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the Board of State Auditors, whose duty it shall be to audit and allow the same.

State to fur

blank affi

SEC. 7. The licenses for residents and non-residents shall Secretary of be printed by the Secretary of State on the best tag board with nish licenses, coupons properly eyeletted, so different in color as to be easily etc. distinguished, and the resident and non-resident licenses shall be numbered consecutively. The resident licenses shall be bound in book form of not less than one hundred in each book and the non-resident licenses in not less than twenty-five in each book. The Secretary of State shall also prepare and print To furnish blank affidavits for resident and non-resident hunter's license, davits. and shall bind such affidavits in book form, the non-resident not less than twenty-five and the resident not less than one hundred in each book, which affidavits shall be numbered consecutively and corresponding in number and color with the licenses. The Secretary of State shall deliver to the clerk of Number to each county, as soon as this act goes into effect and at least to county ten days before the first day of January of each year thereafter, clerk. one hundred resident and twenty-five non-resident licenses and one hundred resident and twenty-five non-resident affidavits, and as many more as may be required, and shall charge said clerk with the number so issued to him. At the close of each Unused year and within ten days thereafter, each county clerk shall to be returned return to the Secretary of State all unused licenses and affi- to Secretary davits and stubs of licenses issued, with a report of the number of resident and non-resident licenses issued, amount of money received, amount retained by him and the amount paid over to the county treasurer of his county for resident and non-resident licenses issued.

be delivered

licenses, etc.,

of State,

SEC. 8. Said licenses, coupons and stubs shall be in the Form of

following form:


[blocks in formation]
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license, coupons, stubs, etc.

clerk of said county, do hereby certify that
whose name is signed in the margin

of this license, in his own handwriting or who has made oath
before me that he cannot write, has filed with me the affidavit
required by law for a hunter's license, stating therein that he
is a resident of the State of...
county of
and his postoffice address is
years, the color of his hair is

eyes is

That he has paid me the sum of

his age is

and the color of his


for this license and is authorized to hunt for, and kill with
firearms, all deer which may be killed but which are protected
by the laws of this State, but only at the times and places and
in the manner provided by law.
Dated ...





Issued by the clerk of



..county, Michigan, on

This coupon authorizes any person named in said license to ship one deer, or part thereof, to any point in Michigan but this coupon must accompany it.

[blocks in formation]

This coupon authorizes any person named in said license to ship one deer, or part thereof, to any point in Michigan but this coupon must accompany it.

[blocks in formation]

This coupon authorizes any person named in said license to ship one deer, or part thereof, to any point in Michigan but this coupon must accompany it.

[blocks in formation]


Issued by the clerk of



...county, Michigan, on

This coupon authorizes any person named in said license to ship one deer, or part thereof, to any point in Michigan but this coupon must accompany it.

[blocks in formation]

This coupon authorizes any person named in said license to ship one deer, or part thereof, to any point in Michigan but this coupon must accompany it.

[blocks in formation]

tion, condi

SEC. 9. It shall not be lawful for any railroad company, Transportaexpress company, boat or other transportation company to tions of. transport any deer or part of a deer from one place to another in this State unless the shipper shall produce his license as provided in this act and sign and detach one coupon therefrom and attach the same to such deer or part thereof offered for shipment, in the presence of the shipping agent, and if he cannot write he shall sign by his mark, which agent shall sign

Penalty for refusal to

exhibit license.

Violations of act defined.


Acts repealed.

such coupon as a witness and such coupon shall accompany said deer or part thereof to its destination.

SEC. 10. Any person found hunting any deer protected by the laws of this State with any kind of firearms and who shall refuse to show his license herein provided for, to any sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, game warden, deputy game warden or county game warden, on demand, shall be deemed and held to be guilty of violating the provisions of this section, in addition to violating any of the other provisions of this act, and may be fined upon conviction for such refusal as provided in section twelve of this act.

SEC. 11. Any person who shall procure a license under the provisions of this act by false swearing shall be guilty of perjury and any person who shall by fraud or false statements of any kind or any person who shall attempt to or use the license of another or any person who shall loan or knowingly permit another to use his license or any person who shall use any coupon more than once or who shall remove or wilfully destroy any coupon while attached to a deer or part thereof until after it reaches its destination shall be deemed to have violated the provisions of this act. And any county clerk who shall issue a license under the provisions of this act without receiving the amount of money herein provided therefor or who shall refuse or neglect to pay over any money received for his services as herein required shall be guilty of violating the provisions of this act and shall be personally liable for the amount of money he should have collected for such license.

SEC. 12. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this act shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred and twenty-five dollars and costs of prosecution or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding one hundred days or both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court, and the court shall sentence the offender to be confined in the county jail until such fine and costs are paid for any period not exceeding one hundred days and in all cases where a fine and imprisonment is imposed, the sentence shall provide that if the fine and costs are not paid at the time such imprisonment expires, the person serving out such sentence shall be further detained in jail until such fine and costs are paid, for any period stated: Provided, That the whole term of such imprisonment shall not exceed six months.

SEC. 13. All acts or parts of acts in conflict with or inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Approved June 2, 1897.

[ No. 269. ]

AN ACT to provide for the incorporation of companies for the manufacture or production of flax fibre.

may incor


SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That Number who any number of persons not less than three, desiring to become porate. incorporated for the purpose of manufacturing or producing flax fibre may, by complying with all the provisions of act number two hundred and thirty-two of the session laws of eighteen Act may inhundred and eighty-five entitled "An act to revise the laws under. providing for the incorporation of all manufacturing companies, except such as are contemplated by act number fortyfive of the session laws of eighteen hundred sixty-seven, which provides for the incorporation of persons or corporations engaged in the manufacture of salt and mercantile companies or any union of the two, and to fix the duties and liabilities of such corporations," and acts- amendatory thereof, with their successors and assigns become a body politic and corporate Corporate with all the powers, duties and liabilities of corporations organized under the act above mentioned: Provided, however, The capital stock of such corporation may be not less than one thousand dollars, and the par value of the shares not less than Par value of five nor more than ten dollars each.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved June 2, 1897.



[ No. 270. ]

AN ACT to provide for having printed the report of the board of World's Fair managers for the State of Michigan.

Auditors to

SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That Board of State the Board of Auditors are hereby authorized and empowered print. to have printed the report of the board of World's Fair managers, or such parts thereof as they think best, the expense of the same to be paid from the general fund, not to exceed one Appropriathousand dollars ($1,000).

Approved June 2, 1897.



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