joint committee on, to be appointed..... 161 to be printed immediately after being reported T. Third reading of bills, time to be appointed for, when ten to take place in their order........ Titles of bills to contain sections, etc.... ..... 9 156 ...... 9 156 .... U. Unanimous consent, when necessary to be obtained... 20, ат 161, 162 APPENDIX TO THE CLERK'S MANUAL OF RULES, FORMS AND LAWS FOR THE REGULATION OF BUSINESS IN THE SENATE AND ASSEMBLY OF STATE OF NEW YORK, COMPILED BY EDWARD M. JOHNSON, CLERK OF ASSEMBLY, 1872, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881 AND 1882, FROM ALL THE WORKS PRODUCED BY THE FIRST PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITIES. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE LEgislature OF 1882. APPENDIX. ADJOURN.— It has been decided and acted upon that the motion to fix the day to which the house shall adjourn" takes precedence of a motion "to adjourn.” Barclay, p. 5. A motion "to fix the hour to which the house shall adjourn" does not take precedence of a motion to adjourn, and can only be made when resolutions are in order. Barclay, p. 6. A motion to adjourn cannot be received after another question is actually put, and while the house is actually engaged in voting. Barclay, p. 6. -To fix time to which to. If it is desired to have an adjourned meeting of the assembly, it is best some time before its close to move, "That when this house adjourns, it adjourns to meet at such a time,” specifying the time. This motion can be amended by altering the time, but if made when another question is before the assembly, neither the motion nor the amendment can be debated. If made when no other business is before the assembly, it stands as any other main question, and can be debated. This motion can be made even while the assembly is voting on the motion to adjourn, but not when another member has the floor. Roberts, p. 169. To a particular time.— If previously it had been decided when they adjourned to adjourn to a particular time, then the chair states that the assembly stands adjourned to that time. If the motion to adjourn is qualified by specifying the time, as "to adjourn to to-morrow evening," it cannot be made when any other |