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Senate Bill No. 166, a bill for "An act to amend section one of an act entitled 'An act in regard to the dangers incident to railroad crossings on the same level," approved June 3, 1887," was taken up and read at large a second time,

And the question being, "Shall the bill be ordered engrossed and printed for a third reading?" it was decided in the affirmative.


Senate Bill No. 22, for "An act to amend section seventeen of an act entitled 'An act to revise the law in relation to promissory notes, bonds, due bills, and other instruments in writing,' approved March 18, 1874, in force July 1, 1874, as amended by act approved May 30, 1881, in force July 1, 1881," having been printed, was taken up and read at large a third time.

And the question being, "Shall this bill pass?" it was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Yeas 37, nays 1. The following voted in the affirmative, Messrs.:

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Ordered that the title be as aforesaid, and that the Secretary inform the House of Representatives thereof, and ask their concurrence therein.

Senate Bill No. 8, for "An act in relation to cemeteries," having been printed, was taken up and read at large a third time, And the question being, "Shall this bill pass?" it was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Yeas 40, nays 1. The following voted in the affirmative, Messrs.:

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Mr. Secrest voted in the negative.

This bill expressing an emergency in the body of the act, rendered it necessary that it should go into effect immediately, and having received the votes of two-thirds of the members elected, was declared passed.

Ordered that the title be as aforesaid, and that the Secretary form the House of Representatives thereof, and ask their conrrence therein.


By unanimous consent, on request of Mr. Fuller, House Message reporting House Bill No. 53, for "An act to amend sections one (1) and two (2) of an act entitled 'An act to establish a Board of Railroad and Warehouse Commissioners, and prescribe their powers and duties,' approved April 13, 1871, and in force July 1, 1871," was taken up for consideration and before reading was referred to the Committee on Railroads.


By unanimous consent, on request of Mr. Crawford (Wm. F.), the following resolution was taken up for consideration and read, viz.:

WHEREAS, Patrick Ferron and R. S. Donaldson, conductors of the Senate elevator, have to work several hours per day extra, and also to work part of the day on Sundays, during the session or the General Assembly, and,

WHEREAS, No allowance or compensation is made on the pay roll of the Secretary of State for the same, therefore,

Resolved, That said Senate elevator conductors be allowed the sum of one dollar per day for such extra services during the session of the General Assembly.

The question now being, "Shall the foregoing resolution be adopted?" it was decided in the affirmative by a unanimous vote.

The Senate then returned to the order of


The following message, received March 23, 1891, was taken up for consideration and read, viz.:

Mr. President: I am directed to inform the Senate that the House of Representatives has adopted the following preamble and joint resolution. in the adoption of which I am instructed to ask the concurrence of the Senate. to-wit:

Resolved, by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring herein, That the Secretary of State be directed to procure for the use of the two houses, 1,500 outline maps of the county of Cook, and have printed thereon the boundaries of each city, precinct, ward and town and the population thereof according to the last census, and upon the margin thereof the total vote cast for each candidate for President and Governor at the last presidential election. 500 of said maps to be for the use of the Senate, and 1,000 for the use of the House of Representatives.

W. H. HINRICHSEN, Clerk of the House of Representatives.

The question being. "Shall the Senate concur in the adoption of the joint resolution contained in the foregoing message?" it was decided in the affirmative.

The following message received March 24, 1891. was then taken up for consideration and read, viz.:


Mr. President: I am directed to inform the Senate that the House of Representatives has adopted the following joint resolution, in the adoption of which I am instructed to ask the concurrence of the Senate, to-wit: Be it resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring herein, That the sum of $974,568.63, appropriated to the State of Illinois under and by an act of Congress entitled "An act to credit and pay to the several States and Territories and the District of Columbia, all moneys collected under the direct tax levied by the act of Congress, approved August 5th, 1861, approved March 2, 1891, is hereby accepted with the trusts imposed by said act, in full satisfaction of all claims against the United States on account of the levy and collection of said tax, and the Governor of the State of Illinois is hereby authorized to receive said money for the uses and purposes comtemplated by said act, and to receipt therefor on behalf of the State of Illinois and to pay the same into the treasury of said State.

Adopted by the House March 24th, 1891.

Clerk of the House.

The question being, "Shall the Senate concur in the adoption of the joint resolution contained in the foregoing message?" it was decided in the affirmative.

The foregoing joint resolution having been adopted,

At the request of the President, by unanimous consent, the following communication touching the same subject, was laid upon the table, viz.:

SPRINGFIELD, March 24, 1891.

To the Honorable, the Senate:
I have received from the general government official notification that
there is due to the State of Illinois the sum of $974,568.63 under act of
Congress, approved March 2, 1891, to be paid to the State on the adoption
of a joint resolution by the General Assembly accepting said sum, with
the trusts imposed, in full satisfaction of all claims against the United
States on account of the levy and collection of a direct tax under act of
Congress, approved August 5, 1861.

In order to comply with the provisions of the said act, approved March 2, 1891, I have the honor to ask the adoption of the following joint resolution:

Be it resolved, by the Senate, the House of Representatives concurring herein, That the sum of $974,568.63, appropriated to the State of Illinois under and by an act of Congress entitled "An act to credit and pay to the several States and Territories and the District of Columbia, all moneys collected under the direct tax levied by the act of Congress approved August fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one," approved March 2, 1891, is hereby accepted, with the trusts imposed by said act, in full satisfaction of all claims against the United States on account of the levy and collection of said tax, and the Governor of the State of Illinois is hereby authorized to receive said money, for the uses and purposes contemplated by said act, and to receipt therefor on behalf of the State of Illinois, and to pay the same into the treasury of said State.




Mr. Bacon asked unanimous consent to take up for consideration a joint resolution, presented March 19th, concerning final adjournment.

Mr. O'Conor moved to lay the resolution on the table, And the yeas and nays being demanded, it was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Yeas 33, nays 10.

The following voted in the affirmative, Messrs.:

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Mr. Evans moved that the Senate do now adjourn,

Which motion prevailed.

FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1891-10 O'CLOCK A. M.

Senate met pursuant to adjournment,

Hon. Lyman B. Ray, President of the Senate, presiding.

Praver by the chaplain.

The journal of yesterday, was being read, when, on motion of Mr. Chapman, the,further reading of the same was dispensed with and it was ordered to stand approved.


A message from the House, by Mr. E. P. Kimball, Clerk:

Mr. President: I am directed to inform the Senate that the House of Representatives has concurred with them in the passage of bills of the following titles,to-wit:

Senate Bill No. 18, "An act to amend section eighty of an act entitled 'An act to extend the jurisdiction of county courts, and to provide for the practice thereof, to fix the time for holding the same, and to repeal an act therein named,' approved March 26, 1874, in force July 1, 1874."

Passed the House March 26, 1891, by a two-thirds vote.

Senate Bill No. 164, "An act to amend section 7 of article 16, of an act entitled An act to establish and maintain a system of free schools,' approved May 21, 1889, and in force July 1, 1889."

Passed the House March 26, 1891, by a two-thirds vote.

W. H. HINRICHSEN, Clerk of the House of Representatives,

A message from the House, by Mr. E. P. Kimball, Clerk:

Mr. President: I am directed to inform the Senate that the House of Representatives has passed a bill of the following title, in the passage of which I am instructed to ask the concurrence of the Senate. to-wit:

Senate Bill No. 134, "An act to provide for the necessary expenses of the State Government, incurred or to be incurred, for the public binding, and now unprovided for, until the first day of July, A. D. 1891.” Passed the House by a two-thirds vote March 26, 1891.

Clerk of the House of Representatives.


Mr. Kerrick, from the Committee on Judiciary, to which was referred a bill, Senate Bill No. 253, for "An act to amend section two of an act entitled 'An act concerning circuit courts, and to

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