Appearance of the Season. Approach of Winter. - Death of the Flowers.-Poetry: Holly and Ivy.-Ancient Carol. - Laurel. - Misletoe Bough.-Druids.-Origin of decking Houses. - Stow. Scripture Illustra- tion.-Snow. Meadows. -Cattle. - Birds. - Orchards. Gardens.-Fire- side Comforts. -Poetry. December.-Bats. Dormice. Squirrel. Re- flections on Christmas. Washington Irving. Decay of old Customs.— Yule Clog.-Christmas Candles.-Herrick.Christmas Eve. Waits.- Tusser. Sermon.-Christmas Dinner.-Boar's Head-Wassail-bowl.- Book of Christmas.--Ancient Customs.-Old Winter. Ben Jonson.- Christmas Sports. Universality of Christmas.-Old Songs. Description of Winter. - December, origin of its name. - Winds.“ Death of the BEAUTIES OF THE COUNTRY. THERE's many a green and lovely spot And there the sound of village-bells And there are sounds within the woods, And babbling tongues in foamy floods, And dreamy tones in falling showers ; In everything we hear and see A deep, a thrilling orat'ry. B Oh deem not that the forest-glen, The May-pole on the village-green, How happy, too, the angler's life, How sweet on autumn eves to roam, BEAUTIES OF THE COUNTRY. The hunter on the lonely moor, Or wending by the woodland's side, The loud song of the rural swain, Or clap of some old creaking gate, For who loves not the shady trees, The smell of flowers, the sound of brooks, The song of birds, and hum of bees Murm'ring in green and fragrant nooks; The voice of children, in the spring, Along the field-paths wandering? 3 |