Page images

the tombs, with which the artist-for such he was -had enriched his sketch-book.

For a moment she stood in rapt astonishment, gazing upon the sketch; then, turning her flashing black orbs (all that the discreet boorkoo permitted to be revealed of her face) upon the stranger, she found his eyes fixed in most undisguised admiration upon her own.

"Mashallah!" burst from her lips, while something of fascination seemed to emanate from the "unholy blue" of those bold eyes, that chained her to the spot in a state of feeling vibrating between fear and delight. The young man at length withdrew his gaze, and turning over the leaves of his book, drew her attention to a sketch of Mohammed Ali, and another of Abbas Pasha, both of them such admirable likenesses, that Nefeeseh at once recognized them.

"Wonderful!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands; truly this is magie, oh man! Canst thou, in like manner, show me my husband, Masloum Bey, the Lion of War, the companion of Ibrahim Pasha in Syria, for my soul is sick at his absence, and languishes to behold him?"

Unhesitatingly, but in terms so respectful that they inspired confidence, the stranger assured her that his art would enable him to show her the image of Masloum Bey; but for this achievement a day or two must be allowed him, and even then, he ventured to suggest, the cemetery would be a perilous place to attempt a second interview; it was open to the public; to-day it was deserted, another day would it be so?

While he yet spoke, Naimé, rushing up to her mistress, seized her by the skirt of her anteree, and dragging her away, declared that the old eunuch was waking from his nap, and, in another moment, would be in quest of her; and Nefeeseh, hurrying away, contrived to regain her usual place, before Hussein became aware of her absence; and when he rejoined her, she was fanning herself as deliberately with the green palm branch, as though nothing had occurred.

They mounted their donkeys and returned to Minieh. Once or twice, on her way home, Nefeeseh turned her head round, and beheld the Effendi following at a considerable distance; on reaching the gate of her residence she again glanced back, and there he was, stationed at the foot of a tree, evidently watching her movements. No sooner had she entered, than she ascended to the terraced roof, and saw the stranger advance near enough to take a scrutinizing view of the premises, and then turn back and retrace his steps to Cairo.

The following day was Thursday, the eve of the Mohammedan Sabbath, when it is the custom for the friends of the dead to flock to the cemeteries, and adorn the tombs of their kindred with green palm branches; the succeeding one, the Sabbath itself, the day on which, in accordance with Moslem customs, the distribution of bread and meat to the poor takes place at the graves of certain wealthy individuals who have left bequests to that effect. On both of those occasions Nefeeseh was there,

and she could see that the young artist was there also, but amidst so many lookers on there was no possibility of accosting him with safety. The first day her patience was sorely chafed by this obstacle, but on the second it waxed so faint that she would certainly have committed herself by some imprudence, had not a circumstance accidentally facilitated the doing that on which her mind was bent.

A rich bey was on that day buried, and the funeral ceremonies terminated by a buffalo being slaughtered at his grave, and the flesh divided among the clamorous poor assembled there. When this disgusting spectacle commenced, there was a general rush towards the spot, and in the confusion caused by the crowd hurrying thither from all sides, the artist contrived to approach Nefeeseh near enough to whisper, "Can you read?"

"Yes!" was the brief reply. In the next moment a slip of paper was thrust into her hand, and he was gone.

Thus ran the scrap :-" Your wish has been obeyed, but the image of the Lion of War can only be revealed to you in his own hareem. Can you trust your negress to assist in bringing this to pass? If so, send her forth this evening to the end of the road that leads to Shoubra, order her to obey my directions in all things, and leave the rest to me."

The imprudent Nefeeseh, carried away by her wishes, impelled by a mingled feeling of curiosity to behold the image of her absent husband, and of dangerous longing to see more of the stranger, whom she suspected to be a Frank as well as a magician, returned home, not to hesitate, but to resolve. Naïmé was easily prevailed on to do her mistress' bidding, and that evening beheld her sally forth on her unhallowed mission.

Night came on, the lamp was lighted in the hareem; old Hussein slumbered at his post, and Nefeeseh, wondering and alarıned at the protracted absence of her slave, roamed backwards and forwards from the latticed windows to the staircase, listening for her coming. At last the outer door was beaten upon, the eunuch, with his one eye but half open, lazily roused himself to undo the fastenings, and as the muffled form of Naïmé glided in, Nefeeseh rushed forward, seized her by the hand, and dragged her into her room, venting her agitation in angry reproaches for her dilatoriness. At the same moment Hussein locked the hareem door upon them, and leaving his mistress and her handmaiden to finish their dispute, bore away the key to its nightly place under his pillow, and was soon asleep again.

"What said the Frank magician to thee? Where is the image of my husband?" were the eager inquiries of Nefeeseh, as soon as Hussein was out of hearing.

Without uttering a word, Naïmé produced from under her wrappings a roll of paper, which she opened out, and placed before her mistress; and while Nefeeseh bent over it, and saw that the pictured scroll represented the interior of a tent, with an Egyptian Bey reclining upon cushions, and a Ghawazee wantonly dancing before him, her attendant deliberately unfastened her face-veil, and divested herself of her mutllings.

A jealous pang shot through the young wife's bosom, as she gazed upon the drawing; then, with an angry flush, looking up, she beheld standing before her, not Naïmé, but the Frank stranger!

He had inveigled the negress into a house near Shoubra, and there, having plied her with candied hashhish, a condiment which no Egyptian can resist, he took advantage of the delirium produced by that intoxicating preparation, to induce her to lend him her tob, her habbarah, and her boorkoo, with which he effectually disguised himself; and then locked her up, intending to return and liberate her before the fumes of the hashhish were dissipated. And thus did that rash Christian boldly violate the sanctity of Masloum Bey's hareem.

But in the middle of the night a strange, unwonted noise was heard at Nefeeseh's gate. The hand of some one, evidently in terror, beat violently upon it, and a shrill female voice, in piercing accents, cried "Open quickly, oh Hussein! It is I, Naïmé. I have been bewitched, robbed, locked up by an accursed Frank sorcerer, a son of the Evil One! By your eyes! open, I say, and save


Hussein, aroused, and now fully awake, answered through the door- "Begone, fool! what dirt wouldst thou make me eat with thy lies? Naïmé is safe in the hareem and asleep. Pass on thy way, and let us sleep too."

"I tell thee, oh Hussein! that I am Naïmé. Open the door and be convinced. I have been plundered and locked up, and have escaped out of a window, and here I am, half naked, and well nigh mad; or, if thou wilt not believe my words, go to the hareem and believe thine eyes, for thou wilt not find Naïmé there."

Thus adjured, Hussein unbarred the door, and opened it just wide enough to enable him to see, by the clear moonlight, Naïmé crouching on the threshold, with barely sufficient covering on her limbs to answer the purposes of decency.

"By the beard of the Prophet!" he exclaimed,

door, and perceiving a man within, rushed at him with his drawn sword, both of the delinquents precipitated themselves upon him, and while Nefeeseh clung round the old eunuch, and effectually impeded his movements, the young Frank easily disarmed him, and, obeying the instinct of self-preservation, rushed down stairs and out of the house, leaving his victim to meet alone the consequences of their transgression.

With the generous heroism of woman, Nefeeseh continued to detain and to struggle with the old man, until convinced that the fugitive had made good his escape; then, relinquishing her grasp, she fell at Hussein's feet, embraced his knees, covered his hands with tears, and kissing them in token of humility, she besought him to have mercy upon her, and not betray her to her husband. She protested her innocence of all connivance in the stranger's fraudulent entry into the hareem; showed him the picture that had led to such fatal consequences, and appealed to Naïmé for the truth of what she advanced. For a length of time he remained absolutely steeled against her despair, but at last a sullen promise was extracted from him, that he would remain forever silent upon the events of that night; and Nefeeseh once more breathed freely.

How did he keep his promise?

Masloum Bey was one evening seated with Ibrahim Pasha in a kiosk built by the prince at the hot springs on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, near Tiberias, where the head-quarters of the Egyptian army were then established. There had been wine and wassail, and dancing girls to enliven the leisure of the voluptuary and his favorite, and the faces of both were flushed with excess, when, in a pause of the entertainment, it was announced, that a horseman had arrived bearing a letter for Masloum Bey.

He quitted the presence, and found in the anteroom one of his own saises, who had ridden night and day from Cairo, with a despatch from Hussein the eunuch. A few brief lines told him the history of Nefeeseh's frailty, and his own dishonor.

Masloum Bey reëntered the kiosk, prostrated himself before the prince, and, confiding to him

stretching out his hand, and dragging her in the substance of Hussein's letter, entreated for

"what devilry is this? Thou art Naïmé indeed, and, yet, with this hand, I locked thee in the hareem with thy mistress at nightfall!"

"Wallah!" ejaculated the negress, in a tone of dismay; "then the Frank is with my mistress!" Hussein hastily lighted a fenoos, drew forth the key of the hareem, took down his sabre, and then mounted the staircase leading to the women's apartment, followed by Naïmé.

Locked in-unable to escape, for there was but one outlet to the hareem, and of that Hussein held the key-the windows secured by iron bars, that precluded all attempts at egress, Nefeeseh and her companion heard the voices and the sound of approaching footsteps, with the terrible conviction that they were lost; but desperation lent them energy. When, therefore, Hussein unlocked the

leave to return immediately to Egypt, promising that his absence from the army should not exceed six weeks, the time necessary for the journey thither and back again. Ibrahim Pasha not only granted his favorite permission to return home, but, well knowing that vengeance was the motive that impelled him thither, gave him a carte blanche for everything he might do during his stay in Egypt; and, thus furnished, Masloum Bey lost not a moment in commencing his journey.

It is a weary ride, that long, long route from the land of Galilee to the banks of the Nile; and Masloum's thoughts were turbulent companions to him on the way; but at last, after many a restless day and night passed in the saddle, the minarets of Cairo greeted his longing eyes. And soon he entered its narrow, picturesque-looking streets, and

directing his horse's steps towards the bazaar of | ing on until the last quivering of Nefeeseh's limbs

the carpenters, stopped at the workshop of one of the artisans there, and having purchased a readymade coffin, which he desired should be sent after him to his house at Minieh, spurred onwards home.

It was high noontide when Masloum Bey alighted at his own gate. Nefeeseh was within the hareem. and heard not his approach; she seldom left it now. Although unsuspicious of Hussein's treachery, her mind was racked by many fears and anxieties; what had become of the Frank whose reckless audacity had so cruelly compromised her? She knew not that he had secured himself against all the fatal penalties consequent upon the imprudence he had committed, by a hasty flight from Cairo; and, although she would have given the world to ascertain his fate, she dared not allude to him either to Hussein or Naïmé. Humiliated by the presence of those two servants, yet not daring to part with them, lest by so doing she should arouse their resentment, and cause them to betray her, her days were passed in silence and gloom, her nights in unavailing tears. The sight of the cemetery, connected as it was with her imprudence, had become odious to her even the shrine of the holy Zeyneb failed in bringing comfort to her aching heart, for she no longer dared to pray there for the return of Masloum Bey! Absorbed in these painful thoughts, Nefeeseh sat supinely in her hareem, while Naïmé stood by, fanning the flies away, when the curtain before the entrance was violently drawn aside, and Masloum Bey entered! With a cry of surprise Nefeeseh arose, and would have prostrated herself at her husband's feet; but as she cast herself forward to do so, he unsheathed his sabre, and receiving her on the point

told him that she was dead. Then composedly desiring Hussein to have the coffin he had purchased brought in, he placed the bleeding corpse of his wife within it, summoned his household, and desiring them to carry the body to the cemetery, walked before it thither with his bloody sword in his hand, and saw it consigned to the earth without a prayer being recited, or a tear shed over it.

On his return home, Masloum Bey found the officers of justice, who had been apprised of the murder by Naïmé, waiting to arrest him; and by them he was conveyed to the citadel of Cairo, where criminals are tried. But upon being confronted with the cadi, he produced the carte blanche given to him by Ibrahim Pasha, which empowered him to do whatever he chose with impunity within a given time, and the judges were obliged to discharge him!

And he returned forthwith to Syria, triumphing at the manner in which he had vindicated the honor of a betrayed husband; and laying his ensanguined sword at Ibrahim Pasha's feet, swore by the soul of the Prophet that it should be cleansed from those foul stains in the best blood of the prince's enemies.

The house of Minieh remained for a considerable period uninhabited after the dreadful tragedy that had been enacted in it. After a time, it fell successively into the hands of several occupants, but none of them remained there long: strange unearthly sounds disturbed the rest of every tenant of the hareem, and, connected with the all-known history of Nefeeseh's murder, gave rise to the popular belief that her spirit haunted the tene

of it, ran her through the body. Not a word had ment, and would admit of no human fellowship been uttered by either-scarcely a look exchanged there. At last it became utterly abandoned by the -so rapidly was the fatal deed accomplished! native Mohammedans; and, as I have already Hussein stood by, gazing with hardened malice stated, fell into the possession of its present worupon the scene; Naïmé rushed out of the house thy occupant, whose faith in rat-traps as the most in frantic terror, and stopped not until she arrived at the cadi's.

Calm and implacable, Masloum Bey stood look

AMERICAN BEAUTY. There are two points in which it is seldom equalled, never excelled-the classic chasteness and delicacy of the features, and the smallness and exquisite symmetry of the extrem

effectual method of laying the ghost of Masloum Bey's wife, is a very unromantic termination to my Story of a Haunted House.

ing, as well rounded and developed as it is here; whilst a New England complexion is, in nine cases out of ten, a match for an English one. This, however, cannot be said of the American women as a

ities. In the latter respect, particularly, the Amer-class. They are, in the majority of cases, over

delicate and languid; a defect chiefly superinduced by their want of exercise. An English girl will go through as much exercise in a forenoon, without dreaming of fatigue, as an American will in a day, and be overcome by the exertion. It is also true, that American is more evanescent than English beauty, particularly in the south, where it seems to fade ere it has well bloomed. But it is much more lasting in the north and north-east; a remark which will apply to the whole region north of the Potomac, and east of the lakes; and I have known instances

ican ladies are singularly fortunate. I have seldom seen one, delicately brought up, who had not a fine hand. The feet are also generally very small and exquisitely moulded, particularly those of a Maryland girl; who, well aware of their attractiveness, has a thousand little coquettish ways of her own of temptingly exhibiting them. That in which the American women are most deficient is roundness of figure. But it is a mistake to suppose that wellrounded forms are not to be found in America. Whilst this is the characteristic of English beauty, it is not so prominent a feature in America. În of Philadelphia beauty as lovely and enduring as any that our own hardy climate can produce. Mackay's Western World.

New England, in the mountainous districts of Pennsylvania and Maryland, and in the central valley of Virginia, the female form is, generally speak

From the Spectator. FAU'S ANATOMY FOR ARTISTS.*

anatomy intended for the

Or all works on student of art, the one before us combines in the

highest degree the most desirable qualities

fulness and compactness, naturalness and clear

ness, accuracy and vitality, comprehensiveness and practically intelligible classification. We know of no writer who can give the artist so sufficient an idea of the human frame, its structure and motions, as M. Fau, aided by the admirable illustrations of M. Léveillé. Many works have

been more voluminous and penetrating, but they serve to mislead by confusing the mind. Others have been more simple and synoptical, but they are meagre. In regard to the plates, some have been natural enough, like the illustrations to Bell's book; but they are the ragged and mangled image of the dead subject as it appears under the mutilations of the dissecting-knife, uncleared of the

non-essential accidents that obscure the essential

details to the artist, and entangle the eye, as it

were, in a disordered skein of useless waste-stuff. Others, like the useful little volume of Sharpe, or the intelligent and symmetrical drawings of Kirk, are cleared from this rubbish, but are mechanical and unlike nature-are diagrams rather than representations. Cowper, the surgeon, devoted a

and such is the function performed by MM. Fau and Léveillé. Their work is a master-key, opening to the student general view of anatomy; and to the more profound inquirer, who may desire to carry the study further, it furnishes a simple


and consistent clue to guide him on his way. The student, whether amateur or professional, will understand the excellence of the instrument now placed within his reach, from a brief description of the companion volumes for they are two. This is in itself a very good arrangement. An octavo size is too small for prints; a quarto size is inconvenient for reading; and the union of text

and prints in one volume occasions much incon

venience and hinderance in turning the leaves backwards and forwards. In the present work, the general text is placed in the octavo volume; the plates, with the simple explanatory text, are placed in a quarto atlas or portfolio, which can lie open by your side while you are reading.

In the text volume, M. Fau begins by a general

glance at the nature of man, modified as he is by climate, race, and temperament; a general view of the organization; a similar view of the bony structure. The mechanism of the articulations is described with reference to the uses and effects of the several kinds on movement and contour; and a chapter is devoted to the outward contour,

portion of his vast volume to the service of the especially in regard to the skin, and to the varie

art, for which he evidently had a strong feeling; but, unlike the portion of his work devoted to the phænomena of gestation, the artistic portion is

heavy, unartistic, and diagramlike. Da Vinci's

useful book on painting, with its sketches of action,

fails for want of the specific in the anatomical

details. Even in the dissecting-room the student is too apt to find that the demonstrator does not enter into the needs of the artist, but is a guide

who leads him into a maze of physiological minutiæ that have little bearing on external symmetry surface of the living figure is excessively obscured

On the other hand, the study of anatomy on the

by the outer and formless integuments, which conceal and often disguise the alterations of mus

cular form in the action of the more complex

parts; insomuch that the observer has the utmost

ties of proportion in different individuals, in different ages, and in the two sexes. The first book thus gives the student a general idea of the human

form, the essential causes of its modifications or varying aspects, and the leading characteristics of sex, age, or condition.

The second book describes in greater detail the structure of the skeleton; the mode in which the fleshly structure is, as it were, built upon it, thus

reciprocally modified in the outward aspect by the of the muscle. In the myological part, the clear style and symmetrical mind of the author conduce

bony frame beneath; and the structure and uses

to an order and lucidity of the highest kind. He first describes the general form as it appears in the well-developed living model; explaining how the leading muscles are situated; how their

difficulty to connect the vague intermingling undu- swelling affects the contour; how the bones prolations of surface with the bundles of fibres exhib- trude, or, lying between the origination of ited by the knife or the exact diagrams of the abruptly bellying muscles, are to be sought in

anatomical illustration. The study of the sep

arate muscles, their origin, insertion, and use, all separately, is a very confusing and slow process

towards an idea of the living movement and the composition of living attitude. The desideratum has been, some synoptical work which should bring all these phenomena, all these causes, effects, and obscuring influences, into one view;

*The Anatomy of the External Forms of Man; intended for the Use of Artists, Painters, and Sculptors. By Dr. J. Fau. Edited with Additions by Robert Knox, M. D., Lecturer on Anatomy, and Corresponding Member of the Academy of France. With an Atlas, containing twenty-eight Drawings from Nature; lithographed by M. Léveillé, Pupil London and Paris.

hollow depressions and grooves. He explains

how the swelling of the muscles or the play of the

looser parts is bound down by the ligaments and aponeurotic coverings, in dividing grooves, in fixed compacted bodies, or in vague depressions. He traces the muscles where they are lost beneath these stiff natural stays" or the laxer folds of skin and fat. He then describes how these forms are to be traced in the undeveloped structure of childhood; how they become caricatured in the more pronounced forms of old age or hidden by its wrinkles; and still more fully, how they are modified by the altered relations and temperament Then he explains how the forms are altered by movement, gentle or violent,

of the female figure. of M. Jacob. Published Baillière,

completes the series.

-how these muscles start forth in energetic (so delicate as not to interfere with the pictorial swelling, and those are lost in the depressions of effect. An anatomical version of the Laocoön relaxation or deflection; how some are thrust forth by the subjacent muscles or bended bones, The translation is not free from some defects, and others prevented from rising under the surface whether philological or technical. Such a word by the aponeurotic confinements. In this manner as "méplat" to indicate a flattened surface is he treats face and head, trunk, arms, and legs; scarcely English; and the English student may and then the whole is reïllustrated by a general be a little "tripped up" by an unusual use of anatomical version of the Laocoon. The descrip-terms-as in the distribution of the terms ischitions are at once plain and graphic, excellently um, innominatum, and ileum, in the pelvic, or as enabling the student to catch the characteristics they are here called, the "pelvian" bones; a and identify the forms in their altering condition distribution not quite like to that which he has or posture. Many an amateur student will hail with delight an account that makes clear to him the anatomical structure and mechanism of the

been accustomed in elementary works. Nor, however creditable some portions may be to the taste and intelligence of the English editor, is the living figure through all its disguises of integu- additional matter sufficiently digested or matured ments and accidents. The obscurity becomes to add to the value of the work. Nevertheless,

translucent, the tangled confusion order, the perplexity clear intelligence. Under this treatment, even the superficial anatomy of the scapular region, that pons asinorum" of the young artist, is made clear to the understanding.


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The drawings of M. Léveillé are not less admirable than the arrangement and writing of the author. First there are three prints, containing as many views, back, front, and side, of the male figure; beside each figure is an outline diagram, showing the subjacent skeleton in the same attiThen there are views of the female figure, back and front; beside her a child on a sort of pedestal, and below the child a diagram outline displaying the infantile skeleton. These are all drawn with surpassing clearness, so as to display the characteristics as they appear in common nature, without trivialities or confusing accidents. The bones follow, in many prints; drawn with so much delicacy and force as almost to supply the place of the real material bone in making out the relation of parts, and surpassing the real bone in clearness. The myology of the head, trunk, and limbs, is exhibited in a variety of postures, by many prints, in a double series of figures, side by side: one figure shows the part (a limb, say) as it appears in nature, with the bone delicately traced as if it were seen through; the companion figure shows the limb with the skin and fatty

Dr. Knox has done the greatest service to the study of art in this country, by placing Dr. Fau's book within the reach of the English reader.

The Days when we had Tails on us. With 14 Colored Illustrations. Dedicated to the Officers of the British Infantry. Newman & Co.

This facetious and amusing brochure will no doubt attain, if it has not done so already, the object desired by its author. With us, as with our Gallic neighbors, “ le ridicule tue,” and assumes frequently a greater power to induce the amendment of errors and follies, than the graver efforts of reason. We could feel disposed to descant upon the inferences which might be deduced from the latter fact as singularly illustrating a prominent feature in the character of the present day. To return, however, to the author's lament on the lost "tails," or, as a contemporary tersely calls it, "the Shell Jacket Nuisance;" that such a mandate as the circular memorandum of the 30th June, 1848, should have been at all promulgated, cannot surprise; seeing the antecedents which have at various times distinguished the sagacity of those from whom such thoughts proceed. Indeed, it only confirmed us at the time in our long-entertained opinion, that the want of an intuitive genius for things military was a peculiar feature in our national character. We Barrack Square, in the pencils of our artists who attempt the delineation of a military episode-and "the Duke" has more than once alluded to such a

see it in the dress of our soldiess, we see it in the

integuments cleared away except at the edge, want in higher quarters. Doubtless, however, where a sectional view of the skin shows the rela- these things will amend progressively. We are as tion of the muscular outline to the living outline. yet only in the transition state in these matters, and The muscles are drawn with great delicacy, force, much time will be required with a people of our and tact, so as to combine natural aspect with peculiar constitution of thought, to accept the conviction of the long-established imperfection of our perfect clearness; the shading lines fall into the notions. If these affected the length only of " tail" main direction of the fibres; the aponeurotic cov- to our officers' jackets, they would yet be innocent, erings and tendons are represented by a light but they have importunately graver tendencies. surface, very analogous to their actual aspect, Some consolation appears, however, at hand for which is heightened in effect rather than carica- the late indignant curtailment. A rumor is abroad that her majesty has signified her wish that this tured. The perfectness of the drawing is pre- singular innovation upon decency should be set served by a very skilful system of numbering the How the surface but at the edge, with aside, and the blue frock again substituted. parts, not on cheering this must be at the approaching season!direction-lines pointing to the part indicated, but U. Service Magazine.

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