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" But no law shall ^ -authorize the construction or operation of a street railroad except upon the condition that the consent of the owners of one-half in value of the property bounded on, and the consent also of the local authorities having the control... "
The Clerk's Manual of Rules, Statutes, Procedures and Precedents Applicable ... - Page 285
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The Constitution of the State of New York, Together with the Rules and ...

New York (State). Legislature - 1887 - 102 pages
...of a street railroad except upon the condition that the consent of the owners of one-half in value the property bounded on, and the consent also of the...consent of such property -owners cannot be obtained, the General Term of the Supreme Court, in the district in which it is proposed to be constructed, may,...
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Documents of the Senate of the State of New York, Volume 2

New York (State). Legislature. Senate - 1881 - 1258 pages,tfr or change its routes and termini, upon the condition that the consent of the owners of at least '"one-half in value of the property bounded on, and the consent also of the local authorities having control of that portion of any street or highway upon which it is proposed to construct, extend or...
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The Tribune Almanac and Political Register for ...

1872 - 592 pages
...of a street railroad except upon the condition that the consent of the owners of one-half in vulue of the property bounded on, and the consent also of...operate such railroad be first obtained, or in case tbe consent of such property owners cannot be obtained, the general term of the Supreme Court in the...
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Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners of the State ..., Volume 1

New York (State). Board of Railroad Commissioners - 1895 - 698 pages
...repealed by an act of the legislature, the consent of owners of property bounded on, and the consent of the local authorities having the control of that portion of a street or highway upon which the railroad of such corporation shall have been theretofore constructed and operated, and the order...
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Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners of the State ..., Volume 3

New York (State). Board of Railroad Commissioners - 1907 - 796 pages
...within such city and partly through blocks between streets or avenues; provided (hat the consent of the owners of one-half in value of the property bounded on and the consent alsp of the local authorities having control of that portion of a street, bridge, viaduct, or highway,...
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Proceedings and Debates of the Constitutional Convention of the ..., Volume 4

New York (State) - 1868 - 1584 pages
...previous year, on that portion of each street through or over which the same shall be constructed, or in case the consent of such property owners cannot be obtained, then without the consent of the general term of the supreme court of the district in which said road...
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The Amended Constitution of the State of New York, Adopted by the Convention ...

New York (State) - 1869 - 184 pages
...bounded on that portion of each street or highway over which it is proposed to construct the same ; or in case the consent of such property owners cannot be obtained, then without or of supreme the consent of the general term of the supreme court of the district in...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Ohio, Volume 98

Ohio. Supreme Court - 1919 - 580 pages
...the construction or operation of a street railroad except upon the condition that the consent of the owners of one-half in value of the property bounded...construct or operate such railroad be first obtained." The section further provides that if consent cannot be obtained a proceeding may be conducted in court...
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Journal of the Assembly of the State of New York, Volume 2

New York (State). Legislature. Assembly - 1873 - 1268 pages
...bounded on that portion of each street or highway over which it is proposed to construct such road ; or, in case the consent of such property owners cannot be obtained, then without the consent of a board of three commissioners, to be appointed by the supreme court at...
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Documents of the Senate of the State of New York, Volume 3

New York (State). Legislature. Senate - 1873 - 908 pages
...bounded on that portion of each street or highway over which it is proposed to construct such road ; or, in case the consent of such property owners cannot be obtained, then without the consent of a board of three commissioners, to be appointed by the supreme court at...
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