Salaries, how paid. penitentiary, for the cleanliness of the persons of the convicts, and for the general sanitary government of the penitentiary and the prisoners in all particulars, the character of the labor, the character and quantity of food and clothing, and the length of time during which the convicts shall be daily employed. It shall be the duty of at least one of their number to visit each of the penitentiaries each day, and at least once a month in a body, for the purpose of examining the condition of the penitentiaries, the management and and condition of the convicts, and whether or not the rules are being obeyed and enforced. They shall hold stated monthly meetings on the first Tuesday in each month, and such call meetings as the chairman or any two of its members, may demand and shall keep, in a book kept for that purpose, a full record of their proceedings. They shall cause the rules and regulations prescribed by them, together with the law allowing commutation of time to prisoners for good conduct, to be printed and posted in conspicuous places within the cell houses and in the workshops. It shall also be their duty to keep in repair the penitentiaries, and, if at any time, the same should be so seriously out of repair as to render delay imminently dangerous, may make such expenditures as are necessary to fully protect the State's property. They shall cause the convicts to be classified, so that the old and hardened criminals shall not be thrown with the youthful criminals, so far as the same can be done without in any way interfering with the free use of all the convicts that may be hired to any contractor or contractors § 19. The salaries of the wardens, deputy wardens, physicians, Chaplains and the wages of the guards shall be paid monthly out of the State Treasury, and the Auditor of Public Accounts shall draw his warrant upon the Treasury therefor, in favor of each of said officials, upon the written order of the chairman of the commissioners, and they shall respectively receive the following salaries, to-wit. The warden, two thousand dollars per annum; the deputy warden, one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; the physician, one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; the clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; the Chaplain, one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; the guards or assistance for each penitentiary sixty dollars each per month. No official connected with the penitentiaries shall be directly or indirectly, connected.or concerned with any contract for furnishing the warden or any contractor any materials for manufacture or use in the penitentiary, or any supplies or produce to be used in the penitentiary or by the convicts, in any way whatever; and they shall not be interested in a financial way, with any business carried on by convict labor. For a violation of the provisions of this section the officials so violating shall be for each offense, fined one thousand dollars. Warden and § 20. The wardens and clerks of the penitentiary clerk to settle. shall once in every year, and oftener if so required by the Commissioners, at such time as the Commissioners may appoint, make a full general settlement of their account vouchers and books with said Commissioners, who shall annually report said settlement together with all other matters pertaining to said penitentiaries and management of same, to the Govenor, which report shall be laid before the next General Assembly. The said Commissioners are hereby directed and empowered to examine into all existing contracts for labor of convicts. or sale of manufactured product of the penitentiaries, and if they find that they are not beneficial to the State, or that the contracts have in any way been violated, they are directed to annul such contract, and if necessary by legal proceeding in the name of the Commonwealth. For the purpose of paying salaries of officers, guards, and all other employees provided for in this bill and carrying out other provisions thereof, the Auditor of Public Accounts, is hereby authorized and directed to draw his warrant upon any funds in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated upon writ ten request of the Board of Commissioners; entries of this must be made in a book kept especially for that purpose, and attested by the clerk. Inasmuch as the present contracts as to the use of convicts demand immediate attention and revision, an emergency is declared to exist, and this act shall take effect from its approval by the Governor. Vetoed by the Governor on the first day of March, 1898. Passed through the Senate on the fifth day of March, 1898, the objections of the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding. Passed through the House of Representatives on the fifth day of March, 1898, the objections of the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding. CHAPTER 5. AN ACT to amend and re-enact chapter thirty-five, article two, subdivision one, section nine hundred and sixty-five, of Kentucky Statutes, the same being an act, entitled, "An act relating to courts of justice," the same being section seventeen, article two, Chapter two hundred and twenty-one, Session Acts eighteen hundred and ninety-one, ninety-two, ninety-three. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: Circuit District § 1. That so much of said section as relates to the Twenty-sixth Circuit Court district be amended and re-enacted, so that when amended and re-enacted, that part that relates to the twenty-sixth Circuit Court district shall read as follows: Twenty-sixth District, Bell County, at Pineville, on the second Monday in January to continue until Saturday before the first Monday in February; first Mondays in May and October, thirty juridical days each. Harlan county, at Harlan Court-house, on the first Monday in February, second Mondays in August and November, twelve juridical days each. Letcher County, at Whitesburg on the third Monday in February, fourth Mondays in August and November, twelve juridical days each. Perry county at Hazard, on the first Monday in March, second Mondays in September and December, twelve juridical days each. § 2. Whereas much inconvenience is occasioned to the litigants and their attorneys by the present law fixing the terms of said courts in said districts, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this act shall take effect and become a law from and after its passage and approval by the Governor. Approved March 9th, 1898. Civil Code, Sec. 273 amended. CHAPTER 6. AN ACT to amend section two hundred and seventy-three Civil Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the § 1. That section two hundred and seventy-three Civil Code of Practice, be and the same is hereby amended and re-enacted by striking out the word "County" in line nineteen of said section and inserting in lieu thereof the words, "Judicial District" so that said section as amended and re-enacted will read as follows: Section two hundred and seventythree. The injunction may be granted at the commencement of the action, or at any time before judgment by the court, or by any circuit judge, or by the clerk of the court, or the county judge if the judge of the court be absent from the county, or by two justices of the peace, if the judge and the clerk of the court and the county judge be absent from the county. No injunction shall be granted by any of the foregoing officers, unless it appear from the affidavit of the party applying therefor that it has not been refused by the court; nor shall such injunction be granted by a clerk or county judge or justice unless it appear from such affidavit that it has not been refused by the court or any circuit judge. No injunction or temporary restraining order shall be granted until after the petition seeking the injunction shall be filed. No injunction or temporary restraining order shall be granted by any circuit or other judge of similar jurisdiction in any action pending outside of the |