IN SENATE CHAMBER. Thereupon the Senators, preceded by the President and Secretary of the Senate, returned to their chamber. At 12:40 o'clock P. M. Mr. Higbee moved that the Senate now take a recess until 3 o'clock P. M. to-day. Which motion prevailed. AT 3 O'CLOCK P. M., The Senate resumed the transaction of business, Hon. Lyman B. Ray, President of the Senate, presiding. In accordance with the resolution adopted January 24, 1891, Mr. Hagle moved that the Senate do now go into a Committee of the Whole to advise with the committee representing the State Board of Supervisors, touching upon additional provision for the incurable insane of the State, and other matters, Which motion prevailed. Whereupon Mr. Hagle was called to the chair. After considerable discussion upon the subject of additional provision for the incurable insane, ballot reform, and taxation, the Committee of the Whole arose and reported progress through its chairman, Mr. Hagle. Mr. Hagle moved that these subjects be referred to the Committees of State Charitable Institutions, Elections and Revenue, Which motion prevailed. At 4 o'clock P. M., on motion of Mr. Berry, the Senate adjourned until 10:30 o'clock to-morrow morning. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1891-10:30 o'CLOCK A. M. Senate met pursuant to adjournment, Hon. Lyman B. Ray, President of the Senate, presiding. The journal of yesterday was being read, when, on motion of Mr. Bacon, the further reading of the same was dispensed with, and it was ordered to stand approved. The reading of the journal having been completed, the President of the Senate announced it as the time for the special order, being the further consideration of the following preamble and joint resolutions, received from the House of Representatives, February 4th, 1891, to-wit: WHEREAS, It has been brought to the knowledge of the members of the Thirty-seventh General Assembly that a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Illinois, and known as the Chicago Live Stock Exchange, is exercising the power of prohibiting the sale of cattle on the market of the Union Stock Yards, in the city of Chicago, for a less sum than 50 cents per head commission, and is compelling all of its members to charge not less than that sum, and prohibits its members from buying live stock from commission men and companies who charge less than 50 cents per head commission; and WHEREAS, The said corporation is said to have established a boycott in said yards against any and all parties who refuse to obey its rules by which a minimum commission is fixed and WHEREAS, It is believed that the commission men and the buyers of live stock on said Union Stock Yards market, to the extent of about 500, including all of the leading buyers and members of said exchange, are acting in combination to the detriment of the interests of the feeders and sellers of live stock; and WHEREAS, The price of 50 cents per head commission for the sale of cattle, is manifestly nearly double a reasonable price; and WHEREAS, The depressed condition of the farming and stock raising interests demand that no unreasonable or unjust restrictions should be made against them; and WHEREAS, It is believed that no corporation organized under the laws of Illinois has the legal power to pass or enforce a by-law prohibiting its members from selling stock on a public market at such prices as the member may desire, and has no legal power to prevent its members from buying stock on a public market from any person whatsoever; therefore, be it Resolved, by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring herein, That a joint committee of five members be appointed, two from the Senate and three from the House, with full power to investigate said charges, and they are hereby invested with full power and authority to send for persons and papers, and to administer oaths: and, be it further Resolved, That it is hereby made the duty of said committee to investigate such reports, and ascertain whether the said Chicago Live Stock Exchange does prohibit its members from selling cattle in said stock yards for a less commission than 50 cents per head, and if so, by what authority; and if it does prohibit its members from buying from commission men who are willing to sell for a less sum than as prescribed by the rules of the exchange, and if so, by what authority it so acts; and that said committee report what legislation is needed, if any, to prevent any such combination from charging or receiving any such unreasonable commissions, and whether or not such combination of the commission men who sell other people's live stock and the buyers is consistent with, or antagonistic to, the interests of the farming and stock raising interests of Illinois and also whether such combination does not amount to a conspiracy to the detriment of the people of the State of Illinois: and, be it further Resolved, That the said committee shall have the power, in their discretion, to employ a stenographer. After debate, The question being, "Shall the foregoing preamble and joint. resolutions be adopted?" And the yeas and nays being demanded, it was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Yeas 42, nays 9. The following voted in the affirmative, Messrs.: Under the foregoing joint resolution, the President appointed, on the part of the Senate, Messrs. Zearing and Allen. Ordered that the Secretary of the Senate inform the House of Representatives thereof. A message from the House, by Mr. E. P. Kimball, Assistant Clerk: Mr. President: I am directed to inform the Senate that the House of Representatives has passed a bill of the following title, in the passage of which I am instructed to ask the concurrence of the Senate, to-wit: House Bill No. 178, a bill for "An act giving legislative assent to the purpose of the grants made in the act of Congress, approved August 30, 1890, entitled 'An act to apply a portion of the proceeds of the public lands to the more perfect endowment and support of the colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts, established under the provision of an act of Congress, approved July 2, 1862, and appropriating to the University of Illinois the moneys granted in said act.” Passed the House with an emergency clause, February 5, A. D.1891. Clerk of the House of Representatives. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS. Mr. MacMillan introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 129, for "An act to provide for the participation of the State of Illinois in the World's Columbian Exposition, authorized by act of Congress of the United States, to be held in the city of Chicago durng the year 1893, in commemoration of the discovery of America in the year 1492; and for an appropriation to pay the cost and expense of the same." On motion of Mr. MacMillan, the rules were suspended and the bill was read at large a first time, and, On motion of Mr. MacMillan, was referred to the Committee on World's Columbian Exposition, with instructions to have 500 copies printed for the use of the committee and Senate, Mr. Caldwell introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 130, for "An act for the better regulation of fire insurance." On motion of Mr. Caldwell, the rules were suspended and the bill was read at large a first time, and, On motion of Mr. Caldwell, was referred to the Committee on Insurance. 12 O'CLOCK M. At 12 o'clock, meridian, in pursuance of sections 14 and 15, of title 2, chapter 1, revised statutes of the United States for 1878 and 1874, and in pursuance of the adjournment had yesterday, the Senate, preceded by the President of the Senate and Secretary thereof, proceeded to the House of Representatives for the purpose of naming a Senator in Congress of the United States, from the State of Illinois, for six years from the 4th day of March, A. D. 1891. JOINT SESSION. The two houses being convened in joint session, the Speaker of the House of Representatives presiding, The President of the Senate directed the Secretary thereof to call the roll of the Senate, when the following answered to their names, Messrs.: Thereupon, by direction of the Speaker of the House, the Clerk thereof called the roll of the House, when the following answered to their names, Messrs.: Adams, Allen, O'Connell, O'Donnell, Allison, Donnelly, Anderson, Duncan, Jones, Paddock, Anthony, Eddy, Keller, Parker, Stoker, Armstrong, Edmunds, Kelly, Parkhurst, Barton, Parsons, Terpening, Beals, Ellsworth, Kern, Berry, Townsend, Kwasigroch, Payne, Tyler, Bowlin, Evans, Laughlin, Perrottet, Van Praag, Lense, Picker, Vinton, Brooks, Farrell, Lyman, John S., Pollock, Warder, Lyman, William Preston, Watson, Bryan, Fishback, H., Prince, Webb, McCrone, Quinn, Weedon, Burns, Frentress, McInerney, Ramsay, Daniel White, J. W., Callahan, Garrett, McKitrick, G., Carmody, Geher, May, Carson, Gill, Merritt, N., Meyer, Ernst, Cherry, Green, Miller, Reid, Thomas Chott, Griggs, Miner, Cockrell, Grigsby, Mitchell, Conway, Hambaugh, Moore, Corlett. Hamilton, Morris, Craig, Hawley, Moyers, Curtiss, Hayes, Myer, N. J., Dawdy, Headen, Myers, William Smith, James Dawkins, Hopkins, H., A.. Ramsay, Rufus Reed, George, R., Rowand, Scaife, Shirley, Slanker, Dearborn, Hunter, David, Neal, Smith, W. S., Denham, Hunter, James Nohe, Spellman, Dixon, Sher wood, W. Norsworthy, Springer, Present 153. A quorum of both houses having been found by the foregoing roll calls to be present, an announcement to that effect was made by the Speaker. Thereupon, by direction of the President of the Senate, the Secretary called the roll of the Senate for the fifty-ninth joint ballot for United States Senator, with the following result: Number of votes cast. John M. Palmer received. Richard J. Oglesby received... The following voted for John M. Palmer, Messrs.: 51 24 votes. 27 votes. Shumway, The following voted for Richard J. Oglesby, Messrs.: Thereupon, by direction of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Clerk thereof called the roll of the House for the fifty-ninth joint ballot for United States Senator, with the following result: |