President of labor, etc. ments for the work and improvements mentioned in section one of this act. § 3. The president of the board of commissioners tise for bids for shall advertise for bids for furnishing all labor, and materials of every kind and description, necessary for the construction of said sewer, the erection of said hospital and necessary equipment of same, electric light plant, and making said repairs, except such labor and materials as may be furnished by the employees or patients of said institution, and all such bids shall be opened in the presence of the board of commissioners, and it shall be the duty of the latter to accept such bid, or bids, as it may consider the lowest and best, and if, in its judgment, all, or any, of such bids shall be unsatisfactory, and said board of commissioners can provide the necessary labor and materials, or any part thereof, cheaper than by accepting such bids, it shall have the right to do so, in its discretion, and if said labor and materials, or any part thereof, shall be furnished by contract, such board of commissioners shall retain from the contract price therefor an amount sufficient to secure the faithful performance of any and all such contracts, and shall not pay the same, or any part thereof until such contract shall have been fully and faithfully performed, accepted and approved by such board of commissioners. Itemized statement to be ap § 4. The board of commissioners of said institution shall not pay or cause to be paid, any part of the proved by Ar- money appropriated by this act to any contractor, or other person or persons, employed in the construction, erecting or furnishing material for the work and repairs authorized by this act, until such chitect, etc. contractor or contractors, or other person or persons shall deliver to such board, or the president thereof, an itemized account of all materials furnished or labor performed, for which payment may be requested or demanded, which said itemized account shall be approved and endorsed by the architect or superintendent employed by such board of commissioners, and verified by the oath of such contractor or contractors, or other person or persons, presenting such accounts for payment, and if such account is found to be just and correct, and is approved by the board, the secretary of the board of commissioners shall note said facts, in the form of a certificate on or appended to such itemized account, and the same shall then be paid as other accounts or bills or claims against such institutions are paid by order of the board of commissioners thereof. Commissioners to make an ment every § 5. The board of commissioners of said institution shall within three months after completing and furnishing the buildings, as herein provided for, make an itemized statement, showing each and every itemized stateitem of expenditure made by such board under the three months. provisions of this act, which said statement shall be duly verified under oath by each member of said board, and through the president of such board such statement shall be filed with the Auditor of Public Accounts, and the president of such board shall make a full and complete statement with such Auditor, and account for all moneys appropriated by this act to said institution, and upon such settlement such board of commissioners shall pay back into the treasury any unexpended balance of the appropriations herein made to such institutions, which may Emergency. remain in the hands of the treasurer of such institution. § 6., On account of the urgent need for a sewer, and the necessity for a hospital, electric light plant, new plumbing at the above named asylum, and that the money herein appropriated to same shall be applied to the uses and purposes herein provided for, at the earliest practicable date, an emergency is declared to exist, and this act shall take effect from and after its passage and approval by the Governor. Approved March 9th, 1898. Acts 1888, CHAPTER 9. AN ACT to repeal an act entitled "An Act to organize and establish a system of Public Graded schools in Madisonville, Hopkins County, approved April sixteenth, eighteen hundred and eightyeight. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: § 1. That the act entitled "An Act to organize and establish a system of graded schools in Madisonville, Hopkins County," approved April sixteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, be, and the same is hereby, repealed. § 2. This act shall take effect from its passage, because the emergency requires that the provisions of the common school law shall immediately operate in the territory affected by said special act. Approved March 9th, 1898. CHAPTER 10. AN ACT relating to the appointment of police matrons in cities of the first class in this State. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: for female pris § 1. That within ninety days after the adjournment of the present General Assembly, the mayor of each city of the first class shall designate one or Station houses more station-houses within the said city for the de- oners. tention of all female prisoners, who may be properly detained in a station-house while awaiting trial, and said mayor may thereafter change the stationhouse or station houses so designated; Provided, however, That at least one station-house shall always remain as a place in which female prisoners shall be detained, until they shall have been set at liberty, or removed by order of a competent court. Jail may be § 2. Where there shall be a county Jail in said city of the first class, the mayor of said city shall also designate it as a place in which female prisoners designated. may be detained, awaiting trial, or after trial, until removed or set at liberty by the order of a competent court. and Assistants. § 3. Immediately upon such designation of such station-house or station-houses and county Jail, if there be a jail in such city, the mayor of said city Police Matron shall appoint for each of said station-houses and Jail, two respectable women to care for and have super vision over the female prisoners in said places of de tention. One of the women appointed by the mayor shall be called police matron, and she shall be stationed at the Jail, if there be a Jail in the county, No term of office. and there shall also be appointed by the mayor an assistant, police matron for the Jail, and two assistant police matrons for each of the station-houses which may have been designated by the mayor for the detention of female prisoners. § 4. No woman shall be appointed either police matron or assistant policè matron, who has not been recommended to the mayor by a committee of women, composed of one woman selected by each of the following organizations, viz: Home of Friendless Women, Flower Mission, Free Kindergarten Association, Humane Society, Charity Organization Society, City Federation of Women's Clubs, Kentucky Children's Home Society, District Women's Christian Temperance Union of Louisville, Kentucky, and Women's Christian Association. If all of said association shall not appoint a representative on said committee, then the mayor shall make the appointments herein provided for, upon the recommendation of those of the said associations who do appoint a representative upon said committee. § 5. Neither the police matron nor assistant police matrons shall be appointed for any definite term, but they shall hold their positions until removed, which may be done at any time by the mayor, by a written order, stating the cause of such removal, and a copy of the order shall be furnished by the mayor to the committee above provided for. Upon the death, resignation or removal of either of the women so appointed by the mayor, her successor shall be appointed in the manner aforesaid, within two |