CHAPTER 69. AN ACT to change the boundaries of the Eighth and Eleventh Congressional Districts of Kentucky. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: Jackson be and § 1. That the County of the same is hereby taken from the Eighth Congressional District of Kentucky and added to the Eleventh Congressional District, so that the said Eighth District shall contain and be composed of the following counties, viz; Anderson, Boyle, Garrard, Jessamine, Lincoln, Madison, Mercer, Rockcastle, Shelby and Spencer. That the Eleventh Congressional District shall contain and be composed of the following counties, viz: Adair, Bell, Clay, Clinton, Harlan, Knox, Letcher, Leslie, Laurel, Metcalfe, Owsley, Perry, Pulaski, Russell, Wayne, Whitley, Jackson and Casey. § 2. That all acts, and parts of acts, in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. § 3. That this act shall take effect and be in full force within ninety days after the adjournment of the General Assembly. Vetoed by Governor. March 11, 1898. Passed the Senate, March, 10th, 1898, the objections of the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding. Passed the House of Representatives, March 11th, 1898, the objections of the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding. Preamble. New bonds CHAPTER 70. AN ACT to authorize any public school or graded school district in this State having out-standing against it interest bearing bonds to refund same and in lieu thereof to issue other bonds bearing a lower rate of interest. Whereas it is represented to this General Assembly that some of the public school districts and graded common school districts of this State, have heretofore, by and through their respective boards of trustees, issued the bonds of said districts for the purpose of securing grounds and buildings for the use of their said schools, which bonds are now outstanding, unpaid and are bearing a high rate of interest; therefore, Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: § 1. That it shall be lawful for any pubic school district or graded common school district in this State, which through or by their respective form of issue. board of trustees, or otherwise, may have heretofore issued the bonds of such district and which bonds are still outstanding and bearing a high rate of interest, to refund said bonds, and in lieu of them to issue new bonds bearing interest at a rate not greater than five per cent. per annum, payable semiannually, with interest coupons attached, and to run nor less than twenty years, said bonds and coupous to be made payable to bearer and to be serially numbered. The bonds to be signed by the chairman of the board of trustees of the district issuing the same and countersigned or attested by the secretary of said board, the coupon to be signed by the secretary. Said new bonds may be of any denomination to be determined by the board of trustees, but not to ex cced one thousand dollars, and the said new bond? shall not in the aggregate exceed the amount of the old bonds and accrued interest, and the actual expense of preparing and negotiating the new bonds. payment. 2. The bonds to be isued under the Manner provisions of this act shall be paid, principal and interest, in the manner and at the place provided by law for the payment of the old bonds in lieu of which the new bonds may be issued. $ 3. applied. of Neither the new bonds to be issued under the authority of this act nor any of the Proceeds how proceeds of the sale thereof shall be used for any purpose other than the liquidation of said old bonds and the necessary expense of issuing and placing the bonds; Mode of sale § 4. The board of trustees of the school district for the benefit of which said new bonds are anthorized to be issued are empowered to sell the bonds to be issued as aforesaid for the best price obtainable, not less than par, and to use the or delivery. proceeds in paying off and liquidating the old bonds, in lieu of which the new bonds are to be issued; or they may deliver the new bonds to the holders of the old ones in payment thereof on such terms as may be agreed upon. § 5. The bonds authorized by this act shall pass by delivery and shall entitle the holders thereof to collect and receive from the school district issuing the same the full amount of the bonds so held. $6. The bonds to be issued under this act shall conform in general outlines and form as To conform, in general, to the old bonds. Option to take five years. nearly as may be practicable to the old bonds in lieu of which they are to be issued. $ 7. The board of trustees of any public school district which may issue bonds under in bonds after the provisions of this act shall have the right at its option to take in any of said bonds at any time after five years from the date of same by paying the face value thereof and accrued interest up to the time of payment.. Received by the Governor March 15th, 1898. Became a law at the expiration of ten days, without the Governor's approval. Resolutions. No. 1. RESOLUTION providing for the purchase of official manuals for the use of the members of the General Assembly and for distribution to certain officials. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: $ 1. That the State Librarian Librarian be and the same is hereby authorized and directed to purchase, at not exceeding one dollar per copy, four hundred copies of a book entitled "Official Manual for the Use of the Courts, State and County Officials and General Assembly of the State of Kentucky, by Mistress Emma Guy Cromwell," which book contains the Constitution indexed and annotated, the Standing Committees of both Houses, the Rules of the Senate and Rules of the House of Representatives the Joint rules, the names and post-office address of the members of the General Assembly, and directory of the State officials and chief officials of the United States and the several States and Territories of the Union, and other valuable information. She will furnish the members of the General Assembly and such officials thereof as may be designated by the presiding officer of the Houses, respec tively, with a copy each of same, and will furnish the State officials with copies thereof, and send a copy thereof to the clerk of the county court of each county in the State, to be kept in his office. She |