The question now being, "Shall the foregoing resolution be adopted?" and the yeas and nays being demanded, it was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Yeas, 27; nays, 24. The following voted in the affirmative, Messrs.: By direction of the President of the Senate, the roll of Senators holding over was called, and the following answered to their names: By direction of the President of the Senate, the roll of the Senators elect was then called, when the following answered to their names: Mr. Berry offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That a committee of three Senators be appointed by the President of the Senate to wait upon the Justices of the Supreme Court and inform them that the presence of one of their number is desired in the Senate Chamber to administer the oath of office, to the Senators elect. Under the foregoing resolution the President of the Senate appointed as such committee: Senators Berry, Hagle and Newell. The foregoing committee soon appeared with the Honorable Justice John Scholfield, of the Supreme Court of Illinois, who administered the oath of office as set forth in the constitution of the State of Illinois, to the members elect of the Senate as prescribed by the constitution. The President then announced that the Senate was ready to proceed to the election of its permanent officers. Whereupon Mr. Fuller placed in nomination the Hon. Milton W. Mathews, of Champaign county, for President pro tempore of the Senate. Mr. Shumway placed in nomination the Hon. Edward L. MeDonald, of Morgan county, for President pro tempore of the Senate. The roll of the Senate was then called with the following result: And it appearing that the Hon. Milton W. Mathews had received a majority of all the votes cast, the President of the Senate declared him elected President pro tempore of the Senate of the Thirty-seventh General Assembly. Mr. Hamer offered the following resolution: Resolved. That the following named persons be and they are hereby elected permanent officers of the Senate, viz.: Secretary-L. F. Watson. First Assistant Secretary-Henry C. Ebel, Jr. Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk-Frank E. Hills. First Assistant Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk-John McFadden. Second Assistant Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk-S. C. Jordan. Sergeant-at-Arms-W. H. Kretzinger. First Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms-H. K. Sikes. Assistant Postmaster-Mary S. Munn. Policemen-Charles Duck, William Collins and Jacob S. Best. Mr. Wells offered the following amendment to the foregoing resolution: Amend by striking out all after the word "viz.," and insert in lieu the following: Secretary-J. J. McInerney. First Assistant Secretary-Will. A. Connelly, of Vermilion. First Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms-Robert H. Hill, of Macon. Second Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms-Henry D. Ritter, of Brown. Assistant Postmaster-Mrs. Sallie S. Tillman, of Fayette. Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk-Frank Giehl, of Woodford. First Assistant Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk-Stanley Crawford, of Union. Second Assistant Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk-John Creabs, of Cook. Chaplain-Rev. John T. Cox, of Crawford. Policemen-Samuel Morrison, of Randolph: William Peters, of Moultrie; William Trotter, of Will. The question being, "Shall the foregoing amendment be adopted?' and the yeas and nays being demanded, it was lost by the following vote: Yeas, 24; nays, 27. The following voted in the affirmative, Messrs.: The question now being, "Shall the foregoing resolution bei adopted?" and the yeas and nays being demanded, it was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Yeas, 27; i nays, 24. The following voted in the affirmative, Messrs.: Mr. Anderson offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the Rev. Preston Wood, of Sangamon county, be and he is hereby elected Chaplain of the Senate, and that he shall receive as compensation for his services the sum of three dollars per day. And the question being, "Shall the foregoing resolution be adopted?" it was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Yeas, 48; nays, 0. The following voted in the affirmative, Messrs.: Mr. Humphrey offered the following resolution, which was adopted: That in Resolved, That the Senate proceed to assign seats to Senators. making such assignment the Secretary shall place in a hat the numbers of the Senatorial Districts, and when such numbers shall be drawn by a page, the Senator of such district shall select his seat, and previous to such drawing all seats shall be vacated, the Senators withdrawing from the floor of the Senate. Mr. Chapman offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the Secretary of State is hereby authorized and directed to furnish to the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate on his written order, to be approved by the President of the Senate, such articles as may be needed for the use and convenience of his office and of the members of the Senate. Mr. Thomas offered the following resolution, which adopted: Resolved, That the Secretary of State is hereby authorized to furnish the Postmaster of the Senate, on her written order, approved by the President of the Senate, such stationery and other supplies as are necessary for the use and convenience of that office. Mr. Bogardus offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the Secretary of State be and he is hereby authorized to furnish to the Secretary of the Senate such stationery, furniture and other supplies as may be necessary for the use and convenience of that officer, and for the transaction of the business of the Senate, such articles to be furnished on the written order of the Secretary, to be approved by the President of the Senate. Mr. Bass offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the Secretary of State be authorized to furnish the President of the Senate on his written order such stationery, supplies and furniture as may be necessary for his office. Mr. Knopf offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the President of the Senate be and he is hereby authorized and directed to appoint ten pages, to serve during this session of the General Assembly, or until relieved by the order of the President of the Senate. Mr. Evans offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the President of the Senate appoint a janitor for each cloak room of the Senate, on the recommendation of the members of the respective sides of the Senate. Mr. Wiles offered the following resolution, which was adopted unanimously: Resolved, That the President of the Senate be and he is hereby authorized to appoint a private secretary, with a compensation of three dollars per day, and a janitor of the President's room, with compensation at the rate of two dollars per day. At 1:05 o'clock P. M., on motion of Mr. Crawford, of Cook, the Senate took a recess until 4 o'clock this afternoon. |