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envelopes containing the lists, and make out fair copies of such lists of grand and petit jurors, and deliver the same to the sheriff, who shall, at least three days prior to the next term or date to which they are to be summoned, summon the persons to attend, grand jurors on the first and petit jurors on the second day of the term, except that in cases of courts having continous sessions said persons shall be summoned to attend on the first Monday in the month for which they were drawn. sheriff or other officer summoning such persons shall do so by giving to each one found, personal notice and to each one not found by leaving a written notice at the juror's place of residence with some member of his family over sixteen years of age. The lists shall be returned by the sheriff on the first day of the term; or, in cases of courts having continuous sessions, on the day to which the jurors are summoned, with a certificate thereon of the date and manner in which each juror was summoned, from which lists, respectively the regular panels of the grand and petit juries shall be selected in order in which their names appear thereon.

Approved March 14th, 1898..


AN ACT regulating the sale of fertilizers in this Commonwealth.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:


§ 1. That chapter, of the acts of the Commonwealth of Kentucky be and the same is hereby and re-enactamended by adding to and striking out and re- Chap-Actsenacted so as to read as follows:

§ 1. In each year, before any person or company shall sell, offer or expose for sale in this State any commercial fertilizer, said person or company shall furnish to the Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky-which Station is hereby recognized as the "Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station," a sealed quantity of such commercial fertilizer, not less than one pound, sufficient for analysis, accompanied by an affidavit that the sample so furnished is a fair and true sample of a commercial fertilizer which the said person or company desires to sell in this State, and said affidavit shall also state the name and address of the manufacturer, the name of the fertilizer, the number of net pounds in each package, and the minimum percentages of the essential ingredients guaranteed in each fertilizer, in such form and manner as may be prescribed by said Director.


(See K. S. Chap. 50.)

Sample of fer

tilizer to be furnished ex

periment sta

tion each year.


§ 2. The Director of said Experiment Station, Labels to be upon receipt of davit and sample as provided for station. in section one, and upon receipt of the fees hereinafter provided, shall issue to said person or com

Labels to be attached.

Penalty clause.

Fee for labels.

Same for ben

pany a sufficient number of labels to tag not less than twenty (20) tons of said fertilizer, on which label shall be printed the name and address of the manufacturer, the name of the fertilizer, the number of net pounds in each package, and the minimum percentage composition in terms approved by the said Director as certified to in affidavit furnished by said person or company together with a certificate from the Director over his fac-simile signature, authorizing the sale of such package according to the provisions of this Act.

§ 3. Every bag or other package or quantity of any commercial fertilizer, in any shape or form whatever, sold or offered for sale in this State, shall have attached to it in a conspicuous place a label as provided in section two.

§ 4. Any manufacturer or vendor of any commercial fertilizer, or any person or company who shall sell, offer or expose for sale any fertilizer without having previously complied with the provisions of this Act, shall be fined not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars for each violation or evasion of this Act.

§ 5. The Director shall receive for the labels described in section two of this act fifty (50) cents for such number as may be required for one ton of fertilizer: Provided, That he may not furnish at any one time a less quantity than is sufficient for ten tons of fertilizer.

§ 6. The Director of said Kentucky Agricultural efit of experi- Experiment Station shall pay all such fees received by him into the treasury of the Kentucky Agricul

ment station.

tural Experiment Station, the authorities of which shall expend the same in meeting the legitimate expenses of the Station, and for inspecting and making analyses of fertilizers, in experimental tests of same, and in other experimental work and purchases as shall inure to the benefit of the farmers of this Commonwealth. The Director shall, within Director to re. two months of the biennial meeting of the General missioner of Assembly present to the Commissioner of Agricul ture a report of the work done by him, together with an itemized statement of receipts and expenditures for the two years preceding under the operations of this act.

port to Com


force law.

§ 7. The Director of said Experiment Station is Power to hereby authorized, in person or by deputy, to take samples for analysis from any bag or other package or quantity of any commercial fertilizer in the possession of any dealer or transportation company in this State; to enforce the provisions of this Act; and to make and enforce such rules and regulations as he may deem necessary to carry fully into effect the true intent and meaning of this Act.


dealer or agent


fertilizer pur

§ 8. Any person not a dealer in, or agent for the Person not a sale of any fertilizer who may purchase any com- free analysis of mercial fertilizer in this State for his own use and chased--Mode, not for sale, may take a sample of the same for analysis, which analysis shall be made by the said Experiment Station free of charge. Such samples for free analysis shall be taken by the purchaser in the presence of the person, company or agent selling the fertilizer, from at least ten (10) per cent of the sacks or other packages comprising the whole lot purchased, and shall be thoroughly mixed and at

least one pound of the material after mixing must be put into a jar or can, securely sealed and marked in such a way as to surely identify the sample and show by whom it was sent, without giving the name of the fertilizer or the person from whom it was purchased, and must be forwarded to the Director of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington, Kentucky. The purchaser shall also send with the sample a certificate signed by himself and witness, or by two witnesses, stating the sender has purchased the fertilizer for his own use and not for sale, and that the sample was taken in the manner prescribed in this section. Provided, however, that the person, company, or agent shall refuse to witness the taking of the sample, then the sample may be taken at the time of the purchase in the manner already described in the presence of two witnesses who shall certify to the manner of taking the sample. The purchaser shall preserve the official label from one of the bags or other packages sampled to be sent to the Director after having received the report of analysis of the sample, and at the same time he shall furnish to the Director the name and address of the firm of whom the fertilizer was purchased, and the amount purchased, and any person having sent a sample for free analysis, under the provisions of this section who shall after having received the report of analysis of the same refuse to furnish the required information, shall thereafter forfeit the privilege of free analysis of fertilizers under this section. But if any sample shall have been submitted for free analysis without all the requirements of this section having been complied with the Director shall inquire into the case

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