specified by law", and all certificates awarded upon examination shall state such facts upon the face thereof. § 8. Persons, who, at the time of the enactment of this law, hold certificates of registration as pharmacists, granted by the State Board of Pharmacy of Kentucky, shall not be required to register under this law, but shall apply for and secure annual renewals thereof, as provided in this Act, and in all other respects shall be amenable to the provisions of this Act. Every per Certificate to § 9. Each registered pharmacist shall annually, Renewal fees. during the month of January, if he desires to continue in such business, pay to the said board a renewal fee, to be fixed by the board, but which shall not exceed one dollar, for which he shall, receive a renewal of said registration. son receiving a certificate under this act shall keep be exposed. the same conspicuously exposed in his place of business. Every registered pharmacist shall, within ten days after changing his place of business, as designated by his certificate, notify the Secretary of the Board of his new place of business, and inclose a fee iness placeof fifty cents, upon receipt of which the Secretary shall make the necessary change in his register. Any registered pharmacist who shall fail or neg lect to procure his annual renewal of registration, or to comply with the other provisions of this Section, shall forfeit his right to act as such pharmacist at the expiration of sixty days from the time notice of Failure to resuch failure to comply with the provisions of this tion. section, shall have been mailed to his last address by the Secretary of the board. The Secretary of the Change of busnotification. new registra Board shall annually publish a list of all persons List of phar- who are duly registered as pharmacists in this Compublished. monwealth, and shall mail a copy of same to each macists to be Bar to rencw al. False representations. ties. registered pharmacist. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the board to erase from the register the name of any registered pharmacist who may have died, removed from, or has forfeited his right under the law to do business in this Commonwealth. Any registered pharmacist who shall sever his connection with the drug business for a period of five successive years shall not be entitled to renew his registration, except upon passing a satisfactory examination before the Board of Pharmacy, as provided in this Act. § 10. Any person who shall procure, or attempt to procure, registration for himself or for another, under this Act, by making or causing to be made any false representations, shall be deemed guilty of a Various penal- misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction thereof, be liable to a penalty of not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars, and the name of the person so fraudulently registered shall be stricken from the register. Any person not a registered pharmacist, as provided in this Act, who shall take, use or exhibit the title of registered pharmacist, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than fifty nor more than two hundred dollars. Any registered pharmacist who shall be in the habit of being intoxicated shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, be liable to a penalty of not less than twenty-five nor more than fifty dollars for the first offense; and upon conviction for the second offense, in addition to such fine, his name shall be stricken from the register, and his certificate of registration revoked by the Board. Deteriorati o n of drugs-pen § 11. No person shall add to, or remove from, or cause to be added to or removed from, any drug, alty therefor. chemical, or medicinal preparation, any ingredient or material, for the purpose of adulteration or substitution, which shall deteriorate the quality, commercial value, or medical effect, or which shall alter the nature or composition of such article, so that all will not correspond to the recognized tests of identity or purity. Any person who shall thus willingly adulterate, or alter, or cause to be adulterated or altered, or shall sell, or offer for sale, any such drug, chemical, or medicinal preparation, or any person who shall substitute or cause to be substituted, one material for another, with the intention to defraud or deceive the purchaser, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars, and, if a registered pharmacist, his name shall be stricken from the register, and his certificate of registration revoked. On complaint being made, the Board of Pharmacy is hereby empowered to employ an expert chemist or analyst, to examine into the so-called adulteration, and report upon the result of his investigation, and if said report shall be deemed to justify such action the board shall cause the prosecution of the offender, and if found guilty, he shall be adjudged to pay in addition to fine before provided for, all costs of inspecting and analyzing such adulterated article. § 12. No person shall sell at retail any poisons, except as herein provided, without affixing to the bot so labeled. poisons. Poisons to be tle, box, vessel, or package containing same, a label printed or plainly written, containing the name of the article, the word "poison", and the name and place of business of the seller, with the common name of two or more readily accessible antidotes, nor shall he deliver poison to any person without satisfying himself that such poison is to be used for legiti mate purposes. A poison in the meaning of this act, shall be any drug, chemical or preparation, which, according to standard works on medicine or materia medica, is liable to be destructive to adult human As to sales of life in quantites of sixty grains or less. It shall be the further duty of any one selling or dispensing poisons, which are known to be destructive to adult human life in quantities of five grains or less, before delivering them, to enter in a book kept for that purpose the name of the seller, the name and residence of the buyer, the name of the article, the quantity sold or disposed of, and the purposes for which it is said to be intended, which book of registry shall be for at least two years, and shall at all times be open to the inspection of the coroner of the court in which the same may be kept. Oil of tansy, oil of savin, ergot, and its preparations, cotten root, and its preparacions, and all other active emmenagogues or abortives, shall be sold at retail or dispensed only upon the written prescription of a legally qualified physician. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to the dispensing of poisons in not unusual quantities, or doses, on physicians' prescriptions, nor to the sale to agriculturists, or horticulturists, of such articles as are commonly used by them as insecticides. Every person failing to comply with the requirements of this section shall be deemed guilty of a mis demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall pay a fine of not less than ten dollars. registered may conduct § 13. Any person, or persons, not a registered Persons not pharmacist, may open, own, or conduct a drug store pharmacists or pharmacy, if he or they keep constantly in charge when. drug stores-of the same a registered pharmacist; but shall not himself or themselves sell or dispense drugs or medicines, except proprietary or patent medicines in original packages. act shall not § 14. Nothing in this Act shall be construed So To whom this as to apply to, or in any manner interfere with, the apply. sale of the usual non-poisonous domestic remedies and medicines, and patent or proprietary medicine, by county stores in small places or rural districts. Nothing in this Act shall apply to, or in any manner interfere with, the business of any licensed practicing physician, or prevent him from supplying to his patients such articles as may seem to him proper, or with his compounding his own prescriptions. from jury ser $ 15. All pharmacists registered under this Exemption Act, while engaged in any store for retailing drugs, vice. medicines, or poisons, shall be exempt from serving on a jury. grand jury. § 16. All Circuit Judges are required to give this Instructions to Act in charge to each grand jury impanelled in their courts. § 17. All prosecutions under this Act shall be in the name of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, in any court having jurisdiction. It shall be the duty of the Kentucky Board of Pharmacy to investigate all complaints of disregard, non-compliance with, or violations of the provisions of this Act, and to bring Prosecutions. |