97818-1928 CONTENTS V. Changes in capital, change of name and location, amendments to articles, meetings of shareholders, reports to comptroller_ Index to Instructions of Comptroller_. REGULATIONS OF FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD REGULATION A.-Discounts under sections 13 and 13a___ REGULATION B.-Open-market purchase of bills of exchange, trade accept- ances, and bankers' acceptances under section 14____ REGULATION C.-Acceptance by member banks of drafts and bills of 1100 24225 REGULATION G.-Rediscount of notes secured by adjusted service cer- tificates 34 REGULATION H.-Membership of State banks and trust companies-‒‒‒‒ REGULATION I.-Increase or decrease of capital stock of Federal reserve REGULATION J.-Check clearing and collection_-_- REGULATION K.-Banking corporations authorized to do foreign banking REGULATION L.-Interlocking bank directorates under the Clayton Act--- INSTRUCTIONS RELATIVE TO THE ORGANIZATION AND POWERS OF NATIONAL BANKS The preliminary proceeding in connection with the organization of a national bank is to write to the Comptroller of the Currency requesting the reservation of the desired title and stating the location and the proposed capital. The title of the bank should include the word "National," but the law does not permit use of the words "Federal," "United States," or "Reserve" as part of the title. If the bank desires to exercise trust company powers and to incorporate the word "Trust" in the title, it will be necessary to secure the permission of the Federal Reserve Board to exercise such powers before the title will be approved by the comptroller. It is the practice to reserve a title for 15 days, during which time it is expected a formal application will be filed. If the nationalization of a State bank is contemplated, the request should indicate whether the bank is to be converted into a national bank or placed in liquidation and a national bank organized as its successor. If the State bank is to continue in existence and a separate national bank is to be organized, that fact should be stated. |