Annual Report, Volume 2 |
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Additions or betterments amount outstand Analysis of Gross Average number Average per passenger Balance Sheet June bar iron Brooklyn capital stock Cash realized cent close of fiscal concerning this report cost of equipment cost of road Current assets Current liabilities Date of charter Date of close Date of stockholders Deductions from income DESIGNATION OF LIEN due and accrued Earnings and Operating earnings from operation Elmira EMPLOYES ending June 30 excluding all taxes freight cars funded debt due hostlers Income Account Interest on funded law or charter leased Locomotives Long Island City main line N. Y. Date Number of passengers Number of shares Number of tons Official Address Ogdensburg Open accounts par value passengers carried Railroad Company realized on amount road and equipment Sheet June 30 sidings and turnouts single track station agents steel rail street Title of company Total par value train mileage Utica Wages of conductors watchmen Watertown York city
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Page 272 - No. of shares. 4,000 Issued for actual cash Subscribed but not fully paid for. Issued for other purposes Total issued Amount remaining in Treasury. Total . 1,787 513 25 2,325 1,675 4,000 Total. 4,000 Par value of shares, $100. Average price at which stock was disposed of, $100 per snare.
Page 849 - An act to provide for the construction, extension, maintenance and operation of street surface railroads and branches thereof in cities, towns, and villages...
Page 454 - Number of passengers carried one mile Number of tons of freight carried Number of tons of freight carried...
Page 511 - Court street, Brooklyn, NY Date of close of fiscal year, June 30. Date of stockholders' annual meeting, second Monday in January.
Page 305 - Cleveland and Toledo railroad, extending from the city of Cleveland, in the State of Ohio, to the city of Toledo, in the State of Ohio (one hundred and thirteen miles).
Page 74 - An act to facilitate the reorganization of railroads sold under mortgage, and providing for the formation of new companies in such cases," is hereby amended so as to read as follows : § 1.
Page 74 - ... secretary of state, the persons executing such certificate, and who shall have acquired the title to the property and franchises sold as aforesaid, their associates, successors and assigns, shall become and be a body politic and corporate, by the name specified in such certificate, and shall become and be vested with, and entitled to exercise and enjoy, all the rights, privileges and franchises, which at the time of such sale belonged to, or were vested in the corporation, which last owned the...
Page 907 - York, for the care of such indigent persons, needing medical or surgical treatment, as the funds of the corporation or the rules established by the board of directors may allow, together with such persons as may wish to receive and pay for treatment, and may b~e admitted into said hospital under the regulations...
Page 374 - ... organized under the general law and filed articles January 26, 1853. It was merged in the New York Central Railroad Company under the act of 1853. The Rochester and Syracuse was a consolidation, August 1, 1850, of the Auburn and Rochester and the Auburn and Syracuse. The Auburn and Rochester, chartered in 1836, was opened in August, 1841, and the Auburn and Syracuse, chartered in 1834, was opened in June, 1838. The Direct Line was opened in 1853. The Buffalo and Rochester was a consolidation...
Page 423 - ... Contractors to Rebuild and Support Union Wharf and Pier in New Haven: General Assembly, Colony of Conn., May, 1760; do. May, 1772; do. State of Conn., 1790. Special Laws of Conn., Vol.' I, pp. 497, 498, 502, 523, 525; Vol. VI, p. 9; Vol. XII, p. 632. Shore Line Railway Company, successor in 1864 to The New Haven, New London and Stonington Railroad Company, which was formed by a merger in 1856 of New Haven and New London Railroad Company with New London and Stonington Railroad Company: Special...