[No. 13. ] AN ACT to provide for the incorporation of labor associations. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That Labor associa tions may be labor associations may be incorporated under the provisions of incorporated. this act. members may form. SEC. 2. Any ten or more residents of this State, who are Ten, etc., members of any chartered body, or of different chartered bodies, which body or bodies receive their charter from the American Federation of Labor, or from any International Labor organization issuing charters under authority from the American Federation of Labor, may make and execute articles of association under their hands and seals, which said articles Articles of of association shall be acknowledged before some officer of contents of. incorporation, this State having authority to take acknowledgments of deeds, and shall set forth: First, The names of the persons associating in the first instance, their places of residence and the name and location of the labor organization or organizations to which they severally belong; Second, The corporate name by which such association shall be known in the law; Third, The purposes of the association, which shall be to provide a building or buildings to be used in the interests of organized labor, and the period for which such association is incorporated, not exceeding thirty years. with county SEC. 3. A copy of said articles of association shall be filed Articles filed with the county clerk of the county within which such cor- clerk. poration shall be formed and shall be recorded by such clerk in a book to be kept in his office for that purpose, and thereupon the persons who shall have signed said articles of association, their associates and successors, shall be a body cor- Body corporate by the name expressed in such articles of association. porate. A copy of such articles of association, under the seal of the Evidence of county clerk in whose office said record is kept, and certified by him, shall be received as prima facie evidence in all courts of this State of the existence and due incorporation of such association. incorporation. and hold SEC. 4. Every corporation organized under the provisions May purchase of this act may take, receive, purchase and hold in its corpo- property. rate capacity and for its corporate purposes, real and personal erect and own buildings. property, and the same or any part thereof demise, sell, convey, use and dispose of at pleasure; and may erect and own suitable building or buildings to be used in whole or in part for meetings of labor organizations or for any other purpose in the interests of labor organizations, and may borrow money, and for that purpose may issue its bonds and mortgage its property to secure the payment of said bonds. SEC. 5. Every such corporation shall have full power and Power to issue authority to provide by its by-laws for the issuing of certifi- stock. Liability. Succession of To provide for board of trustees. Management and control vested in board of trustees. cates or shares of stock and for the manner in which the same shall be held and represented. All stockholders of every corporation formed under this act, shall be limited in their liability to creditors of any such corporation, to an amount equal to the amount unpaid on their said stock. SEC. 6. Every such corporation shall have power to promembership. vide by its by-laws for succession to its original membership, and for new membership, and shall also have power to provide by its by-laws for election from its members of a board of trustees and to fix the number and term of office of such trustees. SEC. 7. The management and control of the business, affairs and property of such corporation shall be vested in said. board of trustees, and said board shall have power to borrow any money, and cause to be made and issued any bonds and mortgages authorized by section four of this act. Said trustees shall appoint from their number a president, secretary and treasurer, who shall perform the duties of their respective offices in accordance with the rules and regulations prescribed by the board of trustees. Officers. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Immediate effect acts to be published monthly. Secretary of State to distribute. [ No. 14. ] AN ACT to provide for the printing and distribution of all laws of a public and general character which have been given immediate effect. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State at least once in each month to cause to be printed in pamphlet form all laws of a general and public character which shall be passed, given immediate effect, and have received the approval of the executive during the continuation of the legislative session. It shall be the further duty of the Secretary of State to transmit a copy of said laws to the following persons, viz.: Judges of all courts of record, prosecuting attorneys, and county clerks. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. [ No. 15. ] AN ACT to provide for the continuance of the recompilation and copying of the records in the office of the Adjutant General pertaining to the enlistment, muster, history and final disposition of the soldiers and sailors from this State during the war of the rebellion, and for the publication of a "Roster of Michigan Soldiers from eighteen hundred sixty-one to eighteen hundred sixty-six inclusive," and to make appropriation therefor. tion of SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That Recompilathe Adjutant General is hereby authorized and directed to records, etc. provide suitable books and to recompile and copy from papers now on file in his office, and from such other official papers as he may obtain, the military or naval history of each and every soldier or sailor, who enlisted from or was credited to this State during the war of the rebellion. Such history shall show, as far as may be possible, the name, age, date of enlistment, military or naval history and final disposition of each such soldier or sailor. tion. SEC. 2. The sum of four thousand dollars is hereby appro- Appropriapriated, or so much thereof as may be necessary, out of any moneys in the State treasury to the credit of the general fund not otherwise appropriated, for the purposes mentioned in this act. SEC. 3. The Auditor General shall add to and incorporate Tax. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. [ No. 16. ] AN ACT to amend section four of an act entitled, "An act to prescribe the manner of conducting and to prevent fraud and deceptions at elections in this State, the same being section four of act one hundred and ninety (190) of the public acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-one (1891), as amended by section four of act number seventeen (17) of the public acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-three (1893), and to repeal all acts and parts of acts contravening the provisions of this act. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That Section section four of act number one hundred and ninety (190) of the amended. public acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-one (1891), as amended by section four of act number seventeen (17) of the public acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-three (1893) be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: SEC. 4. When any election district or voting precinct shall contain over three hundred electors, according to the poll list of the last preceding general election, the township board in townships and the city council in cities may, in their discretion, divide such voting precincts into two or more election districts. In case of townships and incorporated villages so divided, the provisions of chapter eight (8) of Howell's annotated statutes shall apply to and govern all proceedings hereunder, with reference to such division, boards of registration, election inspectors and all matters arising therefrom not provided for by this act. In cities where no special provisions exist relative thereto, such division and all matters arising therefrom, not covered by the provisions of this act, shall be provided for by ordinance of the common council of said city, and it is hereby made the duty of such common council to make all necessary rules and regulations in connection there. with to fully carry out the provisions of this section. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Approved March 10, 1897. Section amended. When count of result. [ No. 17. ] AN ACT to amend section thirty-eight of act number fortyfour of the public acts of one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, entitled "An act to prescribe the manner of conducting and to prevent fraud and deception at elections in this State." SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That section thirty-eight of act number one hundred and ninety of the public acts of one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one, entitled "An act to prescribe the manner of conducting and to prevent fraud and deception at elections in this State," as amended by act number forty-four of the public acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-five, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: SEC. 38. After the count of the tickets or ballots has been completed the result shall be immediately declared, and the number of votes received by each candidate or person on the ticket shall be publicly declared by one of the inspectors. The inspectors shall then prepare a statement of the result in duplicate, showing the whole number of votes cast for each office, the names of the persons for which such votes were given, and the number each person received. Such a statement, when certified by the inspectors and duly signed, shall be delivered, one copy to the township or city clerk to be filed by him in his office, and the other, together with one of the original tally sheets, shall by the township or city clerk be, within twenty-four hours after the result is declared, delivered in person or immediately forwarded by registered mail to the said county clerk. Approved March 10, 1897. [ No. 18. ] AN ACT to amend section three hundred and sixty-four, chapter ten, of the compiled laws of eighteen hundred and fiftyseven, and the several acts amendatory thereof, relative to boards of supervisors, the same being section five hundred and two of Howell's annotated statutes of the State of Michigan. amended. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That Section section three hundred and sixty-four, chapter ten, of the compiled laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-seven and the several acts amendatory thereof, relative to boards of supervisors, the same being section five hundred and two of Howell's annotated statutes of the State of Michigan, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: of supervisors ings. supervisors SEC. 502. Every member of such board of supervisors shall Compensation be allowed a compensation of three dollars per day for his ser- artending vices and expenses in attending the meeting of said board and board meetsix cents a mile for each mile necessarily traveled in going to and returning from the place of such meeting: Provided, That Proviso as to no supervisor shall be allowed pay for more than one day for in upper each twenty-four hours that the board of supervisors shall be Peninsula. in session: Provided, Where a member of the board of supervisors in any county of the upper peninsula has to leave home the day before the meeting of the board in order to arrive at place of meeting of said board at time of commencement of session, and where members cannot get home the day meeting adjourns said members shall be allowed compensation at the rate of three dollars per day for time actually employed in going to and returning home from place of meeting of said board by the most direct and usually traveled route. To be Time for audited by the board and paid by the county, which compensa pensation tion of three dollars per day shall extend to and be allowed allowed. for the first twelve days only of any continuous regular session, and six days only for an adjourned session of said board, of which special session there shall be no more than two in which com |