| United States. Supreme Court, John Chandler Bancroft Davis, Henry Putzel, Henry C. Lind, Frank D. Wagner - 1891 - 772 pages
...in which its stock shall be transferred, its directors elected or appointed, its officers appointed, its property transferred, its general business conducted...the privileges granted to it by law exercised and enjoyed. Seventh. To exercise by its board of directors, or duly-authorized officers or agents, subject... | |
| William Lyman Fawcett - 1877 - 288 pages
...in which its stock shall be transferred, its directors elected or appointed, its officers appointed, its property transferred, its general business conducted,...the privileges granted to it by law exercised and enjoyed. Seventh. To exercise by its board of directors, or duly authorized officers or agents, subject... | |
| Dugald J. Bannatyne - 1887 - 652 pages
...in which its stock shall be transferred, its directors elected or appointed, its officers appointed, its property transferred, its general business conducted,...the privileges granted to it by law exercised and enjoyed; (7) to exercise by its board of directors or duly authorised officers or agents, subject to... | |
| Utah (Ter.) - 1888 - 264 pages
...in which its stock shall be transferred, its directors elected or appointed, its officers appointed, its property transferred, its general business conducted...the privileges granted to it by law exercised and enjoyed. 7. To exercise by its board of directors or duly authorized officers or agents, subject to... | |
| United States - 1889 - 120 pages
...in which its stock shall be transferred, its directors elected or appointed, its officers appointed, its property transferred, its general business conducted,...the privileges granted to it by law exercised and enjoyed. Seventh. To exercise by its board of directors, or duly incidental authorized officers or... | |
| Michigan. Banking Division - 1892 - 330 pages
...places; Sixth, To prescribe by its board of directors by-laws not inconsistant with law, regulating the manner in which its stock shall be transferred,...or appointed, its stockholders convened for special mectinge, ite, property transferred, its general business conducted and the privileges granted to it... | |
| George Mathewes Coffin - 1893 - 186 pages
...in which its stock shall be transferred, its directors elected or appointed, its officers appointed, its property transferred, its general business conducted,...the privileges granted to it by law exercised and enjoyed. Seventh. To exercise by its board of directors, or duly authorized officers or agents, subject... | |
| Michigan. Banking Division - 1894 - 344 pages
...elected or appointed, iis stockholders convened for special mcetinge, iis property traneferred, iis general business conducted and the privileges granted to it by law exercised and enjoyed; Seventh, To exercise by iis board of directors or duly anthorized officers or agenis, subject... | |
| Michigan. Banking Division - 1895 - 352 pages
...directors by.laws not inconeistent with law, regulating the manner in which its stock shall be traneferred, its directors and officers elected or appointed, its stockholders convened for special mcetings, its property traneferred, its general business conducted and the privileges granted to it... | |
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