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ment of first, the amount of money in the hands of the town- To contain ship treasurer at the beginning of the fiscal year, specifying the what. amount in the several funds; second, the amount and source of all money placed to the credit of the township and the fund to which the same has been accredited; third, all bills audited and allowed by them; fourth, all disbursements of money made by them, and for what purpose and from what fund the same has been paid; fifth, all outstanding unpaid claims and to what fund the same are charged; sixth, the balance of money remaining to the credit of the township, specifying the amount in the several funds. The said itemized statement shall be How dis tributed. written or printed and distributed in numbers of not less than five nor to exceed fifty copies and also post three copies of said statement in conspicuous places, said distribution and posting to be made at the polls of every annual township meeting, at the commencement of the opening of the polls.


SEC. 2. That the expense of carrying out the provisions of At township this act shall be a charge against and shall be audited and allowed by the township board and paid out of the general fund of such township.

SEC. 3. The failure on the part of the township board to comply with the provisions of this act shall be deemed to be a misdemeanor on the part of all the individual members of such township board not voting therefor and shall be punished by a fine of not more than twenty-five dollars or by imprisonment in the county jail, for a period of not more than thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court, upon the complaint of any taxpayer within such township.

SEC. 4. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Approyed June 2, 1897.

[ No. 263. ]

AN ACT to authorize the Auditor General to accept payment of taxes and charges from the owner of any description of land held by the State as State tax lands.

or General

portion of tax.

SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That When Auditwhenever any person, firm or corporation owning or claiming shall accept to own one or more government subdivisions of land included payment of in the assessment with other government subdivisions of land upon the tax roll, shall make an affidavit, or cause said affidavit to be made by any person having knowledge of the facts, to the Auditor General, setting forth that the said person, firm Auditor Genor corporation owns at the time of making said affidavit the era to issue


said government subdivision of land, and that the same has been included upon the assessment roll and has been sold and is held as State tax land with other government subdivisions of lands, and that the said affiant is desirous of paying all the taxes assessed against said land, and upon tender by such person, firm or corporation to the Auditor General, the proportionate amount of taxes, interest and charges accrued against said description of land as appearing by the tax lists and records at the time said tender or payment and affidavit is made, it shall be the duty of the Auditor General upon payment to issue to such person, firm or corporation, as aforesaid, a deed of the description or descriptions of land described in such affidavit.

Approved June 2, 1897.

Defining term "imitation leather."

Boots or shoes


[ No. 264. ]

AN ACT to provide for the stamping of boots or shoes composed wholly or partly of an imitation leather.

SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That the term "imitation leather" as used herein shall, for the purposes of this act, be defined to be all leather composed in whole or in part of paper, scraps and portions of hides of animals used in the manufacture of boots or shoes, which being pressed together with an adhesive substance to keep such component parts intact, is used in the place of solid leather in the making of such foot gear.

SEC. 2. Every person, firm or corporation within this State, to be stamped, that is engaged in the manufacture, sale or exchange, or offers for sale, or has in possession with intent to sell, boots or shoes in the construction of which any imitation leather, so-called, as herein before defined, is used shall cause to be stamped upon such boots or shoes the words "imitation leather" in a distinct and legible manner: Provided, however, That the letters in the words "imitation leather" shall not be less than one-eighth of an inch in length.

Where stamped.


SEC. 3. When such imitation leather, so-called, shall be used either as soles, in-soles, heels or counters of such boots or shoes, the words "imitation leather" shall be stamped upon the outside of the soles near the heel of such boots or shoes; and when such imitation leather, so-called, shall be used in the making of any other part or parts of such boots or shoes, the words "imitation leather" shall be stamped thereon, in a conspicuous place: Provided, however, Excepting the soles of such boots or shoes the words "imitation leather" need not be stamped upon the outside thereof.

SEC. 4.

intent to sell.

Having in possession any boots or shoes which are When deemed composed in whole or in part of any imitation leather, so-called, as herein before defined, and which is not stamped as herein required, shall for the purposes of this act be deemed prima facie evidence of intent to sell the same: Provided, This act Proviso. shall not apply to stocks now on hand.


SEC. 5. Any person who shall knowingly violate any of the Penalty for provisions of this act shall, for each offense, be deemed guilty of act. of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not less than thirty nor more than ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court.

SEC. 6. It shall be the duty of all prosecuting officers of this Duty of prosecuting officers. State to prosecute to completion, all suits brought under the provisions of this act, upon the complaint of any citizen.

SEC. 7. All acts or parts of acts in conflict with the pro- Acts repealed. visions of this act are hereby repealed. This act shall take

effect January first, eighteen hundred ninety-nine. Approved June 4, 1897.

[ No. 265.]

AN ACT to amend sections one (1) and two (2) of act number two hundred and twenty-two (222) of the public acts of eighteen hundred and eighty-seven (1887), as amended by section one (1) of act number one hundred and eighty-three (183) of the public acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-five (1895), entitled "An act to prevent crime and to punish truancy," being compiler's sections nine thousand three hundred fifteen c (9315 c) and nine thousand three hundred fifteen d (9315 d) of chapter three hundred and thirty-two (322) of Howell's annotated statutes of Michigan.


SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That Sections sections one [1] and two [2] of act two hundred and twentytwo [222] of the public acts of eighteen hundred and eightyseven [1887] as amended by section one [1] of act one hundred and eighty-three [183] of the public acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-five [1895], entitled "An act to prevent crime and to punish truancy," being compiler's sections nine thousand three hundred fifteen c [9315 c] and nine thousand three hundred fifteen d [9315 d] of chapter three hundred thirty-two [322] of Howell's annotated statutes of Michigan, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows:

What children deemed

truants or disorderly persons.

Who to make complaint.

SECTION 1. That every boy between the age of ten and sixteen years, or any girl between the age of ten and seventeen years, who shall frequent or be found lounging about saloons, disreputable places, houses of ill fame, or who shall be an inmate or resident or a member of a family who [reside] resides in any house of ill fame, or conduct any other disreputa ble place, or who shall frequent other rooms or places where dissolute and disreputable people congregate, or where intoxicating liquors are kept for sale, or who shall, against the command of his or her parents or guardian, run away or wilfully absent himself or herself from the school he or she is attending, or from any house, office, shop, firm or other place where he or she is residing or legitimately employed with labor, or who shall against such command of his or her parents or guardian or for any immoral, disorderly or dishonest purposes be found lounging upon the public streets, highways or other public resorts or at places of amusement of dissolute or improper character, or who shall against any such command or for any [such] disorderly or dishonest purposes attend any public dance, skating rink, or show shall be deemed guilty as a truant or disorderly child.

SEC. 2. Upon the complaint upon oath and in writing made before any justice of the peace, police justice, or other criminal magistrate by the parent or guardian or other person knowing of the facts of his own knowledge that any girl between the age of ten and seventeen years, or that any boy between the age of ten and sixteen years, or by the supervisors of any township, or mayor of any city, or president of any village, and in any city of over eight thousand population by the chief of police, mayor or other person knowing of the facts of his own knowledge that such minor has been guilty of any of the acts specified in section one of this act, such justice or other criminal magistrate shall issue a warrant for the arrest of such minor, and upon conviction such minor, if a boy, may be sentenced by such justice or criminal magistrate to the Industrial School for Boys at Lansing, and if a girl, to the Industrial Home for Girls at Adrian, boys until eighteen years of age, and girls until twenty-one years of age, unless sooner discharged Proviso as to according to law: Provided, That no person or persons shall be sent to said Industrial School for Boys or to the Industrial Home for Girls until the sentence therein has been submitted to and approved by one [of] the judges of the recorder's court of the city of Detroit, or judge of the superior court of the city of Grand Rapids, or any circuit judge of the county in which such conviction shall be had.

Term of sentence.

approval of


Repealing clause.

SEC. 3. All acts and parts of acts in anywise contravening the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Approved June 2, 1897.

[ No. 266. ]

AN ACT to amend section fourteen and repeal section eighteen of act number one hundred ninety of the public acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-one, entitled "An act to prescribe the manner of conducting and to prevent fraud and [deception] deceptions at elections in this State," approved July three, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, as subsequently amended, and to add to said act as amended, a new section to stand as section forty-eight, so as to provide for a separate ballot containing the constitutional amendments and other questions to be submitted at such elections.


SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That Section section fourteen of act number one hundred ninety of the public acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-one, entitled "An act to prescribe the manner of conducting and to prevent fraud and [deception] deceptions at elections in this State," approved July third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, as subsequently amended, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows:

SEC. 14. The board of election commissioners in each Names of all candidates to county shall cause the names of all candidates for the various be printed on offices mentioned in section one of this act to be voted for in ballot. each legislative district of said county at any election held pursuant to the provisions of this act, to be printed on one ballot, all nominations of any party to be placed under the title and device of such party as designated by them in their certificate.

* *

* *


which tickets

uniform in

The tickets of the party having the Order in greatest number of votes within the county at the last pre- shall appear ceding general election shall be placed first on the ballot, on ballot. the position of other tickets to be governed relatively by the same rule. The ballots shall be of uniform size and of the Ballots to be same quality and color of white paper, and sufficiently thick size, etc. that the printing cannot be distinguished from the back. The list of candidates of each party shall be placed in a separate column of said ballot with the appropriate heading; and the Plan of ballot. arrangement of the ballot shall conform as nearly as may be to the following plan, and shall contain the specific instruotion therein set forth, and no others:


[Instructions.]—In all cases stamp a cross (x) in the circle under the name of your party at the head of the ballot. If you desire to vote a straight ticket nothing further need be done.

Where only one candidate is to be elected to any office, and you desire to vote for a candidate not on your party ticket,

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