Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Queen's Bench: And the Court of Exchequer Chamber on Error from the Court of Queen's Bench. With Tables of the Names of the Cases Argued and Cited, and the Principal Matters, Volume 5 |
Common terms and phrases
12 Vict action aforesaid alleged appears assignment attorney authority bankrupt bankruptcy bill of lading Board bonâ fide borough breach by-law cargo certiorari charter party Coleridge Common Law Common Law Procedure Company contrà contract Corporation Court covenant creditor Crompton Cuckfield damages debt declaration deed defendant defendant's delivered demurrage demurrer discharged Eggington Elizabeth Barton enactment entered entitled Erle error evidence Exch execution expence fact ferry Forest of Dean freight garnishee ground held Isle of Dogs issue Judge judgment jury justice land Law Procedure Act lease liable LICHFIELD Lord Campbell C. J. Lumley master Mayor ment mentioned notice November Odessa opinion owner paid parish payment person plaintiff plea proceedings purpose QUEEN Queen's Bench question quo warranto Railway respect rule sect sessions sheriff shewed cause ship Society stat statute surveyor thereof trial TUTTON verdict vessel warrant Wightman witness writ
Popular passages
Page 728 - London, (the act of God, the queen's enemies, fire, and all and every other dangers and accidents of the seas, rivers, and navigation, of whatever nature and kind soever, excepted,) unto order or to assigns, he or they paying freight for the said goods at 51.
Page 875 - That from and after the passing of this act, no insurance shall be made by any person or persons, bodies politick or corporate, on the life or lives of any person or persons, or on any other event or events whatsoever, wherein the person or persons for whose use, benefit, or on whose account such policy or policies shall be made, shall have no interest, or by way of gaming or wagering; and that every assurance made, contrary to the true intent and meaning hereof, shall be null and void, to all intents...
Page 344 - A communication made bona fide upon any subject-matter in which the party communicating has an interest, or in reference to which he has a duty, is privileged, if made to a person having a corresponding interest or duty, although it contain criminating matter which, without this privilege, would be slanderous and actionable...
Page 162 - Person who shall wilfully and falsely pretend to be or take or use the Name or Title of a Physician, Doctor of Medicine, Licentiate in Medicine and Surgery, Bachelor of Medicine, Surgeon, General Practitioner or Apothecary, or any Name, Title, Addition, or Description implying that he is registered under this Act...
Page 463 - ... on the 25th day of March, the 24th day of June, the 29th day of September, and the 25th day of December, in each and every year, by even and equal portions.
Page 819 - QC, obtained a rule nisi accordingly, and also for a new trial on the ground of misdirection on the part of the learned judge, " in not allowing witnesses to be called to contradict the plaintiff as to the defendants
Page 1014 - ... or defendant in person, as the case may be, mentioning the city, town, or parish, and also the name of the hamlet, street, and number of the house of such plaintiff's or defendant's residence, if any such there be.
Page 339 - ... reserving leave to the defendant to move to enter a nonsuit, if the Court should be of opinion that the refusal by the plaintiffs to pay for the iron delivered amounted to an abandonment of the contract.
Page 235 - that all contracts, dealings, and transactions by and with any bankrupt really and bona fide made and entered into before the date and issuing of the fiat against him, and all executions and attachments against the lands and tenements or goods and chattels of such bankrupt...
Page 832 - ... and also all the Estate right title interest use trust property claim and demand whatsoever of...