THE STATE OF OHIO General and Local Acts PASSED AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS Adopted BY THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY At Its Second Regular Session BEGUN AND HELD IN THE CITY OF COLUMBUS, JANUARY 6, 1908 VOLUME XCIX 40 TA COUNCIL Springfield, Ohio: The Springfield Publishing Co. State Printers GENERAL LAWS [Senate Bill No. 283.] AN ACT To amend section 91 of the Revised Statutes of Ohio as amended April 11, 1888, (85 v. 188, 191), relative to the powers of the governor to pardon convicts or commute or suspend sentence in certain cases. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio: SECTION I. That section 91 of the Revised Statutes of Ohio as amended April 11, 1888 (85 v. 188, 191), be so amended as to read as follows: Report to Sec. 91. If a convict at any time before the full execution of the sentence be represented to the board of pardons to be insane, or pregnant, they shall inquire into the Pregnancy. facts, and if, in their opinion, the facts are such as to require the exercise of executive clemency, they shall so report to the governor, who may, without notice, pardon Governor the convict, or commute the sentence, or suspend its execution for a definite time, or from time to time, as he may deem proper; and the governor, in case of commutation or suspension, may, by his warrant to the proper officer, order the convict to be confined in the penitentiary Confined or or jail, or conveyed to an asylum for the insane, or hos- where. pital, for treatment. When the purpose has been accomplished for which any sentence has been suspended, the sentence, so far as it has not been executed, shall, at the termination of the suspension, be fully executed. SECTION 2. That section 91 of the Revised Statutes of Ohio as amended April 11, 1888 (85 v. 188, 191), is repealed. FREEMAN T. EAGLESON, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JAMES M. WILLIAMS, conveyed, President of the Senate. Passed January 8, 1908. Approved January 8, 1908. ANDREW L. HARRIS, Governor. |