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menced by

SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That Suits comall suits commenced in this State by order of any probate order of judge court upon any bond required by law to be filed with such of probate to be in county court, shall be commenced in the county where such bond is, where bond or may be filed, and any process issued out of the circuit court for said county in such suit may be served in any part of this State.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved March 26, 1897.

is filed.

[ No. 48. ]

AN ACT to provide for the encouragement of the manufacture of beet sugar and to provide a compensation therefor and to make an appropriation therefor.

paid manu

SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That Bounty to be there shall be paid out of the State treasury to any person, facturers of firm or corporation engaged in the manufacture in the State of beet sugar. Michigan of sugar from sugar beets grown in the State of Michigan, one cent per pound upon each and every pound of sugar so manufactured under the conditions and restrictions hereinafter provided.

grown in this

of sugar re

SEC. 2. No money shall be paid for sugar so manufactured Beets to be unless such sugar shall have been so manufactured in this State. State and from beets grown in the State of Michigan, and Percentage unless such sugar shall contain at least ninety per cent crystal- quired. lized sugar, and the manufacturer shall produce good and suffi- Price to be cient receipts and vouchers to show that at least four dollars paid for beets. per ton of twenty hundred pounds has actually been paid for all beets purchased containing twelve per cent of sugar, said twelve per cent being the basis for valuation of the purchase price of four dollars per ton. The quantity and quality of sugar Commissioner upon which all of said bounty is claimed shall be determined of State Land by the Commissioner of the State Land Office with whom all mine amount claimants shall from time to time file verified statements showing the quantity and quality of sugar so manufactured by them, the price paid the producer for the beets actually produced in this State, upon which said bounty is claimed.

Office to deter

of bounty.

ers to file

stoner of State

SEC. 3. The persons, firms or corporations so intending to Manufacturengage in the manufacture of beet sugar in this State shall, statement before commencing the same file a statement with the Com- with Commismissioner of the State Land Office setting forth their proposed Land Office. undertaking, the capacity of their manufactory, the number of tons of beets they intend to manufacture per annum, and request said Commissioner of the State Land Office to appoint a suitable weighman and inspector as hereinafter provided.

Commissioner of State Land Office to appoint weighman and inspectors.

Sugar to be placed in original packages and branded.

Fees of weighman and inspectors.


and inspectors to file bond and oath in office of Secre

SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of the State Land Office to appoint a resident weighman and inspector and such assistants as may be necessary in each town where it shall appear to him from the application of the persons, firms or corporations so engaged or intending to engage in the manufacture of beet sugar, that such weighman and inspector is needed, and in all cases where the output of persons, firms and corporations engaged in the manufacture of beet sugar in this State shall aggregate or exceed two thousand pounds per day, and such weighman and inspector shall weigh all beets received by such persons, firms or corporations engaged in the manufacture of beet sugar, and keep an accurate account of the same with each and every purchaser of sugar beets and make such examination and test as to the quantity and quality of the sugar so manufactured as he may deem proper in arriving at the standard of sugar in each town, so manufactured by such persons, firms or corporations. The sugar thus manufactured shall under the direction of said weighman and inspector be placed in original packages which shall be examined, weighed and branded by him by a suitable brand showing the quantity and quality contained in each of said packages of which an accurate account shall be by him filed in the office of the Commissioner of the State Land Office.

SEC. 5. The compensation and fees for such services, above provided for to be performed by said weighman and inspector and assistants shall not exceed one-eighth of one cent per pound for the beet sugar so examined, weighed and branded by him, nor shall they receive to exceed the sum of three dollars per day for any one day's service actually performed as such weighman and inspector or assistant. He shall give a bond with good and sufficient sureties in the sum of not less than two thousand dollars to the State of Michtary of State. igan, contingent upon the faithful performance of his duties, said bond to be approved by the Secretary of State; and he shall also take, subscribe and file in the office of the Expense of Secretary of State the constitutional oath of office. The said weighman and inspector fees of compensation together with the cost of said brand and to be borne by all analyses that the said weighman and inspector shall be required to make shall be borne and paid by the persons, firm or corporation claimant of said money; the said weighman and inspector shall perform all duties pertaining to his position in an impartial manner, and shall furnish and file with the Commissioner of the State Land Office, also with the manufacturer of said beet sugar, a monthly statement in duplicate of all sugar so manufactured by said person, firm or corporation. To determine The said weighman and inspector shall, upon receipt of beets weight and at such manufactory, select such samples of beets as he deems percentage of sugar. fair and equitable, and shall keep an accurate record of the gross weight of said samples, and shall estimate the per cent of said gross weight to be deducted therefrom as a reasonable and fair allowance for dirt and dockage, and he shall also test, or cause to be tested, said samples to ascertain the true per



and inspector to make monthly report.

cent of sugar they contain, and make a record of the same. All beets from which samples have been taken shall be promptly weighed, and an accurate record of the gross weights of the same shall be kept, also of the number of pounds to be deducted for dirt and dockage as fixed by the per cent of dirt and dockage of the samples, and also of the pounds net weight so obtained, and said net weight and the per cent of sugar as determined by the test of the samples shall be the basis of settlement between the buyer and seller, and in order to obtain the bounty provided by this act the buyer must pay at least four dollars per ton for beets containing twelve per cent of sugar, and a sum proportionate to that amount shall be paid for beets containing a greater or less per cent of sugar.

paid on war

SEC. 6. When any claim arising under this act is filed, veri- Claims to be fied and approved by the Commissioner of the State Land Office rant of Audas hereinafter provided, he shall verify the same to the Audi- itor General. tor General of the State, who shall draw a warrant upon the State Treasurer for the amount thereof payable to the person, firm or corporation to whom said sum or sums are due.

SEC. 7. That the sum of ten thousand dollars be and the Appropria-· tion. same is hereby appropriated from the general fund in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated to be known as the beet sugar fund, and to be expended under the direction of the Commissioner of the State Land Office as herein provided and the money for payment under this act shall be drawn from the State treasury on the requisition of the Commissioner of the State Land Office, which shall be presented to the Auditor General who shall draw his warrant on the State Treasurer therefor, and the Auditor General shall incorporate in the State tax for the year eighteen hundred and ninety-seven the sum of five thousand dollars, and for the year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight a like sum of five thousand dollars to be assessed, levied and collected as other State taxes are assessed, levied and collected, which sum when collected, shall be placed to the credit of the general fund to reimburse it for the sum herein appropriated: Provided, That if the amount of bounty shall exceed the amount of ten thousand dollars for the years eighteen hundred and ninety-seven and eighteen hundred and ninety-eight; that the deficit be paid from the general fund not otherwise appropriated.


SEC. 8. Every person, firm or corporation that shall erect Bounty to be and have in operation in this State a factory for the manufac. paid for seven ture of sugar from beets with a capacity of two thousand pounds of sugar or upwards per day while this act is in force shall be entitled to receive from the State the sum of one cent per pound for all sugar manufactured from beets at such factory for a period of at least seven years from the taking effect of this act.

Approved March 26, 1897.

Act amended.

How corporation may re


Term of existence.

ration may re


[ No. 49. ]

AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation of Slack Water Navigation companies, for the improvement of rivers in the counties of St. Joseph, Cass, Berrien and Cheboygan and defining their powers and duties." Approved March twenty-five eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and being act number four hundred and eleven of the session laws of eighteen hundred and sixtyseven, as amended by act number one hundred and ten of the session laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-one, approved April thirteen, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, by adding thereto two new sections to stand as sections twenty-four and twenty-five.

SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That act number four hundred and eleven of the session laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-seven entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation of Slack Water Navigation companies for the improvement of rivers in the counties of St. Joseph, Cass, Berrien and Cheboygan and defining their powers and duties," approved March twenty-five, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, as amended by act number one hundred and ten of the session laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-one, approved April thirteen, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, be and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto two new sections to stand as sections twenty-four and twenty-five and to read as follows:

SEC. 24. It shall be lawful for any corporation heretofore new corporate or hereafter organized under the provisions of this act, and whose corporate existence is about to terminate by limitation of law, at its annual meeting next preceding such termination, or at a special meeting called for that purpose to be held within one year immediately preceding the date of such termination, by a vote of two-thirds of its capital stock, to direct the continuance of its corporate existence for such further term not exceeding thirty years as may be expressed in a resolution When corpo- passed for that purpose. And in the event that the term of new by special any corporation organized under the provisions of this act shall have expired by limitation of law before the adoption of such resolution of extension, then in that case it shall be lawful for any such corporation, at a special meeting called for that purpose, pursuant to the provisions of this act and the by-laws of the corporation, at any time within one year from the date of such termination, by a vote of four-fifths of its capital stock, to provide for and direct the reorganization of the corporation and the continuance of its corporate existence for such further term not exceeding thirty years, as may be Upon adoption expressed in a resolution passed for that purpose. Upon the of resolution, adoption of the resolution and either thereof, as provided deemed or- herein, the corporate existence of such corporation shall be

Term of existence.



lution to be

extended for the term provided in such resolution, and the adoption of such resolution shall be deemed a reorganization of the corporation, and it shall succeed to all the rights and be subject to all the liabilities of the corporation so reorganized. A certified copy of the resolution adopted by the stock- Copy of resoholders as herein provided, duly certified by the secretary of deposited in the corporation shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of office of SecState, and with the clerk of the county within which the cor- State. poration has its office for the transaction of its business, and by them recorded in their respective offices at the expense of the corporation.

retary of

ious notice of

meeting not


SEC. 25. When there shall be present at any regular or When prevspecial meeting of any corporation organized under the provisions of this act, all of the stockholders of such corporation, either in person or by proxy, no previous notice of such meeting shall be necessary.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved March 26, 1897.

[ No. 50. ]

AN ACT to allow the spearing of fish.

spear fish

March of each

ing to be al

SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That Lawful to it shall hereafter be lawful in the months of December, Janu- between Deary, February and March in each year to take, catch or kill cember and through the ice by the use of a spear, any or all kinds of fish, year. except brook trout, rainbow trout, German or brown trout, Certain fish to be excepted. grayling, land-locked salmon and black bass in any or all of the inland lakes and streams of this State, including Lake St. Where spearClair and that part of the St. Clair River below the village of lowed. Algonac in St. Clair county, the channels through which said river empties into Lake St. Clair, and other channels and bayous comprising the waters of said lake: Provided, That all Waters waters, lakes and streams in this State except Maple river below its entrance into Gratiot county which are now protected from spearing by any local act of the legislature of this State shall be exempt from the provisions of this act.

exempt from

provisions of

this act.

vening repealed,

SEC. 2. All acts or parts of acts in any way contravening Acts contrathe provisions of this act are hereby repealed. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Approved March 26, 1897.

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