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With a gesture of command, Waved his hand;

And at the word,

Loud and sudden there was heard,
All around them and below,

The sound of hammers, blow on blow,
Knocking away the shores and spurs.
And see! she stirs !

She starts, she moves,-she seems to feel
The thrill of life along her keel;
And, spurning with her foot the ground,
With one exulting, joyous bound,
She leaps into the ocean's arms!
And lo! from the assembled crowd
There rose a shout prolonged and loud,
That to the ocean seemed to say,-
"Take her, O bridegroom, old and gray,
Take her to thy protecting arms,
With all her youth and all her charms!"
How beautiful she is! How fair
She lies within those arms, that press
Her form with many a soft caress
Of tenderness and watchful care!
Sail forth into the sea, O ship!
Through wind and wave right onward steer!
The moistened eye, the trembling lip,
Are not the signs of doubt or fear.
Sail forth into the sea of life,
O gentle, loving, trusting wife,
And safe from all adversity
Upon the bosom of that sea
Thy comings and thy goings be!
For gentleness and love and trust
Prevail o'er angry wave and gust;
And in the wreck of noble lives
Something immortal still survives!
Thou, too, sail on, O Ship of State!
Sail on, Ó UNION, strong and great!
Humanity, with all its fears,

With all the hopes of future years,
Is hanging breathless on thy fate!
We know what master laid thy keel,
What workmen wrought thy ribs of steel,
Who made each mast, and sail, and rope,
What anvils rang, what hammers beat,
In what a forge and what a heat
Were shaped the anchors of thy hope!
Fear not each sudden sound and shock,
'Tis of the wave and not the rock:
'Tis but the flapping of the sail,
And not a rent made by the gale!
In spite of rock and tempest roar-
In spite of false lights on the shore-
Sail on, nor fear to breast the sea!
Our hearts, our hopes, are all with thee,
Our hearts, our hopes, our prayers, our tears,
Our faith triumphant o'er our fears,

Are all with thee-are all with thee!


Kaloolah; or Journeyings to the Djebel Kumri. An
Autobiography of Jonathan Romer. Edited by
W. S. Mayo, M. D. New York: G. P. Put-


|Dodd, James Montgomery, Sir Walter Raleigh, Daniel Defoe, Major Andre, Placido, Selleck Osborn, William Ray, Wm. Lloyd Garrison, and a number from anonymous authors, some of whom are now confined.

It is published not to aid in letting loose felons to prey upon society, but in the holy cause of exciting more kindness to the erring and the vicious, and arousing the comWe have paid a tribute to the powers of the author of munity to a more philosophical and Christian way of "Kaloolah" that we can rarely pay to works of its char-treating the "dangerous classes" of society. Readers, acter and magnitude, even supposing a temptation equally have you not a duty to perform in this respect? strong:-we have read through its more than five hun-The Sea-side and the Fire-side,

dred pages without omission, and with deep and engrossing interest. We have met with no modern work of fic

Longfellow's last collection of poetry, is published by tion that has so entranced us. We apprehend that we Ticknor, Reid & Fields, of Boston. The first and longbetray no secret in saying that Dr. Mayo is not only "re-est poem in this little volume is entitled, "The Building sponsible" as "editor," but is the actual creator and au- of the Ship;" a subject which, notwithstanding its ap thor of the work. He may henceforth claim a first rank parent unpoetical nature, the author treats with as much among the world's writers of fiction, and America may grace of imagery, as if it were a fairy tale, and finds in it be proud to call him her son. The former part of Kaloo- ample matter suggestive of beautiful trains of thought. A lah carries the reader captive by the same irresistible little narrative is interwoven with the description of the charm that is found in the pages of Robinson Crusoe, than construction and launching of the vessel; the daughter of which imperishable work, however, it presents a wider the master-builder is to be married at the same time that and more varied field of adventure; while the latter part the ship is launched. The marriage ceremony is perexpands into scenes of splendor, magnificence and en- formed, and the poem closes in this noble manner: chantment, unsurpassed by those of the Arabian Nights Then the master, Entertainments. This we say advisedly, with the full conviction that the intelligent reader of Kaloolah will coincide with the opinion.

The skill of the pen-artist is quite equal to the exuberance of his imagination and the abundance of his selfcreated materials. While Mr. Romer's adventures amaze us by the rapidity of their occurrence and their increasing wonderfulness-the reader will pardon the coinage of a word-the equiform gradation of incident and character is so skilfully maintained that no incongruity strikes the reader; and what would be marvellous if told alone, becomes probable and is almost expected from the course of the narrative. We could readily suppose Dr. Mayo to be a well-practised and experienced author, so much artistic skill and tact are displayed, from the starting point in Jonathan's career to his marriage with Kaloolah in the regal palace of the Framazugda. Snatches of sentiment, always of a manly and healthy tone, with occasional descriptive and scenic tints, are interwoven with the web of the narrative, but never to the overburdening of the reader's fancy or the abatement of his awakened interest. Kaloolah is indeed a pattern work of fiction.

From this commendation we are sorry to make any deduction. Yet we do so no less in friendly counsel to the author than from higher motives. We disapprove most emphatically of the caricature of a revival of religion introduced in the fifth chapter of the work. It is a blot upon the pages of the book, the more censurable because not necessary to the thread of the narrative; it serves no good purpose, makes an impression unfavorable to the author's temper and candor, apart from its sneering tone, is altogether out of place, and is a blemish in a work like Kaloolah. In future editions, which we feel sure will be demanded, we would advise its entire omission. It is an insult to vast numbers of the community who are at least quite as competent to judge of such matters as is Dr. Mayo.-N. Y. Com. Adv.

The Czar, his Court and People.

We observe that the book hearing this title, from the pen of John S. Maxwell, Esq., of New York, which was published in this country last year, and has now reached the third edition here, has also gone to a second edition in London. It is gratifying to see this proper appreciation abroad of a work which speaks so well for the talent, good sense, and correct observation of one of our young countrymen. It may inform those of our readers who have not yet enjoyed a perusal of this very interesting and instructive book of travels to say, that the author was Secretary of Legation to the United States mission to Russia, under Colonel Todd, and thus obtained and improved peculiar opportunities afforded him for an acquaintance with the great empire of the north.-Nat. Intelligencer.

Voices from Prison: A Selection of Poetry from various Prisoners, written within the cell. Prisoner's Friend Office, Boston.

This is a neat little volume, containing gems of poetry from-villains, reprobates, rascals?-just as you please,

gentlemen, but just hear some of the names: James I., It is sufficient praise to say of the other poems in the Richard I., Mary, Elizabeth, Charles I., Richard III., volume, that they have the author's usual characteristics. Lady Jane Gray-all kings and queens, John Bunyan, Dr.-N. Ý. Evening Post.

The War with Mexico Reviewed. By Abiel Abbot | Circassia; or, a Tour to the Caucasus.
Livermore. Boston: Crosby & Nichols; New
York: C. S. Francis & Co.

By George Leighton Ditson, Esq. New York: Stringer & Townsend.

This work received the premium of five hundred dollars offered by the American Peace Society for the best Review of the Mexican War on the principles of Christianity and enlighted statesmanship. The publication has been delayed by the absence of the author in the West Indies for the benefit of his health, and by the attempt to bring its conclusions down to the present time, some new materials being incorporated, which were procured at the seat of government since the last session of Congress. The work treats of the motives which led to the war, gives an historical sketch of its operations and close, discusses its general effects, describes the horrors of the hospital and battle-field, and concludes with a series of practical reflections suggested by the subject.

Mr. Livermore has evidently made a faithful and accurate study of the cotemporary documents which furnish the materials of this history. He shows a happy talent for the arrangement of details, so as to produce the strongest impression. His style is lucid, nervous and concise. Many of his pictures are drawn with more than ordinary skill. He handles the subject with earnest ness and deep conviction; his pages often glow with eloquent, indignant expostulation; but the general tone is that of sincerity too profound to be rhetorical. The volume is adapted to exert a pure and wholesome influence, and we trust, although it makes its appearance at a late day, it will find a large circulation.-Tribune.

Johnson on American and Foreign Coals.

We have received from the publishers, Taylor & Maury, of this city, a copy of the treatise of Professor Johnson on American and Foreign Coals, which comes to the American reader fraught with a great amount of fresh matter interesting to the arts, to navigation, and to the legislation of the country.

Far the greater part of the coal imported into the United States comes from the neighboring British province of Nova Scotia. It is, therefore, evidently important to all who concern themselves about the coal trade or its regulation, to be minutely informed on the bearings which that trade has upon our own mining interests. The efforts made and the facilities afforded for securing a market in the United States will not fail to be noticed. The facts collected on the spot by an impartial eye-witness may be implicitly relied on by those who seek information. The documents cited speak for themselves on the subject of the effect of American legislation upon the Nova Scotia coal trade.

The comparison of American coals with those of Wales, England, Scotland and Ireland, by means of the report of the British commissioners appointed for testing the latter, wil be found deeply interesting to all consumers of the article. The preface of Professor Johnson sets forth in its true light the vast importance and interest of the subject.

The account of the coal field of North Carolina, with comparative analyses of coals from that and from several western states, will not fail to engage attention.-Repub


The Life of William the Conqueror. By Jacob Abbott. New York: Harper and Brothers. This series of biographies has already attained to a very deserved popularity. The subjects are treated with excellent taste and judgment, and the moral reflections of the author are most sensible and appropriate. The Life of William of Normandy is not inferior in interest to any one that preceded it. The style of Mr. Abbott is generally correct and unaffected. In the present volume, however, there are some defects,-"transpire," for "happen," is not good English. The same may be said of the vulgarism, "very much opposed." The word "incriminate" must puzzle the reader, who will be unable to guess whether it means criminate or the reverse. King Phillip, surely, never told William that his enterprise was "Quixotic," for the Don was not heard of till five hundred years afterwards. These are trifles, but a little care might free the excellent writings of Mr. Abbott from even trifling defects.

We have also received from the press of the Harpers the novel of Sir Edward Graham, or Railway Speculations, by Catharine Sinclair; and Constance Lyndsay, or the Progress of Error, by C. G. H.-Boston Courier.

A handsome volume on an unhackneyed subject. The matter is exceedingly interesting, whether it be the historical sketches, the descriptions of antiquities, of journeys and of places, or those numerous and most graphic delineations of the dress and persons of the far-famed Circassians, of high and low degree. The author trav elled from Genoa to Vienna, thence to Odessa, thence through the Crimea, and thence among all sorts of Cossacks, Tartars, and what not, through various portions of Circassia. The style of the book we cannot approve. It is awkward, and oftentimes tawdry. As an instance, we quote the description of a lady on page 78. Mr. Ditson says: "But what attracted my attention was the bril liancy of the lady's complexion and expression, which the peach, the rose, carnation and the lily, the diamond and the raven's wing, could not in their combined beauty rival." What queer complexion and expression she must have had! There are many just such errors in taste and composition, though few as bad as the sentence cited. We are really sorry to notice such blemishes in this book, for its material is worthy of an unexceptionable dress.— Boston Post.

State Trials of the United States, with References Historical and Political, and Preliminary Notes on the Politics of the Times. By Francis Wharton, Esq. Philadelphia.

We have heard it doubted, among members of "the profession," as the proverbial modesty of its professors too partially terms that of the law, whether faw-books are not without the pale of newspaper criticism. Practically they are so; for when matter becomes absolutely and confessedly unreadable, it generally chooses a more quiet resting-place, and next to a logarithm table or a lawbook itself, it must be conceded that the review of either is rather dull reading for the miscellaneous public. But such is not the case with the book on our table, and for the very simple reason that it is anything but a mere law-book. It is in fact a most important contribution to political history, gathered from sources to which few have had access; and, as to a large and interesting part, from the unpublished files and letter-books of our early statesmen and lawyers.

Mr. Wharton has collected in this volume the government prosecutions of the Washington and Adams administrations, in which the parties that have continued ever since to divide the country, first took their form and impress. The Whiskey Insurrection, the French War of 1798, the Alien and Sedition Laws-things less known than talked of now by the mass of politicians, have their best history in these trials. So, too, the squabbles that gave notoriety to Cobbett, and Callendar, and Cooper and Lyon, and Duane, and a host of occasional patriots beside, and that presaged in so doing the political crisis of 1801, just as the eddies that throw up the dust and leaves are signs of a change in weather; and the graver controversy in the Jonathan Roberts case, in which Chief Justice Marshall first signalized his preeminence as an expounder of constitutional law-the libels against Gen. Hamilton, and his perhaps too unreserved vindicationin a word, all that portion of political history, whether dignified or petty, that preceded the accession of Mr. Jefferson, may be studied in Mr. Wharton's book. For he has not kept himself within the limits of a technical reporter. His "notes" form a large and most instructive portion of the entire work; and these introduce us without reserve to the contemporaneous incidents that illustrate both the controversies and the characters of the times. His preliminary notes especially are full of personal anecdote, and deal very fearlessly with the men whom they characterized. Indeed, there is about this part of the book an impartial frankness in canvassing the several party leaders, that must exempt Mr. Wharton from all suspicion of sectarianism in politics, and that gives therefore to his censures and praises a sort of judicial authority. Few persons, we think, will read them over without being convinced that manifold errors of judgment as well as temper may be fairly imputed to both of the contending parties, while it is equally clear that the men who were the great objects of reciprocating obloquy on the part of each, were eminently patriotic in their objects, and estimable in their lives.

New hands of every young man of the city and of the commonwealth.-Traveller.

Voices from the Press,

Miscellanies. By William R. Williams. York: Published by Edward H. Fletcher. The following notice of this work, of which we have here given the title, is from the pen of a literary friend. Is the title of an octavo volume containing sketches and We had thought of modifying it and making it our own, poems by gentlemen who are or have been practical but a fear that we might spoil what was written with so printers; edited by J. J. Brenton, and published in this much heartiness, caused us to change our intention.-city by Charles B. Norton. Among the persons quoted N. Y. Evening Post. are the editors of this paper, Samuel Woodworth, J. O. "The Rev. Dr. Williams, of the Amity street Baptist Rockwell, Rev. Dr. Croswell, Hon. Horace Greely, BaChurch, this city, a selection from whose miscellaneous yard Taylor, B. Perley Poor, and Wm. H. Burleigh. literary addresses, essays and unpublished sermons, forms Of those who are omitted, we can easily recall a better this handsome octavo of near 400 pages, may very justly catalogue. To begin with the dead, there are Franklin, be termed one of the few brilliant lights not only of his the Bradfords, James Ralph, Isaiah Thomas, Jesse Buel, own, but of the American church. Few men are reputed T. J. Fessenden, Wm. Ray, Wm. L. Stone, Prof. Godmore devoutly consecrated to their profession. Person- dard, William Cox, (author of "Crayon Sketches,") ally, his life is said to be marked for its modesty of de- Willis Gaylord Clark, William Leggett, and the late meanor and entire absence of pretension to learning, and George F. Hopkins, whose fine intellect and honorable that this, moreover, is carried into the discharge of all his character secured for him the warm friendship of Hamilduties as pastor and preacher. Few, however, have given ton, Jay, Morris, John Cotton Smith, and other great richer fruits of great mental power and ripe scholarship. men of the revolutionary age; and whose "Essays on "The press of late has become prolific of the issue of Looming," and "Essays on Astronomy," were papers of works more or less the organs or representatives of the the first order of literary and philosophical merit. His different professions and denominations. This volume, essay on Texas, written before the public dreamed of the aside from this feature, contains much more than is ordi-separation of that province from Mexico, suggested to narily found in such works, of public interest and undeni- Gen. Jackson an important part of his public policy. able literary merit. The Essays on the Conservative He was the first publisher of the Federalist, and was Principle in our Literature, Publications of the Ameri- Noah Webster's partner in establishing the Commercial can Tract Society, The Jesuits as a Missionary Order, Advertiser. He was all his life a frequent and able conand Life and Times of Baxter, are replete with learning, tributor to Lang's Gazette and other New York journals, and may be ranked among the most finished productions and was well known and highly esteemed by the whole of the time. That on the Jesuits has much of the glow fraternity of literature in the country. Of the living, we and comprehensiveness of Macaulay. These addresses may allude to the venerable "Old Man in Specs," Matthew have more of this power than his sermons, though the L. Davis, whose political and historical writings have so latter exhibit the same enthusiasm, the same rich and largely influenced opinions and affairs; Joseph Gales, chastened imagination. His style is strong, brilliant and the able editor of the National Intelligencer, whose digflowing, and has much of that polish which comes only nity and statesmanlike wisdom and virtue have given its from a critical knowledge of the ancient languages and best character to the American press; Dr. John W. Francis, one of the most accomplished men of the age, and a writer of vast resources, variety and eloquence; Hon. Joseph T. Buckingham, one of the most classical writers of the English language, who for nearly half a century has been eminently distinguished in the history of Massachusetts; Isaac Q. Leake, who, we believe, with our esteemed townsman, Gorham A. Worth, established the Albany Argus; Francis Hall, the able senior conductor of the Commercial; Hon. Ellis Lewis, one of the best legal writers of the times, and a very graceful poet and essayist; Hon. John W. Edmonds, also an able jurist, and in all respects a distinguished citizen; Hon. Isaac Hill, whose contributions to the literature of politics are known to all the country; Hon. John M. Niles, who is deserving of applause as a historical and economical writer, as well as for his eloquence in the Senate; Hon. Mr. Cameron, (senator from Pennsylvania,) who has displayed no mean abilities in literature; Hon. Joseph R. Chandler, who writes with a tenderness and humor that would add to the fame of Charles Lamb; Hon. Jacob B. Moore, one of our most careful and sagacious historians; G. G. Foster, the facetious and poetical essayist, whose edition of Shelley, Sketches of New York and its Society, etc., have secured for him a brilliant and enviable reputation; Nathaniel Greene, whose elegant translations and ingenious original tales and essays have been familiar to readers of taste for many years; Wm. Lloyd Garrison, Oliver Johnson, William D. Gallagher, Rev. Dr. McClintock, Rev. C. W. Everest, C. Edwards Lester, Thomas Mackellar, and enough more to fill the roll of a regiment.

classical literature.

"Of these he is said to be an ardent and profound student. He has evidently studied critically, and con amore, the great lights of the past, both those in and out of the church. Some of his best trains of thought, in this volume, are strikingly suggestive. The reader feels as if in communion with a full and glowing mind-one which has ascended the rugged and loftier eminences of solid literature, and having explored the almost illimitable past and far-reaching present, with the clear vision of the devout scholar, is now uttering the truth with sincere earnestness and enthusiasm in the genial and sunny atmosphere below.

"His notes and illustrations of the Dirs Irar, and his abstract from R. D. Englis, Esq., of a work written under the assumed name of Derwent Conway, on the Cazots of France, will be found interesting and valuable."

Turkish Evening Entertainments

Is the name of a volume translated from the Turkish Janguage by John P. Brown, dragoman to the United States legation at Constantinople, and just published by G. P. Putnam. It is, we suppose, the only addition ever made to American literature from any of the modern oriental tongues. It is made up of anecdotes from oriental history and tradition, forming a compilation of somewhat the same nature as those in our language which pass under the name of "Beauties of History," Flowers of History," &c. Some of these anecdotes, aside from what they possess of Eastern peculiarity, are strikingly beautiful, and all of them are related in a characteristic manner. Among the chapters into which they many illustrious literary men, of whom in England we The printing-offices of Europe have also furnished are distributed, is one, entitled "Some Reflections on the may mention Richardson, the author of "Sir Charles Changes of this World;" which, however, is rather nar- Grandison," "Pamela," etc., and in France, Beranger, rative than meditative, the mutations of fortune being the greatest living lyric poet. If the printing-office be illustrated by various examples from Turkish, Arabian judged by the character of its graduates, we know of or Persian history. We should suppose the translator hardly a profession that can dispute with it titles to not to be a skilful writer of English, but he has endeav-eminence. It is among the best schools of knowledge ored, he tells us, to preserve an oriental air in the style, and to make it as much like the original as possible. Taken altogether, it is a curious and entertaining work.

N. Y. Ev. Post.

A few Thoughts for a Young Man. By Horace

and literature, and printing may be justly considered, in itself and its influence upon its professors, one of the liberal professions.-Home Journal.

The Living Authors of America.-First Series. By Thomas Powell. New York: Stringer & Townsend. Boston: Redding & Co. Ticknor, Reed & Fields have this day published, in a neat 18mo form, the admirable lecture delivered before The prime attractions of Mr. Powell's book on the "Livthe Boston Mercantile Library Association, on its 29th ing Authors of England," were the personal anecdotes, anniversary, by Hon. Horace Mann. It should be in the I true or false, which were sown upon its pages, and the quo

tations from meritorious writers, whose works had never been republished in this country. His criticism was poor enough, but his book was readable. And the same general remark will apply to the volume now under notice; but as its subjects are exclusively American, and of course unknown to Mr. Powell, except in print, and as the best efforts of our own writers are as familiar as household words to those who will read any remarks upon them, it follows that the "Living Authors of America" has not to Americans the two points of interest possessed by its predecessor. But it is not with out its readableness, for all that; for it contains a parcel of English anecdotes, which give a zest to quite a number of pages. Some of those narratives, to be sure, are rehashed Joe Millers, while almost all are lugged in by the head and shoulders; but such as they are, there they are, and all Mr. Powell's pomposity, self-conceit and air of condescension, cannot entirely nullify their attraction. Cooper, Emerson, Willis, Poe, Longfellow, Prescott, Bryant, Halleck, Dana, Sparks, Frances S. Osgood, S. Margaret Fuller and C. M. Kirkland are the writers selected as threads for the pearls of Mr. Powell; but as our author promises "more books of the same sort," one must neither frown nor smile at the queer collection of people which form the present party.

The critical portion of the book is a strange jumble of sense and nonsense, independence and servility. In some cases the author has evidently adopted an opinion, because it is the common one, and without any knowledge of his own, while in others he makes himself decidedly ridiculous by praising stuff which everybody laughs at. On the whole, his general views of the leading writers are not far out of the way, but he manages, nevertheless, to write himself an ass, in the details. Thus it is said of Emerson, "Full to overflowing with intellectual appreciation, he is incapable of that embracing reception of impulses which gives to”—guess reader, for your dear life-"to Byron so large a measure of influence and fame." Emerson and Byron named together! Cant in criticism has reached the jumping off place, and must either jump or back out. Why did not Mr. Powell say that a whale is very large, but does not have the trunk of the elephant or the wing of the condor? Again, Mr. Powell really thinks that Willis' "Daughter of Jairus" is not equal to-what, think you?-to Byron's "He who hath bent him o'er the dead," the most beautiful piece of its kind ever written. Again, our author declares "that Mr. Longfellow has thrown by far the greatest part of his poetical treasure into the most thankless of all forms, the hexameter." This assertion is simply untrue, since "Evangeline" is nine tenths, at least, of all the hexameters ever published by Longfellow. Again, it is said of Marco Bozzaris-" the close of this fine poem is worthy of Collins." Indeed! now may Halleck take pride in his work, for Mr. Powell says it is worthy of Collins.

And so the man goes on. Such a thing is better or worse than such another thing by Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron; and then comes a long illustrative extract from these English bards! Mr. Powell does not think that Halleck is the Byron of America. Good gracious! who ever did? Dana is something like Crabbe, with a drop of Wordsworth, a sprinkling of Coleridge, and a dash of Byron. Margaret Fuller is "the George Sand of America." Were we the former lady's husband, we should sue Mr. Powell for defamation of character! The famous last lines of Bryant's "Thanatopsis" are not mentioned at all by our critic, who is the same man that takes pains to point out the same poet's use of the words "doth keep" as "very awkward" and a "verbal defect," and who condemns somebody else in the volume for rhyming "eye" with "high," the sound of the two words being identical, according to Mr. Powell. This last criticism must be a cockney one-in this country, we aspirate in the right place, Mr. P., and are very particular to say "high" and not "igh," as you may do, for all we know. But it was not our intention to give chapter and verse for our opinion of the book in hand-we have been led on and on, and could give fifty such curiosities of literature as have just been cited. But it was our purpose to make a few assertions merely, leaving it to the readers of the volume to adopt or to oppose our opinions.

we object to most is the spirit of the book. We dislike to call a man a hog, a bear, or any other general appellation, for in the family of hogs and bears there may be certain generous, delicate, and polite individuals. But there are cases when one "to do a great right must do a little wrong," and so we say that Mr. Powell writes like an Englishman-he writes as Englishmen generally are known the world over to think, to feel, and to act-pompously, prosingly, condescendingly, and brimful of the most unpleasant self-conceit. Everything American is compared to something English, which is a trifle better. And the comparison seems to be made, not because the better thing happens to be English, but because it is English. To us there is a most unsavory atmosphere about the whole volume, and when we consider its numerous exhibitions of ignorance and bad taste, we must own our surprise that we found so much in its pages to while away an hour. And we must be allowed to hope that this first number finishes the series of "Living Writers of America," as done by Powell.-Boston Post. Hume's History of England, Vol. VI.

This completes the work. It is a handsome duodecimo edition. Paper, printing, and binding good. Pleasant type, and of convenient size. Published by Phillips, Sampson & Co., Boston.

each in a number; printed with large type, and on good The same house continues to issue Shakspeare's Plays, paper. We intend to keep this edition, unbound, for convenient reading.

Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith. By James Prior. Vol. 2. Published by Geo. P. Putnam.

New York.

This is a very handsome edition, and includes a variety of pieces now first collected. The dress is worthy of Goldsmith; and we could not say more in praise of it. Harper's Library of Select Novels.

No. 136 is Hands not Hearts. By Janet W. Wilkinson.

Railway Guide.

Messrs. Snow & Wilder publish every month a very neat pocket Railway Guide for the New England States. It contains a map of the roads; with exact information of the times of departure and arrival of each of them, distances between the stations, price of each trip, and a multitude of other particulars; being, in fact, just the information you need while on the road. When we travel we see passengers holding the books open in their hands, and answering all the inquiries of their friends who are not so well provided. You get from the book all that you could from the conductor, even if you could keep him to yourself. Among other matters of admonition, which are given in the name of the superintendents, we approve of this:

"We respectfully beg leave to remind gentlemen who SPIT, that the car-floors cannot be washed while the train is in motion."

This excellent little book is sold for five cents. Its success has induced the publishers to issue monthly, another good little book, called, "Snow's Boston Express List and Forwarders' Guide." Here is a list of the two hundred expresses by which New England is so completely served.

of these excellent guides, and serves to combine the inHolbrook's New England Railroad Guide is another formation about expresses. This is three cents. Poems for the Sea. Whisper to a Bride. Hartford: H. Š. Parsons & Co. 1850.

These charming books, by Mrs. Sigourney, one in verse, the other in prose, but both truly poetic, are characterized by those traits of simplicity, truthfulness to nature, and tenderness of feeling, which mark the productions of that gifted lady. For us, however, their greatest interest consists in the high moral truths taught, and the Christian duties eloquently inculcated. The inspiration of the poet is never more nobly employed than in adorning and Mr. Powell sometimes hits the mark with his criti-impressively urging the true ends and aims of human cism, in spite of the countless sins of omission and com- existence, in drawing from the objects of the natural mission, of crudeness, triteness, want of knowledge, and world just views of the greatness and goodness of God, want of taste, embraced in his volume. But his criti- and in presenting such views of life as lead the mind to cism, good or bad, is of little consequence, and, at any a serious and thoughtful regard of the life to come, and rate, it is not the worst feature of the production. What the future destiny of the soul.-Protestant Churchman.

Esthetic Papers, edited by Elizabeth B. Peabody. I for readers in the most advanced stage of their studies, Boston: É. P. Peabody.

Here is a pleasant pamphlet to carry up into the country, and read under the elm-trees. It contains many things to admire--some to smile at-and a few that to plain understandings will appear absurd. Among its papers is an article on Criticism, by Mr. S. G. Ward; another on Music, by Mr. Dwight; another on Language, by Miss Peabody; one upon Genius, by Mr. S. Reed; one upon Organization, by Parke Godwin; besides others which we shall more distinctly mention. Some verses are interspersed, the most striking of which are extracted from a former writer, named Pope.

Another year will just complete a century since Baumgarten commenced the publication of his Esthetics, at Frankfort on the Oder. When one considers how much has been done since 1750, in the way of political revolutions, steamships, railroads, cotton manufactures, chloroform, and Californian discoveries, it certainly does not seem a very great stride from Professor Baumgarten's book to Miss Peabody's. As yet, Esthetics have not done much. Anaesthetics-in surgical parlance-have effected, during these two or three past years, far more good for man and womankind. Yet we would fain disclaim all kin with those practical cui bono people who demand that metaphysical and intangible things should be trip-hammered and rolled out with as much expedition as iron rails, to supply the public need. It is something of a step, after all, to have got a new word. The term is a useful one-a new tool for Truth to work with. Those who do not believe in phrenology, are yet convinced that there is an acquisitiveness, an ideality, et cetera. Therefore let us not throw away old Dr. Baumgarten's phrase, but see what hereafter thinkers may make of it. Miss Peabody sums up her use of it in this explication:"The word esthetic is difficult of definition, because

it is the watchword of a whole revolution in criticism.

Like whig and tory, it is the standard of a party; itmarks the progress of an idea. It is a watchword. We use it to designate in our department that phase in human progress which subordinates the individual to the general, that he may reappear on a higher plane of individuality."

There are some articles in this pamphlet that do not seem naturally included in the above explanation. Em; erson's Essay on War is an excellent and thoughtful disquisition, that is not addressed only to readers within the Eleusinian pale of a sect. It is a paper of great merit, and, like that of Miss Peabody upon the "Dorian Measure," cannot fail to detain the eye of all who admire Emerson, or who are glad to freshen their remembrance

of Müller.

The most charming thing in the book, however, is a retrospection by Hawthorne, called "Main Street." It is an exceedingly natural and poetical picture of the growth of said street, in Salem, from the first faintly traced forest-path, through all its changes of primitive woodland silence, the early settler's hut, the thickening cottages of the growing colony, the close-built wealthy town-down to the modern splendor of the same thoroughfare, "from Buffum's Corner downward, on the night of the grand illumination for General Taylor's triumph."

To say nothing of the skill and humor with which the machinery of the piece is managed, the scenes are exquisitely drawn, and colored as only a true poet could paint. If Irving is our Addison, Hawthorne is our Goldsmith, or rather our Charles Lamb, for he combines the humor and the tenderness of both, with no common or cockney feeling for the beauty and the glory of nature.

We must dismiss Mr. Thoreau, with an earnest prayer that he may become a better subject, in time, or else take a trip to France, and preach his doctrine of "Resistance to Civil Government" to the red republicans. Of Miss Peabody's poetry we have little to remark, save that we wonder how so good an Italian scholar, as she is reputed, should venture to "cast a coolness o'er Cocytu's glow," without shuddering at the recollection of that icy realm in Hades-Ove Cocito la freddura serra.— -Boston Courier. Elements of Natural Philosophy. By Alonzo Gray. 12mo. pp. 405. New York: Harper & Brothers. A popular scientific work, like the present volume, occupying a place between strictly elementary treatises for juvenile instruction, and the elaborate systems intended

has been greatly needed. Professor Gray has here embodied in a condensed form the leading principles of Natural Philosophy, including the latest discoveries in the science, as well as its modern extraordinary application to the practical arts of life. Its lucid arrangement, the variety and force of its illustrations, and the even flow and simplicity of its style, are admirably adapted to make this volume not only an excellent manual for teachers, but a valuable book of reference for every class of readers who wish to keep up with the scientific improvements of the day.-Tribune.

The Gallery of Illustrious Americans; containing the Portraits and Biographical Sketches of twenty-four of the most eminent citizens of the republic since the death of Washington. From Daguerreotypes by Brady, engraved by D'Avignon, and edited by C. Edwards Lester.

We made some allusions to this work a short time ago, and spoke of it as bidding fair to surpass everything in the shape of typography and art which had hitherto been produced in America. The appearance of the first number fully realizes our anticipations, and a single glance at its superb pages will show any person familiar with the character of similar European works, that it is a most exquisite illustration of the perfection to which typography can be carried. There has been a very sin gular and fortunate combination of taste and talent in the production of this work. Mr. Lester, its editor, is too well known to the country to render it necessary for us to speak of him further. Mr. Brady, the Daguerreian artist, has done more than almost any other American to bring his art to perfection; and D'Avignon is acknowledged to stand at the head of his profession. The utmost pains, and a good deal of expense, were requisite to bring about so beautiful a result. Fine imperial folio drawing paper was manufactured expressly for the purpose, and new type, made a few years ago in Paris, by a very eminent artist, and far more beautiful than any that had ever been made before, was also commissioned. It is, moreover, the first time this exquisite kind of type has ever been used. The work is printed only on one side of a sheet, which adds greatly to its beauty, clearness, and effect. There are four sheets of letter-press in this number, besides the portrait. This was engraved by D'Avignon, from one of the finest Daguerreotype likenesses ever made, and those who are familiar with the engraver's works, will probably award to it the merit of being his chef d'œuvre hitherto. The cover of the number is a beautifully printed journal of art, taste, and citicism; and, appearing semi-monthly, it will form a new topic of interest and conversation in all polite and literary circles. We see nothing in the entire work which we do not heartily approve, and we earnestly recommend it to all public men and persons of taste, as the most beautiful publication of the kind which has yet appeared, either at home or abroad. This is awarding to it, we are aware, very high praise; but a comparison of it with the Sir Thomas Lawrence Gallery, which may be seen at Wiley's bookstore in Broadway, will soon convince any of our readers that it far surpasses the English Gallery, in Great Britain. which has been regarded as the most beautiful published

Our readers well know that we are no sticklers for a

thing simply because it happens to be American. We have as often been obliged to condemn the products of our own country, as we have those of Europe, In all such matters we have independently adhered to a rule of our own, which we adopted long ago, of having no guide but truth, and no spirit but impartiality, in whatever we had to say, of praise or blame, about European and American authors, books, arts, customs, and things. The stereotyped form of notices, reviews, and articles about books, pictures, cantatrice, etc., has never been one of our favorable ways of talking. Twaddle of this kind will do for people who make it, and they probably understand the market for which it is manufactured. We are proud of this Gallery as a triumph of American typography, and we are glad to hear that a large number will be sent to the principal capitals of Europe. We are also glad that the publishers sell each number separately, that those who cannot afford to subscribe for the entire series may select such numbers as please them best. The separate numbers are sold for the low price of one dollar each, which brings it within the reach of all persons of taste.-Home Journal.

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