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AN ACT requiring the appointment of at least one woman physician in certain institutions in this Commonwealth.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

§ 1. That there shall be at least one woman physician appointed as one of the physicians in each of the Asylums for the insane in this Commonwealth; provided, that there are women patients in each of said Asylum. Said woman physician shall receive the same salary and have the same rights in such institutions as male physician of like rank, and said woman physician shall be assigned for duty upon the ward or wards for women. Nothing herein is to construed to require an appointment of a woman assistant physician until a vacancy occurs, or until the expiration of the term of appointment of the present assistant physicians in such institutions. Approved March 15th, 1898.


AN ACT to prohibit the sale, barter or loan of any intoxicating beverage, liquid mixture or decoction in the local option districts of this State and providing a penalty therefor.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

§ 1. It shall be unlawful for any one to sell, barter, or loan directly or indirectly, any beverage, liquid mixture or decoction of any kind which produces or causes intoxication, in any county, city, town, dis

trict or precinct, in which the sale, barter or loan of spiritous, vinous and malt liquors is or shall be prohibited in accordance with the local option law.

§ 2. Any person who shall sell, barter or loan directly or indirectly any such beverage, liquid mixture or decoction in any said county, city, town, district or precinct shall, upon conviction be fined the Penalty. sum of not less than twenty nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense; and any sale, barter or loan of any article, with the agreement, expressed or implied, that the right or title to or possession of any such beverage, liquid mixture or decoction shall also pass, shall be considered a sale, barter or loan within the terms of this act.

Approved March 15th, 1898.


AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act relating to fees " proved June fifteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-three.


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

Sec. 54, Chap.


§ 1. That section fifty-four of an act entitled "An Amendment of act relating to fees," approved January fifteenth, 226, Acts 1891eighteen hundred and ninety-three, be, and the same is hereby amended so that said section when amended shall read as follows: The Clerk of the Court of K. S. Chap. 47, Sec. 1777, Page Appeals, and each assessor, in a county having a 678. population of over seventy-five thousand, shall annually, in the month of January, report to the Auditor, under oath the amount received by him on ac- amended. count of his official duties or position, from all

Section as

sources during the preceding year, as well as the amount paid out by him for deputies or assistants, giving the amount paid to each and for expenses of his office; and if it shall appear from such statement that any such officer received as compensation, on account of his office, from all sources, more than four thousand dollars, after the payment of his deputies or assistants and all the expenses of his office, such officer shall with such statement, pay to the Auditor the amount so received in excess of four thousand dollars, and if any officer shall fail to report as required by this section, he shall be fined not less than one, nor more than five hundred dollars, and, upon conviction, a judgment shall be entered declaring his office vacant. The annual salary of each deputy or assistant assessor shall be fixed by the judge of the county court by an order entered of record and shall not exceed six hundred dollars per annum; Provided, That in counties containing a population of seventy-five thousand or over, the annual salary of the chief-deputy, and each deputy or assistant assessor, transfer clerk and draughtsman shall be fixed by the judge of the county court by an order entered of record, and the salary of the chief deputy shall not exceed twenty-five hundred dollars per annum, and the salaries of the other deputies or assistant assessors and draughtsman shall not exceed fifteen hundred dollars per annum, and the salary of the transfer clerk shall not exceed twelve hundred dollars per annum; Provided, further, That the total amount allowed for salaries for such assessor chief-deputy, deputy or assistant assessors, draughtsman and transfer clerk, and all other expenses of such office, shall not exceed in the aggre

gate the compensation now allowed by law to such assessor and his deputies and for the other expenses of his office; a copy of such, as well as a copy of any change made therein, shall be filed with the Auditor by the clerk of the county court, when made. The salaries of the deputies of the clerk of the Court of Appeals shall be fixed by an order of the Court of Appeals, a copy of which order shall be filed with the Auditor by the Clerk of said Court, when made. If it shall appear from the reports required to be made to the Auditor by the Clerk of the Court of Appeals under this section, that the amount earned and received by said Clerk on account of his office is not sufficient to pay him four thousand dollars together with the salaries of his deputies or assistants and the other legitimate expenses of his office, in any year, then said officer may retain out of money earned or received by him on account of his official duties in said office during the year or years following, enough to make up such deficit.

226, Acts 1891-23, and K. S., 1776--re


2. That section fifty-three of the act mentioned Sec. 53, Chap. ia the title of this act, be, and the same is repealed. sec. § 3. That as, under the present law, large numbers of property owners are being omitted from the assessment of their property by reason of inadequate facilities afforded the county assessors in counties Emergency. containing a population of seventy-five thousand or over, and as it is to the interest of the tax-payers of the whole state that this state of affairs should cease as soon as possible, therefore an emergency is declared to exist, and this act shall take effect from and after its approval by the Governor.

Received by the Governor March 4th, 1898.

Became a law at the expiration of ten days without the approval of the Governor.




and re-enact. ment of Sec. 1,



AN ACT to amend and reenact section one of chapter thirty-one of an act entitled an act providing for the creation and regulation of private corporations; approved March twenty-first, eighteen hundred and ninety-six.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

§ 1. Any number of persons not less than seven Chap. 31, Acts may associate to establish a corporation for the purpose of conducting a trust business under the provisions of this article; but the capital stock of any such company shall not be less than fifteen thousand dollars in counties having a population of twenty-five thousand or less; and not less than fifty thousand dollars, in counties having a population of over twenty-five thousand and less than forty thousand; and not less than one hundred thousand dollars, in counties having a population of over forty thousand and less than one hundred thousand, and not less than two hundred thousand dollars in counties having a population of over one hundred thousand; and a statement of any increase or reduction in the capital stock shall be signed and acknowledged by the president and a majority of the directors, and filed and recorded in the same manner as articles of incorporations.

Approved March 15, 1898.

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