the pains and profligacy of assertion which our extracts have disclosed, involving the

66 restore

to find the prisoner guilty of the crime upon circumstantial evidence. Are there then no circum-innocent in fearful suspicions, damaging the charstances against other parties in connection with this acter of honest witnesses, destroying the efficase? You are to recollect that if you find this ciency of public officers, and lessening every social man guilty you doom him to death upon mere cir- safeguard against the immunity of crime, had for cumstantial evidence. I shall be able to show you its avowed object nothing less than to by and by that you can WITHOUT PUTTING YOUR SOULS TO ANY HAZARD find him guilty of an offence by which he will be liable to punishment little short of that to which he would be consigned even if he were found guilty of the dreadful crime of murder, and this you may do WITHOUT HAZARD


Does Mr. Richard Garde, meek Christian that he is, think such language as this is to be approved without "hazard to his salvation?" A letter from the holy man to the Examiner on this point would be really much more edifying than his recent letter to Mr. Phillips.

The foul case we have thus doubly and trebly established is not capable of further addition; but the friends who have admired the speech for its "powerful and eloquent appeal to the heart and judgment of the jury, affecting, in a most wonderful manner, all who heard it, particularly the educated," would doubtless charge us with a wicked suppression if we omitted its affecting peroration. Here it is, then, from the Herald.

And now, gentlemen, having travelled through this case of mystery and darkness, my anxious and painful duty is ended. But, gentlemen, yours is about to commence, and I can only say, the Almighty God guide you to a just conclusion. The issue of

once more to the enjoyments of existence and the dignity of freedom" a confessed and cowardly assassin. Let him not forget, at the same time, that this speech had been bought and paid for; and after his best judgment let him say who was the bloodhound in the case, and what was the bloodmoney.

Such devotion to the client as this has no parallel in any other relations of man and man; and the bond of it is a bit of gold, buying off, if need be, truth, honor, humanity.

I ask not, I care not, if guilt's in thy heart,

I know that thou fee'd me, whatever thou art! Yet there was a moment when Mr. Phillips, forgetting the highest duties of an advocate, had thought of throwing up his brief, and of throwing up much beautiful bombast along with it. Naturally it was a moment of great horror to the orator. It struck him dumb. His client had committed a double assassination; he had not only murdered his master, but worse, he had murdered also, by his inopportune confession, his counsel's prepared speech.

How many aspiring flights must be modified at last! how many appeals and protes tations reduced from the affirmative to the negative.

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