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carefully guarding him against cold. The result of his treatment was that in twelve hours all the dangerous symptoms had disappeared, the child had complete ease, and there was no relapse from rapid convalescence. The free rush of spots that came out soon faded and disappeared. I

could hardly imagine that nature, unless aided by these herbs, could work so rapid a change. At the same time, it may be added that had government taken the home precaution of vaccination, the treatment would probably never have been needed.

on his feet. I was told I should become ac、 customed to camel-riding, and might even get to like it. But my faith is not great enough for that.

A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT'S FIRST RIDE ON A CAMEL.- The Daily Telegraph Dongola correspondent writes: A few days ago I had my first ride on a camel, and I thought it would have been my last. It was to go to our camp that I got cross-legged upon an Arab saddle, insecurely fastened by strings upon the back of a great, lumbering, humpbacked brute. WILD PLANT FABRICS. A most interestI no sooner attempted to take my place on the ing example of utilization of waste products is saddle than the camel, which was lying prone, to be seen in a shop window in New York in into which position he had been forced, began the shape of a number of hanks of thread of grunting like an old village pump violently different textures and colors, some being as worked. At the same time he turned his pre- soft as the finest silk, others as rough as hemp. hensile lips aside, grinned like a bull-dog, and These hanks are the result of an attempt, showed a grinning row of teeth, which he which seems likely to be successful, to utilize sought to close upon me. I got aboard with the various wild grasses and stalks for textile out accident, and had not long to wait for a purposes. The cotton stalk, which in the rise. The first movement, as he lifted his fore South has been hitherto burnt as useless trash, legs, nearly sent me over backwards; the next, is here made into a coarse thread fully equal as he straightened his hind legs, still more to Indian jute, an article of commerce which nearly tipped me over his head. I had been is imported into the United States to the warned to hold tight, but it was only the clutch amount of $6,000,000 per annum. Flax straw, of desperation that saved me. After several which is also a very common waste product in lunges and plunges, the brute got fairly on his many of the States, is converted into a fibre legs. The reins consisted of rope round his which makes excellent linens, and serves also neck for steering, and a string fastened to a as a substitute for cotton when mixed with ring thrust in his nostrils, to pull up his head wool. These, however, are only a few inand stop him when going too fast. My camel stances of many materials which have been began to move forward, and thereupon I oscil- experimented upon with more or less valuable lated and see-sawed as if seized with sea-sick- results. Among them are the bear grass, ness or cramp in the stomach. Involuntary as Spanish bayonet, okra, nettle, ramie, pita, the movement was, an hour of it would, I am baurbor, wild coffee, and the cotton plant, all sure, have made as abject a victim of me as of which grow wild; and from them are prothe worst sufferer on a Channel passage. A duced various fibres which dye beautifully, heartless friend was in front of me on another and can be made into bagging, rope, packingcamel, which he set trotting. Instantly I be- thread, and paper of the finest quality, fabrics came as helpless as a child, for my camel dis- for dress, and materials for upholstering pur regarded the strain on his nostrils and my poses. It has been found, too, that ramie and fervent ejaculations. My profane Arabic vo- Sisal hemp fibre can be mixed with silk to cabulary was too limited to have the slightest great advantage, while the common American effect. I swayed to and fro, was bumped up grasses are turned into fibre strong and good and down, until I was almost shaken to pieces. enough for false hair and wigs. The cocoanut It would have been a positive relief could I shell yields a fibre quite equal to curled hair have found myself at rest on the ground, but for upholstering uses. Another conversion the motion was so incessant I had not time to into fibre which seems likely to be of practical make up my mind what course to adopt. It value is that of the mineral asbestos, which is ended as even experiences of the worst kind as fine as silk, and can be made up into firemust do, and I found myself still on the cam-proof curtains and hangings for walls and theel's back. Not so my humorous friend, who, atres, fireproof ropes, carpets, and, in fact, to my great comfort, performed a double som every kind of house decoration. ersault, and did not succeed in landing quite

Public Opinion.

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For EIGHT DOLLARS, remitted directly to the Publishers, the LIVING AGE will be punctually forwarded for a year, free of postage.

Remittances should be made by bank draft or check, or by post-office money-order, if possible. If neither of these can be procured, the money should be sent in a registered letter. All postmasters are obliged to register letters when requested to do so. Drafts, checks and money-orders should be made payable to the order of


Single Numbers of THE LIVING AGE, 18 cents.

A TRANSLATION FROM THE ROMAIC. [An episode in the Greek War of Independence. From the modern Greek in the original metre of Alexander Soutsos.]

CRADLED in the arms of slumber Athens lay at dead of night;

I alone my vigils keeping, watched the lamp's unsteady light

Burning in my silent chamber with a dim and fitful flame,

Till my senses slowly left me, and at last oblivion came.

But in dreams the Sacred Legion I beheld before me stand;

Saw my brother, my Demetrius, chief of that heroic band.

Pale as death he seemed, my brother, while in stern, unfaltering mood

Round him his undaunted Legion, closely
gathered round him stood;
Chosen youths of Greece, in beauty as in
bravery the first,

Worthy sons of those who erst
At Thermopyla contended 'neath Leonidas'


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THE mist crawls over the river, Hiding the shore on either side,

And I saw him rush upon them, dealing death And under the veiling mist forever,

at every blow;

Saw him smite and saw him smitten, falling, rising, falling low.

Then methought I ran to aid him, heard him say with faltering voice,

"I am dying, dying early, yet I grieve not, nay, rejoice;

The poet's brother, Demetrius Soutsos, was one of

Neither hear we nor feel we the tide.

But our skiff has the will of the river,

Though nothing is seen to be passed; Though the mist may hide it forever, forever, The current is drawing us fast.

The matins sweet from the far-off town Fill the air with their beautiful dream,

the four captains of the Sacred Legion who formed the The vespers were hushing the twilight down

vanguard of the army of Alexander Hypsilantis, and were annihilated in a forlorn hope at Dragatzán, at the outset of the insurrection.

When we lost our oars on the stream.

From The Nineteenth Century. THE CENTENARY OF THE TIMES.

yet the journal was not called by its present name till the appearance of its nine hundred and fortieth number, on the Ist of January, 1788. It was then no unusual thing for an established newspaper to as sume a new face. For instance, the Public Advertiser, to which "Junius " contributed, was first known as the London Daily Post and General Advertiser, next as the General Advertiser, and lastly by the title which is now familiar. The Morning Post has dropped half of its original designation. For the first three years of its existence, the Times was styled the Daily Universal Register. On the 24th of December, 1787, the following intimation was made to its readers: "Various reasons having occurred since the first publication of the Universal Register which render it essentially necessary to change the present title, we respectfully inform our readers that on the 1st of January next it will appear with an entire new set of features under the title of the Times." Thus, for the first title, which was "The Daily Universal Register, printed logographically, by his Majesty's patent," there was substituted the fol

FOUNDED on the 1st of January, 1785, the Times has reached the hundredth year of its existence. To survive to so great an age is as rare amongst newspa pers as it is amongst human beings; still rarer is it, in both cases, for the hundredth anniversary to be attained without any trace or token of decrepitude and decay. There is but one London morning journal which, having lived for upwards of a century, continues brimful of life and vigor, which is even more lusty and energetic now than in earlier days, and bids fair to see succeeding centuries pass over its head. This is the Morning Post, which was founded in 1772 with the title of the Morning Post and General Advertiser. Other London morning journals, enjoying a boundless circulation and an unprecedented popularity, are comparatively young. The oldest amongst them is the Morning Advertiser, which is aged nine ty; the youngest is the Standard, which is only twenty-eight. The Daily News has lived and exercised world-wide influence for thirty-nine years; the Daily Telegraph and the Daily Chronicle for thirty.lowing: "The Times, or Daily Universal Newspapers, like human beings, "have their day and cease to be,” and in the cases of both, their disappearance seems often untimely and incomprehensible. Not many years ago the Morning Herald and the Morning Chronicle were, to all appearance, as popular and powerful as A journal in those days contained a several of the contemporaries which have little news, more or less authentic, several survived them; their conductors were en- paragraphs of gossip, many bad verses, terprising and untiring in collecting news; and a few advertisements. Leading artithe ablest pens of the day contributed to cles were unknown. Letters to the editor their columns; both journals appeared to filled their place. When those letters be indispensable to a large section of the were written by such a person as "Junreading public, and both enjoyed the favorius" they were quite as serviceable and of many advertisers when they rapidly decayed and passed away. For many years the Morning Star twinkled brightly in the journalistic firmament, yet its light was suddenly quenched. Others, such as the Representative and the Mirror, the Constitutional, the Day, and the Hour, expired after a very short struggle for existence.

Though the first number of the Times was published on the 1st of January, 1785,

Register, printed logographically." The last numbers of the journal under its old title do not materially differ from the earlier ones under its new one, nor at the outset was there a marked superiority of the new journal over its contemporaries.

noteworthy as the leading articles which now contribute to form public opinion. But "Junius "owed much of his celebrity to the fact that he was an exception. Very few contemporary writers were endowed with his literary gifts. Now and then a really brilliant letter appeared; but the majority resembled the twaddle which may now be met with in country newspa pers of very limited circulation. The theme of most letters was the downfall of

gone days.

the nation; sometimes leading articles as | live to one hundred years now as in by. well as letters are now written to prove that the nation is hastening rapidly to Mr. John Walter, the founder of the destruction, but the letter-writers of for- Times, was born in 1738. His father was mer days seemed to think of nothing else. a coal-buyer—that is, he bought coal at They may have suited the taste of their Newcastle on a large scale, brought it to contemporaries, for others besides Mrs. London by sea, and disposed of it there. Dangle in "The Critic" must have He died in 1755, leaving his son at the thought it very entertaining to read "let-age of seventeen to make his way in the ters every day with Roman signatures, world. This son, in the course of ten demonstrating the certainty of an invasion, and proving that the nation is utterly undone."

The letter-writers in the Universal Reg ister were not brilliant ; one of them, signing "Marcus Marcellus," was ready with "infallible remedies for the cure of all our grievances;" but even he did not meet with special notice or appreciation. Another, signing "Rusticus," intimates that he sends his letter because it had been rejected by the Morning Chronicle, which would now be considered a reason for not inserting it. However, the editor not only inserted it, but he expressed his readiness to have the thoughts of the writer again; adding, "But as long essays are seldom read, we recommend his thoughts to be conveyed in paragraphs." Now and then a paragraph is met with which might be inserted in the Times of to-day, such as "Masonry gains great ground in this country; nor can it be wondered at when the Prince of Wales gives it his patronage and countenance." The premature death of a rising physician caused general regret not long since; about a century ago the death of Dr. Walsh was chronicled in the Universal Register, this physician dying at the age of twenty-six from blood poisoning occasioned by the exercise of his profession. The record of deaths in that journal would now be perused with rational scepticism. In a single number the deaths of three persons are announced whose ages are said to be one hundred and two, one hundred and four, and one hundred and ten respectively, the oldest having cleverly succeeded in retaining his senses unimpaired to the last. When the Times was in its infancy the average number of centenarians departing this life was fifty annually. The authentic average at present is one, yet as many persons actually

years, became the chairman of the wealthy and influential body of coal-buyers who had built for themselves a Coal Exchange under his supervision. He married in 1771. Five years afterwards he become a member of Lloyd's, and carried on the avocation of underwriting. He rapidly accumulated money, and was on the highroad to fortune, when a fleet of merchantmen on which he had taken a large risk was captured by a French squadron. His loss amounted to 80,000l. He wrote and published a pamphlet setting forth his misfortunes. As they were not due to any fault of his own, he expected to receive either compensation in money or a place under government. Had not Lord North resigned in 1782, his application for a place would probably have been granted.

In that year Mr. Walter made the acquaintance of Henry Johnson, a composi. tor, who had made what he considered to be great improvements in the art of printing.

Mr. Walter was impressed with these improvements; he contributed to complete them, and became, in concert with Johnson, a patentee of printing by means of "logotypes." In 1784 he took the premises then vacant in Printing House Square, where, in 1666, John Bill had founded and printed the London Gazette. The monastery of the Black Friars formerly occupied that site: the office of the Times now stands there. Mr. Walter labored hard and successfully to qualify himself for the business in which, as he wrote, he had embarked as a mere novice; hence "want of experience laid him open to many and gross impositions." However, he abounded in enthusiasm and perseverance. He was confident that "logotype" printing would effect a revolution by which both the

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