Sin has educated Donatello, and elevated him. Is Sin, then — which we deem such a dreadful blackness in the universe — is it, like Sorrow, merely an element of human education, through which we struggle to a higher and purer state than we could otherwise... Littell's Living Age - Page 801868Full view - About this book
 | 1861 - 1148 pages right to tread where you now set your feet." And again, when Kenyon -asks Hilda, "•Is sin then, like sorrow, merely an element of human education,...purer state than we could otherwise have attained ?" — the Conscience answers : *' Do you not perceive what a mockery such a creed makes not only of... | |
 | 1868 - 796 pages
...— "' Here comes my perplexity,' continued Kenyon. ' Sin has educated Donatello, and elevated him. Is sin, then, which we deem such a dreadful the universe, — is it like sorrow, merely an clement of human education through which we struggle to a higher and purer state than we could otherwise... | |
 | Nathaniel Hawthorne - 1860 - 272 pages
...then ? " "Here comes my perplexity," continued Kenyon. " Sin has educated Donatello, and elevated him. Is sin, then, — which we deem such a dreadful blackness...ultimately rise to a far loftier paradise than his?" "O, hush ! " cried Hilda, shrinking from him with an expression of horror which wounded the poor, speculative... | |
 | Nathaniel Hawthorne - 1860 - 300 pages
...? " " Here comes my perplexity," continued Kenyon. " Sin has educated Donatello, and elevated him. Is sin, then — which we deem such a dreadful blackness...ultimately rise to a far loftier paradise than his ? " " Oh, hush ! " cried Hilda, shrinking from him with an expression of horror which wounded the poor,... | |
 | Nathaniel Hawthorne - 1860 - 330 pages
...elevated him. Is Sin, then—which we deem such a dreadful blackness in the universe—is it, likeSorrow, merely an element of human education, through which...ultimately rise to a far loftier paradise than, his?" " Oh, hush!" cried Hilda, shrinking from himi with an expression of horror which wounded the poor,... | |
 | 1860 - 998 pages
...Protestants ; and yet, when Kenyon puts forth a right, but rather old, suggestion about sin being, "like sorrow, merely an element of human education, through which we struggle to a higher and Eurer state than we could otherwise ave attained, "the pure-heartedChristian maiden starts back, with... | |
 | Nathaniel Hawthorne - 1861 - 424 pages
...then?" " Here comes my perplexity," continued Kenyon. " Sin has educated Donatello, and elevated him. Is Sin, then — which we deem such a dreadful blackness...ultimately rise to a far loftier paradise than his ? " " Oh, hush ! " cried Hilda, shrinking from him with an expression of horror which wounded the poor,... | |
 | 1861 - 614 pages
...Protestants ; and yet, when Kenyon puts forth a right, but rather old suggestion about sin being " like sorrow, merely an element of human education,...purer state than we could otherwise have attained," the pure-hearted Christian maiden starts back with a horror shared by her lover himself, from a theory... | |
 | William M. White - 1867 - 704 pages
...but that it is only removed so that it does not ' appear, has been made known to me from Heaven. Pre" human education, through which we struggle to a higher...ultimately rise to a far loftier Paradise than his ?" " Oh, hush ! cried Hilda." Ibid. p. 280. * 'Life of Goethe,' p. 23. t No. 279. t No. 296. ' viously... | |
 | William White - 1867 - 710 pages
..." sin has educated " Donatcllo, and elevated him. Is Sin, then — which we deem such a dread" ful blackness in the universe — is it, like Sorrow merely an element of The use of Evil therefore, with all its pains, is to provoke to Righteousness; and it is a consolation... | |
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