shall not sell shares of be dissolved their lots in the terms and conditions upon which the same shall be held by them: Provided, That any such lot or lots so assigned, Proviso. allotted or confirmed to such stockholders shall be deemed and considered as appurtenant and attached to a certain share or shares of capital stock in such corporation, which shall be designated at the time of such assignment, allotment or confirmation, and any assignment, transfer or other disposition of such capital stock shall be held to carry with it, the right to such lot or lots so appurtenant or attached to the same; and it shall not be lawful for such stockholder Stockholders to in any manner whatsoever, sell, assign, transfer or dispose lot save with of any right, title, claim or interest he may have or acquire stock. in [an] any lot or lots assigned, allotted or confirmed under such by-laws and regulations, separated or detached from the share or shares of capital stock to which it shall be appurtenant or attached. In case such corporation should for any If corporation reason be dissolved or wound up by any court of competent stockholder jurisdiction, by reason of the termination of its charter or may receive otherwise, each stockholder to whom a lot or lots have been fee. assigned, allotted or confirmed, shall be entitled to receive the same in fee upon complying with such terms and conditions as may be imposed by the court having jurisdiction of the winding up of such corporation and all parks, roads or walks shown upon the plat of the property of such corporation recorded as aforesaid, shall be and become dedicated to the public use as parks, roads and walks in the same manner and to the same Roads and extent as parks, roads and drives are or may be so dedicated dedicated to within the limits of cities, towns or villages in this State. the public SEC. 22. Act number one hundred and fifty-one of the ses- Acts repealed. sion laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, entitled "An act to provide for the formation of joint stock companies for the purpose of owning and maintaining skating parks or rinks and parks kept for ornament, recreation and amusement," approved April fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, and act number one hundred and sixty-four of the session laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, entitled "An act to authorize the formation of corporations for the purpose of owning and improving, summer resorts," approved June nineteen, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, and all acts amendatory and supplemental to said acts or either of them are hereby repealed. But the repeal of the foregoing acts shall not dis- All corporasolve any corporation formed or existing under them and all ized under corporations of the nature of corporations authorized to be acts repealed organized under this act now organized and existing under to be taken as said several acts in this section mentioned, or either of them, under this act, and all corporations which have attempted to organize and are now doing business under said acts or either of them, shall be deemed and taken to be organizations under this act and all rights, obligations and liabilities contracted, acquired or incurred by any such corporations thereunder, shall continue of the same force and effect as though such acts or laws had walks to be use. tions organ to be deemed associations not been repealed, and all such corporations from and after This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Section amended. Plank road companies may use gravel. Method of construction. Penalty. [No. 231.] AN ACT to amend an act, entitled "An act relative to plank roads," approved March thirteenth, eighteen hundred and forty-eight. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That section thirty-one relative to plank roads approved March thirteenth, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, as amended by act two hundred and twenty-one of public acts of eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: SEC. 31. All companies that have been or may be hereafter organized subject to the provisions of this act, instead of eight feet in width of plank road required by 'section sixteen of this act, may construct all or any portion of said road of gravel instead of plank and may substitute gravel instead of plank where plank is now used or of stone so broken as to subserve the purposes of said gravel: Provided, That said gravel portion of said road shall in all cases be not less than nine feet in width and the gravel of which the same is constructed be not less than nine inches in depth of gravel consisting of at least sixty-five per centum of pebbles and not more than thirty-five per centum of sand, loam and bonding material, and shall in all cases be of such depth and quality as to make at all times a good, firm and hard road: And provided, Said company shall be subject to all the provisions and penalties in regard to the keeping said gravel road in repair as is provided for in an act relative to plank roads, approved March thirteenth, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, as amended. And also an act relative to appointment of toll road commissioners, and so forth, approved April twenty-second, eighteen hundred and ninety seven. Approved June 2, 1897. [ No. 232.] AN ACT to amend sections thirty-nine and forty of act two hundred and five (205) of the session laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-seven (1887), entitled "An act to revise the laws authorizing the business of banking, and to establish a banking department for the supervision of such business," the same being sections three thousand two hundred and eight d eight (3208d8) and three thousand two hundred and eight d nine (3208d9) of Howell's annotated statutes. amended. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That Sections sections thirty-nine and forty of act two hundred and five (205) of the session laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-seven (1887), entitled "An act to revise the laws authorizing the business of banking, and to establish a banking department for the supervision of such business," the same being sections three thousand two hundred and eight d eight (3208d8) and three thousand two hundred and eight d nine (3208d9) of Howell's annotated statutes, be and the same are hereby amended so as to read as follows: missioner to books. SEC. 39. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of the Duty of comBanking Department, and he shall have power for himself, examine his deputy or any examiner he may appoint for that purpose, to examine one or more times in each year the cash, bills, collaterals or securities, books of account, condition and affairs of each bank under the law, and also when requested by the board of directors of any bank. For that purpose he may examine, on oath, any of the officers, agents, clerks, customers or depositors of such bank touching the affairs and business of such bank. Any wilful false swearing in any examination False swearshall be deemed perjury. He shall also ascertain whether each bank transacts its business at the place designated in the articles of incorporation, and whether its business is conducted in the manner prescribed by law. ing, perjury. examination. SEC. 40. One examination each year shall be designated as Fees for the annual examination and for each annual examination the bank examined shall pay into the State treasury for the credit of the general fund one hundredth part of one per cent of the gross amount of the assets of said bank: Provided, That the Proviso. examination fee of any bank shall not be less than ten dollars, and that no bank shall be compelled to pay for more than one examination in each year. The expenses incurred and ser- Special exvices, other than examinations, performed especially for any paid. bank shall be paid by such bank. If such charges or the annual fee are not paid after due notice, the Commissioner shall maintain an action in his name of office against the delinquent bank for the recovery of such charge, or annual fee, Collection of with interest thereon, and the sums so collected shall be paid fees. into the State treasury. No person shall be appointed to pense, how charges and Certain facts and informa secret. examine a bank in which he is interested as stockholder, officer or employé or otherwise. The Commissioner of the Banking tion to be kept Department, his deputy, every clerk in his employment, and examiner shall be bound by oath to keep secret all facts and information obtained in the course of such examination except in as far as the public duty of such officer requires him to report upon or take official action regarding the affairs of such bank. No bank shall be subject to any visitation other than such as is required by this act, or otherwise authorized by law. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Sections amended. Dependent persons to be admitted to University. hospital. [No. 233. ] AN ACT to amend sections one (1), two (2), three (3) and six (6) of act one hundred and thirty-eight (138) of the public acts of eighteen hundred and eighty-one (1881), entitled "An act to provide for the medical and surgical treatment of dependent children at the hospital of the Michigan University, the same being compiler's sections one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, and one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, of chapter forty-three (43) of Howell's annotated statutes of Michigan." SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That sections one (1), two (2), three (3) and six (6) of act one hundred and thirty-eight (138) of the public acts of eighteen hundred and eighty-one (1881), entitled "An act to provide for the medical and surgical treatment of dependent children at the hospital of the Michigan University, the same being compiler's sections one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen of chapter forty-three (43) of Howell's annotated statutes of Michigan," be, and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: SEC. 1. That any dependent persons who are or who shall hereafter be inmates of the State Public School at Coldwater, the Michigan School for the Blind, the Michigan School for the Deaf, and the Michigan School for the Feeble Minded and Epileptic and those who are not inmates of said institutions, but who, if not affected by disease or requiring surgical treatment, would be entitled by the laws of this State to admission to said institutions, who may be suffering from chronic disease, or who may need surgical treatment for any cause, which is calculated to disable them in whole or in part from self sup port, shall be entitled to, and shall receive medical and surgical treatment, or either, together with board, lodging, nursing, and other proper care, free of charge, at the hospital established in connection with the Michigan University at Ann Arbor, under the general rules and regulations thereof. how certified." SEC. 2. The admissibility of applicants under this act for Admissibility, such gratuitous treatment, if not inmates of said State Public School, the Michigan School for the Blind, the Michigan School for the Deaf and the Michigan Home for the Feeble Minded and Epileptic, shall be determined and certified in the same manner as their admissibility is now determined and certified to the said State Public School, or the Michigan School for the Blind, the Michigan School for the Deaf and the Michigan Home for the Feeble Minded and Epileptic; and in case of dependent persons who are or may be inmates of the said State Public School, the Michigan School for the Blind, the Michigan School for the Deaf and the Michigan Home for the Feeble Minded and Epileptic, it shall be determined and certified by the superintendent thereof. SEC. 3. The expenses of conveying said dependent persons, Expenses, how paid. whether inmates of the State Public School, the Michigan School for the Blind, the Michigan School for the Deaf or the Michigan Home for the Feeble Minded and Epileptic, or the other class herein named, to and from said hospital, and their board and nursing and other care, in said hospital, shall be paid out of the appropriation provided by this act: Provided, Proviso. That such transportation expenses shall not include the expenses or services of any person accompanying the person to and from said hospital. tion, nursing, SEC. 6. The actual expenses for the transporting of depend- Transportaent persons to and from said hospital, as provided in this act, etc., how and the board, nursing and other care for said persons while paid. in said hospital, not exceeding the amount charged other persons, patients in said hospital, shall be audited by the Board of State Auditors, and paid out of any money in the State treasury not otherwise appropriated. The treasurer of Accounts, presented the Board of Control of the State Public School, the Mich- by whom. igan School for the Blind, the Michigan School for the Deaf, or the Michigan Home for the feeble Minded and Epileptic, shall present all accounts for the transportation of persons to and from said institutions and said hospital, and shall receive payment thereon; the county treasurer of the proper county shall present such accounts and receive payment thereon for persons sent from such county, and the treasurer of said University shall present the accounts for the board and nursing of said persons, and shall receive pay thereon; all of which accounts shall be verified as required by said Board of State Auditors. Approved June 2, 1897. |