OF THE SENATE OF THE THIRTY-SEVENTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLLINOIS. Convened at Springfield, January 7, 1891. Adjourned sine die June 12, 1891. SPRINGFIELD, ILL.: H. W. ROKKER, STATE PRINTER AND BINDER. President: LYMAN B. RAY, Morris. President pro tempore: Private Secretary to President: Secretary: L. F. WATSON, Watseka. Assistants: HENRY C. EBEL, JR., Chicago. Bill Clerk: ALVIN WAIT, Pontiac. Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk: FRANK E. HILLS, SYCAMORE. Assistants: JOHN MCFADDEN, Marengo. S. C. JORDAN, Menard. Sergeant-at-Arms: W. H. KRETZINGER, Latham. Assistants: H. K. SIKES, Peoria. JOHN BELL, Chicago. Chaplain: REV. PRESTON WOOD, Springfield. Postmaster: MRS. LORRAINE J. PITKIN, Chicago. Assistant: MRS. MARY S. MUNN, Aurora. JOURNAL OF THE SENATE OF THE 37TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1891, The General Assembly of the State of Illinois begun and held in the city of Springfield, on Wednesday, the seventh day of January, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one, being the first session of the thirty-seventh General Assembly. Hon. Lyman B. Ray, Lieutenant-Governor and President of the Senate, presiding, and who appeared at twelve o'clock M, and called the Senate to order. Prayer was offered by the Rev. Preston Wood, of Springfield. Mr. Bassett offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the following named persons are hereby declared elected as temporary officers of the Senate, viz.: For Secretary-L. F. Watson. For Sergeant-at-Arms-W. H. Kretzinger. Mr. Newell offered the following amendment to the foregoing resolution, viz.: Amend by striking out all after the word "Senate," and insert in lieu thereof the following: Secretary-Edward F. Binns, of Pike county. Sergeant-at-Arms-Joseph Cilligan, of Cook county. The question being, "Shall the foregoing amendment be adopted?" and the yeas and nays being demanded it was decided in the negative by the following vote: Yeas, 24; nays, 27 |