Board of aldermen to set apart sep. ments in station houses for females. [ No. 109. ] AN ACT to provide for police matrons in certain cities of the State, to define their powers and duties, and to provide for designating station houses or departments thereof, for the detention of women and children under arrest in said cities. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That the board of aldermen in every city of ten thousand inhabarate depart itants or more, in this State, or in cities having a police commission, the police commission shall, within three months after the passage of this act designate one or more station houses or a separate department in any such station house, or county jail within their respective cities for the detention of all women and children under arrest, and such board of aldermen or police commission may, at any time thereafter so designate any additional station house or station houses or separate department or departments thereof; and may declare such station house or station houses or such separate department or departments thereof to be no longer so designated: Provided, At least one station house or separate department thereof shall always remain so designated in such city. Proviso as to one station house. Mayor to appoint police matrons. tion of police matrons. Removal. SEC. 2. Immediately upon such designation of a station house in any city the mayor thereof or, in counties where the prisoners of the county seat as a city are confined in the county jail, the sheriff shall appoint for each station house so designated one or more respectable women, none of whom shall be under twenty-five years of age, who shall be known Recommenda as police matrons. No woman shall be appointed police matron unless recommended for such office in writing by at least twenty women in good standing and residents in the city in which such appointment is made. The police matron shall not be appointed for any definite term, but shall hold office until removal. She may be removed at any time for cause by the mayor, or, in cities having a police commission, by said commission, or, in county jails where appointed by the sheriff, by said sheriff; by a written order stating the cause of removal. Upon the death, resignation or removal of a police matron, her successor shall be appointed in the manner aforeProviso as to said as soon as may be: Provided, That in cities having a board of police commissioners the appointment of such police matron shall be made by such board, or in counties where the prisoners of the county seat as a city, are confined in the county jail, the sheriff of said county shall appoint said matron. The respective hours of service of the police matron shall be so arranged by the authorities in charge that in the city of Detroit at least one matron shall at all hours of the day and night be on duty, and in each of the other cities one shall at all hours be near to and within call of each police station designated as above provided. Every police matron within the city of Detroit shall, during her hours of service, remain constantly on duty at the station at which she serves, Vacancy. board of police commissioners, Matrons to reside near station house, and every police matron in each of the other cities shall reside at or near the station to which she is attached and shall hold herself in readiness to answer any call therefrom during her hours of service so long as any woman remains confined therein. control of SEC. 4. The police matron shall have, subject only to the To be under general control of the authorities in charge, the entire care of authorities in all women and children held under arrest in the station in charge. which she serves or to which she is attached, and she may, at any time, call upon any police officer in such station for assist ance. modations to under arrest. SEC. 5. In every station in which a police matron serves, or Proper accomto which a police matron is attached, sufficient and proper be provided accommodation shall be provided for women confined under for females arrest, and in case such accommodations shall be insufficient or improper, such matron shall notify the authorities in charge, who shall provide such sufficient and proper accommodations. to other sta SEC. 6. Whenever in any city where any police matron When females shall be appointed under this act, a woman is arrested and to be removed taken to a police station to which a matron is attached, and tion houses. where such matron is not then present, it shall be the duty of the officer in charge to cause such woman prisoner to be removed as soon as possible to the nearest station house to which a police matron is attached. court. SEC. 7. At least one police matron shall be designated by Police matron the authorities in charge of said police station to attend to appear in before the police or other criminal courts at all times when any woman is to be arraigned before such court, and shall, in conjunction with some police officer, have charge of all women there in attendance awaiting trial or transfer from the court to any other place of detention. "police sta SEC. 8. In this act the expression "police station" shall Definition of include any place where persons are temporarily confined tion." under arrest, and the expression "woman" shall include any person of female sex. matrons, how SEC. 9. The salary of the police matrons in each city shall Salary of be fixed by the city council, except in cities having police com- police missioners the salary shall be fixed by the police commission- axed. ers, and where appointed by the sheriff the salary shall be fixed by the board of supervisors. Approved May 7, 1897. 16 Section amended. Compensation of commissioners. audited. [ No. 110. ] AN ACT to amend section eight of an act entitled "An act to prevent the spread of contagious diseases of fruit trees," being act number one hundred nine of the session laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-five. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That section eight of act number one hundred nine of the public acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-five be, and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: SEC. 8. The commissioners shall be allowed for services under this act, two dollars for each full day, and one dollar Charges, how 'for each half day, and their other charges and disbursements hereunder, to be audited as well as any other charges and disbursements under this act, by the township board or city council, all of which costs, charges, expenses and disbursements, shall be certified by the commissioners to the supervisor or city council on the first day of October of each year. Said certificate shall describe the lands on which such diseased trees stood, and the expense incurred in removing the Supervisors to same. The amount so certified shall be levied by the superlevy on refusal to remove or visor upon the premises described in said certificate, the own destroy. ers or occupants of which having refused to remove and Collection of. destroy said diseased trees as required in this act. The amounts so levied shall be collected in the same manner as delinquent highway taxes are collected, and shall be paid into. and belong to the general fund of the township or city as the case may be. Approved May 7, 1897. Permanent ments to man tablishments to be made when ordered [No. 111. ] AN ACT to fix the responsibility for making permanent improvements to manufacturing establishments in Michigan where ordered by factory or deputy factory inspectors. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That improve- whenever fire escapes, elevator protection or repairs, water ufacturing es- closets and other permanent improvements to buildings are ordered by factory or deputy factory inspectors under the provisions of act one hundred and eighty-four, session laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-five, said improvements shall be made by the owner of the building or premises where such improvements are ordered: Provided, That nothing in this section shall be construed to interfere with any contract between owner and tenant whereby the tenant agrees to make by factory inspectors. Proviso. such improvements when ordered by factory or deputy factory inspectors. non-resident, SEC. 2. Whenever the owner of any building or premises as When owner a mentioned in section one of this act is a non-resident of this the tenant State, the tenant shall make such improvements and may may make im. deduct the cost thereof from the amount of rent for use of said premises. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. provements. [ No. 112. ] AN ACT to prohibit the shooting or catching of prairie chickens, otherwise known as pinnated grouse. Unlawful to catch prairie chicken for shoot or five years. misdemeanor. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That it shall be unlawful for any person to shoot, kill or catch in traps for the purpose of killing, any prairie chickens, other wise known as pinnated grouse, in the State of Michigan, for the period of five years from and after the passage of this act. SEC. 2. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions Violation a of section one of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and may be punished by a fine of not less than ten nor more than Penalty. twenty-five dollars for each and every bird so shot, killed or caught, in the discretion of the court, or imprisonment not to exceed thirty days or both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. Approved May 7, 1897. [No. 113.] AN ACT to authorize and empower the trustees of the Michigan Asylum for the Insane to convey certain State land in the city of Kalamazoo, for the purpose of extending Wheaton avenue. Asylum for vey certain for extending SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That Michigan the Board of Trustees of the Michigan Asylum for the Insane Insane to conare hereby authorized and empowered to convey, by quit-claim land to city of deed, to the city of Kalamazoo, in the county of Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo all the interest of the State of Michigan in and to all that cer- Wheaton tain piece or parcel of land lying and being situate in the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter and in the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section twenty-one avenue. (21), town two (2) south of range eleven (11) west, and more Description of particularly described by the following bounding lines: Com land. mencing at a point on the north and south quarter line of said This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Section amended. [ No. 114. ] AN ACT to amend section fifty-five of chapter one hundred and fifty-four of the revised statutes of eighteen hundred and forty-six, entitled "Offenses against property" as added by act number one hundred and ten of the public acts of eighteen hundred and eighty-five, being section ninety-one hundred and seventy-six a of Howell's annotated statutes. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That section fifty-five of chapter one hundred and fifty-four of the revised statutes of eighteen hundred and forty-six, entitled "Offenses against property" as added by act number one hundred and ten of public acts of eighteen hundred and eightyfive, being section ninety-one hundred and seventy-six a of Howell's annotated statutes, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: |