IX. RECAPITULATION. Total amount paid for printing for 37th General Assembly, on contract.. Total amount paid for per diem, mileage and compensation, for post- Total amount paid for per diem to officers and employés of the Total amount paid for per diem, mileage and compensation, for post- Total amount paid for per diem to officers and employés of the Total amount paid employés 37th General Assembly, appointed by Total amount paid for expenses of the several committees of the expenses.. Total amount paid for stationery for 37th General Assembly, furnished on contract. Total amount paid for printing paper furnished 37th General Assembly on contract Total expenses.. Total amount paid for binding and miscellaneous for 37th General Total amount paid for gas furnished for 37th General Assembly Total amount paid for distributing laws for 37th General Assem- Total amount paid for bill proof reader of the 37th General Assembly AUDITOR'S OFFICE, ILLINOIS, The foregoing statement of expenses of the 37th General Assembly is correct as appears from the records of this office, and is prepared and published in accordance with section 17, article IV, of the Constitution. CHARLES W. PAVEY, Auditor of Public Accounts. Judicial Department and Apportionment.. 110 Agriculture, Horticulture and Farm Drainage, Canals and Rivers, Expenses of 111 County and Township Organization, Printing, Military, Roads, Highways and 112 Committees, special 279 Drainage and Sewerage 264, Pharmacists 343, Revenue 347, Roads and Bridges AMBERG, FRANZ: Vote for State Treasurer.. AMES, JOHN C.: Canal Commissioner ANDERSON, PERRY. Warren county, 27th district: Present and oath..... .911,935 3 Committees, standing- Chairman of Finance, Expenses of the General Assembly.. 111 110 Banks and Banking, Labor and Manufactures, Penal and Reformatory Institu- tions, Public Buildings and Grounds, State Charitable Institutions, Ware- 111 County and Township Organization, Roads, Highways and Bridges.. 112 Election, contested. 14,65 Petitions presented. 383 Resolutions offered. Bills introduced- Appropriations 421,430, Dramshops 345, Revenue 431, Text Books 167. APPROPRIATIONS: Asylum of the Incurable Insane. S. B. 320. Bee Keepers' Association, H. B. 782. Binding, H. B. 134. Blind, Industrial Home, S. B. 282. Blackhawk soldiers' monument, S. B, 190. Bouillon, Chas. T., H. B. 752. Bruce, Alex, S. B. 93. Canal and River Improvement, repair of locks, S. B. 296, H. B. 692. Claims, S. B.'s 356, 361. CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS- Act providing for the ordinary expenses, S. B. 237. Blind, S. B. 263. Deaf and Dumb... Eye and Ear Infirmary, S. B.'s 187, 309. Feeble Minded, S. B. 256. Hospitals for the Insane- Central, S. B. 251. Eastern, S. B.'s 69, 70. Northern, S. B.'s 147, 148, 149, 396. Southern, S. B. 281. Western, to establish, S. B. 76. Soldiers' Home, S. B. 303. Soldiers' Orphans' Home, S. B, 153. Dairymen's Association, S. B. 351, H. B. 783. Emancipation monument, S. B. 249. Entomologist, S. B. 114. Farmers' institute, S. B. 349, H. B. 636, Ferron, Patrick, and others, S. B. 407, H. B. 857. Firemen's Association, S. B. 162. GENERAL ASSEMBLY- Committee expenses inspection prison system, S. B. 208. Employes, S. B.'s 20, 56, 430, H. B. 1. Incidental expenses, S. B. 1. Pay of officers and m-bers 38th, 8. B. 171. Hitt, Isaac R., S. B. 354. Horticultural Society, S. B. 50. Judgments by Court of Claims, S. B. 315. Kaskaskia Cemetery, removal of dead, S. B. 231, H. B. 533. Laboratory of Natural History, S. B. 114. Lincoln Monument Association, H. B. 832. Logan, John A., estate, S. B. 354. National Guard, S. B. 83. Paper and stationery, S. B. 405. PENITENTIARIES- Joliet, S. B.'s 211, 334. Southern. S. B.'s 188, 370. Printing, S. B. 2. Reformatory, to establish, S. B. 80. Reform School, S. B. 332. Rokker, H. W., S. B. 291. Schmidt, Jacob.. Springdale Cemetery Association, S. B. 317. STATE GOVERNMENT- Ordinary and Contingent, S. B. 157. Salaries of officers, S. B. 171. State House grounds, S. B. 306. Supreme Court reports, purchase for Peoria county, 8. B. 311. UNIVERSITIES- Illinois, S. B. 239, 178. Southern Normal, S. B. 245. State Normal, S. B. 182, 206. Wiltshire, W. W., estate of, S. B. 354. World's Columbian Exposition, 8. B. 68, 129, 204, 374. ARBITRATION: Act concerning, S. B. 191. 250 594 Committees, standing- Canals and Rivers, License and Miscellany, Labor and Manufactures, Municipali- 112 Election contested. .14,63 S.-C. |