A s INSTRUCTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS OF THE U.S.COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY = RELATIVE TO THE ORGANIZATION, ETC. OF NATIONAL BANKS WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1907 INSTRUCTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS RELATIVE TO THE ORGANIZATION, ETC., OF NATIONAL BANKS. [All sections cited refer to the United States Revised Statutes.] ORGANIZATION. The preliminary proceeding in connection with the organization of a national bank is to make an application to the Comptroller of the Currency, stating the desired title, the location, and the proposed capital. The application must be signed by at least five persons who contemplate being stockholders of the association. (Section 5133.) The application should contain a statement as to the business and financial standing of the signers and an indorsement by a United States Senator, Representative, judge of court, or other prominent public official, personally acquainted with the applicants, in relation to their character and financial responsibility. The following is a copy of the formal application for reservation of title and authority to organize a national bank. Copies of this form will be furnished on request. APPLICATION TO ORGANIZE A NATIONAL BANK. The name of the place should form a part of the title, thus "The First National Bank of Abut the name of the State should not be included. Consideration will not be given to an application for a title including the word "First," if a national bank exists or has existed at the given locality; nor to an application for a title identical with that of a national bank heretofore in existence, nor to one materially similar to that of a national, State, or other bank existing in the place. To the COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, Washington. 190-. SIR: Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, being natural persons, and of lawful age, intend, with others, to organize a national banking association, under the title of "The State of to be located at county of bank of (3) 174154 |