WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1891-11 O'CLOCK A. M. Senate met, pursuant to adjournment, Hon. Lyman B. Ray, President of the Senate, presiding. Prayer by the chaplain. The journal of yesterday was being read, when, on motion of Mr. Berry, the further reading of the same was dispensed with and it was ordered to stand approved. PRESENTATION OF RESOLUTIONS. Mr. O'Conor offered the following resolution, and moved its adoption, to-wit: WHEREAS, The duties incumbent upon the cloak room janitors are such as to require them to protect the property of the members intrusted to their care, and their constant attendance in such cloak rooms; therefore, be it Resolved. That they be known as policemen with salaries equal to that of other police officers of this Senate with pay to date from beginning of session. Mr. Fuller moved that the above resolution be referred to the Committee on Expenses of General Assembly. Which motion was lost. The question being, "Shall the foregoing resolution be adopted?" And the yeas and nays being demanded, it was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Yeas 36, nays 11. The following voted in the affirmative, Messrs.: INTRODUCTION OF BILLS. Mr. MacMillan introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 88, for "An act in relation to the funds of municipalities." On motion of Mr. MacMillan, the rules were suspended, and the bill was read at large a first time, and, On motion of Mr. MacMillan, was referred to the Committee on Municipalities. Mr. Newell introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 89, for “An act to facilitate the settlement of suits at law in certain cases." On motion of Mr. Newell, the rules were suspended, and the bill was read at large a first time, and, On motion of Mr. Newell, was referred to the Committee on Judiciary. Mr. Wright introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 90, for "An act to amend section 6 of an act entitled 'An act to amend sections one (1) to six (6) inclusive, and section fifteen (15) of an act entitled 'An act to encourage the propagation and cultivation and to secure the protection of fish in all the waters of this State,' approved May 31, 1887, in force July 1, 1887, and to provide for the enforcement of the provisions of this act,' approved June 3, 1889, in force July 1, 1889." On motion of Mr. Wright, the rules were suspended, and the bill was read at large a first time, and, On motion of Mr. Wright, was referred to the Committee on License and Miscellany. Mr. Evans introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 91, for "An act to amend section 1, of article VIII, of 'An act to provide for the incorporation of cities and villages,' approved April 10, 1872, as amended by an act entitled An act to amend section 1, of article III, of 'An act to provide for the incorporation of cities and villages,' approved May 28, 1879." On motion of Mr. Evans, the rules were suspended, and the bill was read at large a first time, and, On motion of Mr. Evans, was referred to the Committee on Municipalities. Mr. Evans introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 92, for "An act to define the jurisdiction of cities and incorporated towns and villages lying in different counties." On motion of Mr. Evans, the rules were suspended, and the bill was read at large a first time, and, On motion of Mr. Evans, was referred to the Committee on Municipalities. Mr. O'Conor introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 93, for "An act making an appropriation to the estate of Alexander Bruce, deceased, in payment of the claim of said estate for work done. and material furnished by the said Alexander Bruce, now deceased, in the construction and completion of the lock and dam at Copperas creek." On motion of Mr. O'Conor, the rules were suspended, and the bill was read at large a first time, and, On motion of Mr. O'Conor, was referred to the Committee on Canals and Rivers. Mr. Caldwell introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 94, for "An act to amend sections one, two, three, four, six and eight of an act entitled 'An act to revise the law in relation to the rate of interest, and to repeal certain acts therein named,' approved May 24, 1879, in force July 1, 1879." On motion of Mr. Caldwell, the rules were suspended, and the bill was read at large a first time, and, On motion of Mr. Caldwell, was referred to the Committee on Banks and Banking. Mr. Seibert introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 95, for "An act to amend section thirteen (13) of an act entitled 'An act to provide for the election and qualification of justices of the peace and constables, and to provide for the jurisdiction and practice of justices of the peace in civil cases, and fix the duties of constables, and to repeal certain acts therein named.'" On motion of Mr. Seibert, the rules were suspended, and the bill was read at large a first time, and, On motion of Mr. Seibert, was referred to the Committee on Judiciary. Mr. Bass introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. £6, for "An act to amend sections 53 d, 53 e and 53 f of section 50 in chapter 38 of the Criminal Code." On motion of Mr. Bass, the rules were suspended, and the bill was read at large a first time, and, On motion of Mr. Bass, was referred to the Committee on Judicial Department and Apportionment. Mr. Bass introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 97, for "An act to prevent the mutilation of horses." On motion of Mr. Bass, the rules were suspended, and the bill was read at large a first time, and, On motion of Mr. Bass, was referred to the Committee on Judicial Department and Apportionment. Mr. Bass introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 98, for "An act to suppress pigeon-shooting and similar sports." On motion of Mr. Bass, the rules were suspended, and the bill was read at large a first time, and, On motion of Mr. Bass, was referred to the Committee on Judicial Department and Apportionment. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. By unanimous consent, on request of Mr. Sheets, Senate Bill No. 80, for "An act to establish the Illinois State Reformatory," was re-called from the Committee on Penal and Reformatory Institutions and ordered to be printed. Mr. Shumway asked unanimous consent to have Senate Bill No. 3, for "An act to provide for the printing and distribution of ballots at public expense, and for the nomination of candidates for public offices and to enforce the secrecy of the ballot." Recalled from the Committee on Elections in order that it may be printed. Objection being had, Mr. Shumway moved that the foregoing bill be recalled in order that it might be printed. And the yeas and nays being demanded upon the motion it was lost by the following vote: Yeas 23, nays 24. The following voted in the affirmative, Messrs.: At 11:30 o'clock A. M., Mr. Hunt moved that the Senate now take a recess until 11:55 o'clock, Which motion prevailed. 11:55 O'CLOCK A. M. The Senate resumed the transaction of business, Hon. Lyman B. Ray, President of the Senate, presiding. 12 O'CLOCK M. At 12 o'clock, meridian, in pursuance of sections 14 and 15 of title 2, chapter 1, Revised Statutes of the United States for 1873 and 1874, and in pursuance of the adjournment had yesterday, the Senate, preceded by the President of the Senate, and Secretary thereof, proceeded to the House of Representatives, for the purpose of naming a Senator in Congress of the United States, from the State of Illinois, for six years from the 4th day of March, A. D. 1891. JOINT SESSION. The two houses being convened in joint session, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, presiding, The President of the Senate directed the Secretary thereof to call the roll of the Senate, when the following answered to their names, Messrs. : Thereupon, by direction of the Speaker of the House, the Clerk thereof called the roll of the House, when the following answered to their names, Messrs.: Adams, milion, Barton, Edmunds, Keller, Parker, Kelly, Parkhurst, Taubeneck, Berry, Ellsworth, Kenney, Parsons Thiemann, Boul, Enslow, Kern, Partridge, Tice, Patton, Townsend, Boyer, Evans, Kwasigroch, Payne, Tyler, Brooks, Faires, Laughlin, Perrottet, Van Praag, Brown, Farrell, Lense. Picker, Vinton, Bryan, Pollock, Warder, Burke, Fishback, Lyman, William H., Prince, Webb, Callahan. Frentress. McCrone, Quinn, Weedon, McInerney, Ramsay, Daniel White, J. W. Carson, Gehe. McKitrick, May, Ramsay, Rufus White, John W., Cherry, Graham, Merritt, Chott, Miller, Reid, Thomas (20th). White, Samuel, Whitehead. Wilke, Fred. Wilkinson, Wilson. Mr. Speaker. A quorum of both houses having been found by the foregoing roll calls to be present, an announcement to that effect was made by the Speaker. Thereupon, by direction of the President of the Senate, the Secretary called the roll of the Senate for the thirty-eighth joint ballot for United States Senator, with the following result: Number of votes cast.. 51 .24 votes. 27 votes. N., Reed, George, R.. Wilk, F.. William Rowand, Scaife. Shirley, Slanker, Smith, James |