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and Edson. In one instance a case that appeared to be tubercular peritonitis, after abdominal section, was proved to be an adenocarcinoma of the liver. In another, warty growths of the labia, clinically apparently benign, were shown to be undergoing malignant transformation. Conversely, another case of a growth on the eyelid, suspiciously malignant-like, turned out a simple papilloma.

Liver tongues, simulating abdominal tumors, were discussed by Drs. Freeman and Powers, both of whom had observed a number of these abnormalities, which are not perhaps so very rare.

The meeting concluded with the usual technique of mastication, irrigation and fumigation.


DENVER AND ARAPAHOE MEDICAL SOCIETY. In spite of snow and slush, a goodly quorum of medical knights met about the round table in the second floor of the Brown Palace at the second March meeting. Vice-President Wetherill occupied the chair.

Dr. J. T. Eskridge read a very comprehensive paper upon neurasthenia, especially its causes, symptoms and diagnosis. He defined neurasthenia as a condition of nervous exhaustion, manifested by nervous irritability and easy fatigue. He laid stress upon hereditary influences as predisposing factors and upon change from outdoor to sedentary occupations as a leading direct cause. Worry he considered more apt than work to cause the disorder. Among symptoms, the most important are incapacity for fixed mental attention, lumbar aching or cervico-occipital pains, asthenopia and rapid contraction of visual fields under effort, temperorary inequality of pupils, irritable spine, rapid pulse made more rapid by pressing on the spine, various phobias and insomnia. Severe spinal pain is usually localized in the lumbar region in traumatic cases; otherwise in the back of the neck and the occiput. Neurasthenia is progressive and gradual in its course, except that traumatism may cause a consid

erable intensification of the symptoms. This morbid condition is readily distinguished from hysteria by the absence of anesthesia, convulsions, paralysis and contractures, and by the gradual in place of sudden onset. It differs from true psychoses, particularly melancholia and paretic dementia, by the absence of fixed delusions and by the reasonableness of the patient. In conclusion the doctor spoke briefly of treatment, mentioning with particular favor the absolute or modified rest-cure along with skim milk, beginning with a couple of ounces every two or three hours, gradually increasing the amount up to the limit of the patient's easy tolerance. Drug habits should be avoided with great care.

Seborrhea was the title of a short and practical paper read next by Dr. Blaine. He spoke of the three principal forms-the dry, oily, and eczematous, and gave a Scotch verdict as to their bacteriologic origin. Seborrhea sicca, he said, is encountered mostly in blondes, in the form of branny scales or dandruff, most marked as a rule at the vertex. Seborrhea oleosa is met with commonly on the face or genitals and is readily recognized either by sight or touch. Eczema seborrheicum is simply either the dry or oily form of seborrhea, with superadded inflammation. For the cure of seborrhea sicca, he has applied every night, with a brush, the oil of ergot containing five drops of liquefied carbolic acid to the ounce-to be washed off the following morning. Weak solutions of resorcin or of napthol are most effective in the oily form, and resorcin is a specific for eczema seborrhoicum. The free use of soap and water is a necessity in the treatment of all types of seborrhea.

The third paper of the evening was by Dr. W. E. Stevens, on "The Prevention of the Diseases of the Eye During Childhood." He noted the U. S. statistics for 1890 as recording 50,400 persons blind in both eyes, and 93,000 in one eye. He then alluded to the large proportion of blindness acquired during infancy and childhood from preventable disease. Ophthalmia neo

natorum, calculated as causing 5 per cent. of the total blindness, is easily prevented by an antiseptic antepartum douch and by cleansing the eyelids immediately after birth with a tuft of cotton dipped in sterilized water or boric acid solution, followed in case of doubt by the instillation of silver nitrate, 10 gr. to the ounce, a classic specific which should not be neglected when the mother is known to have gonorrhea. The doctor spoke further of the phlyctenular keratitis of ill-fed strumous children, amblyopia from squint and uncorrected myopia, defective school lighting and the carelessness of parents in allowing their little children to play with sharp instruments and firecrackers. Taken altogether his paper was timely and suggestive and equal in importance to any other ever presented to the society.

In opening the discussion Dr. Jackson spoke of the revolution which objective methods of estimating refraction had brought about in the early treatment of strabismus by proper glasses, thus preventing amblyopia ex anopsia. He also alluded to the necessity of correcting myopia at as early a stage as possible, in order to prevent the incurable progressive form of the defect, and cited examples showing how the visual power of myopic children improved under concave spectacles. Dr. Black emphasized the importance of a milk diet in the treatment of phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis. Dr. Chase thought that the statistical figures of blindness were too low, and considered the bean-shooter even more deadly and abominable than the Fourth of July firecracker. Dr. Tyler believed that the vital statistics of the next census will be more reliable than those of the past. In conclusion, a motion made by Dr. Jackson was carried for the appointment of a committee to draw up a system of eye-tests for school children.

Practical No other class of men come so near to truth Ethics. as does the family physician. He sees into the very souls of his patients. The family skeleton walks and talks in his presence. The deepest secrets are divulged, and men and women are revealed as they are. If correct premises are necessary to correct conclusions, then the physician should be of all best qualified to judge of practical ethics, of right and wrong, of life conduct and the normal relations of human beings to each other. The multitudinous points at which we touch the universe, the infinite variety in shade and degree of human character, the necessities of mere existence, contribute to make the subject of ethics intricate to the utmost. That balance of passions, prejudices, reason and will, which we term a human personality, is a marvelous combination of good and evil. Even the worst individuals have some traits of divinity, and on the other hand the finest instincts may be perverted. Religion and patriotism are often the handmaids of greed and despotism. Conscience is the moral outcome of early education chiefly. Whether exterior or interior forces have more to do with shaping character depends largely on the individual, yet in general it may be affirmed that men are made by events and environment rather than by the hammer, anvil and forge of their own innateness. The flower of civilization is deep rooted in the utilitarian principle of the greatest good to the greatest number, which in turn has for its substratum the essential element of selfpreservation. View it as you may, the world has more in it of good than of bad, and the difference is gradually increasing. The golden age is in the future. It will come when everybody observes the golden rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Colorado State The meeting of the State Medical Medical Society. Society occurs June 19, 20 and 21. A very energetic executive committee, under the chairmanship of Dr. S. D. Hopkins, is preparing an excellent scientific program, and making

extensive preparations for the social features of the meeting.

Addresses in medicine and surgery will be given by prominent men from the East. A special feature will be the symposium on syphilis, set for the afternoon of the second day. Twenty-four of the best men for the subjects selected that could be found in the state will take up the different features of this most multiform of diseases, and the discussion promises to be of the greatest interest. No other subject could possibly engage the attention of every general practitioner, surgeon, neurologist, oculist and so on through the list, to the same extent that syphilis does.

Believing, as the executive committee does, that more effort should be made to improve the social opportunities offered by the annual meeting, some radical departures have been made from the entertainment program of previous years. The committee especially hopes that visiting members will bring the ladies of their families, and will try to entertain them appropriately.

Everything thus far gives promise of an enthusiastic and successful meeting.

Gross The last commencement exercises of the cenMedical tury were held at the Broadway Theater on College. the evening of April 26. A large and appreciative audience was in attendance. Rev. Jordan pronounced the invocation. The address of the evening was delivered by Rabbi W. S. Friedman. It was eloquent and scholarly, full of poetic imagery and the spirit of a broad humanity. The degree of doctor of medicine was conferred upon eighteen young men and four young women by Dr. W. H. Buchtel, president of the board of trustees. An innovation was the presentation, with appropriate remarks, of the code of ethics to each member of the class by Dr. W. P. Munn. The awarding of prizes showed exceptionally high grades and very close competition among a num

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