Come, rest in this bosom, my own stricken deer, Though the herd have fled from thee, thy home is still here; Here still is the smile, that no cloud can o'ercast, And a heart and a hand all thy own to the last. Oh! what was love made for, if 'tis not the... The Living Age - Page 6441907Full view - About this book
 | Shrewsbury (England). Royal School - 1801 - 368 pages
...voice of gratitude. GRAY. Melody. Come, rest in this bosom, my own stricken deer ; Though the herd have fled from thee, thy home is still here ; Here still is the smile that no cloud can o'ercast, And the heart and the hand all thy own to the last. Oh, what was love made for, if 'tis not the same Through... | |
 | British melodies - 1820 - 280 pages
...COME REST IN THIS BOSOM. T. Moore. rest in this bosom, my own stricken deer! Tho' the herd have-iied from thee, thy home is still here ; Here still is the smile that no cloud can o'ercast, And the heart and the hand all thy own to tho last. Oh ! what was love made for, if 'tis not the same Thro'... | |
 | Thomas Moore - 1821 - 276 pages
...THIS BOSOM. AIR—Lough Sheeting. COME, rest in this bosom, my own stricken deer! Though the herd have fled from thee, thy home is still here: Here still is the smile that no cloud can o'ercast, And the heart and the hand all thy own to the last! Oh! what was love made for, if 'tis not the same .... | |
 | Thomas Moore - 1821 - 272 pages
...BOSOM. Am — " Lough Sheeling." COME, rest in this bosom, my own stricken deer,'. Though the herd have fled from thee, thy home is still here ; Here still is the smile that no cloud can o'ercast, And the heart and the hand all thv own to the last f Ob ! what was love made for, if 'tis not the same... | |
 | Thomas Moore - 1821 - 294 pages
...! COME, REST IN THIS BOSOM. I. COME, rest in this bosom, my own stricken deer ! Tho' the herd have fled from thee, thy home is still here; Here still is the smile, that no cloud can o'ercast, And the heart and the hand all thy own to the last ! II. Oh ! what was love made for, if 'tis not the same... | |
 | Thomas Moore - 1823 - 462 pages
...AIE. — Lough Sheeling. / L COME, rest in this bosom, my own stricken deer ! Though the herd have fled from thee, thy home is still here; Here still is the smile, that no cloud can o'ercast, And the heart and the hand all thy own to the last ! II. Oh ! what was love made for, if 'tis not the same... | |
 | William Frederick Deacon - 1823 - 484 pages
...acquaintance. ON FALLING IN LOVE. Come, rest in this bosom my own stricken deer, Tho' the herd have fled from thee thy home is still here; Here still is the smile that no cloud can o'ercast, And the heart and the hand all thine own to the last. Oh ! what was love made for, if 'tis not the same... | |
 | Thomas Moore - 1823 - 314 pages
...BOSOM. AIR. — Lough Sheeting. I. COME, rest in this bosom, my own stricken deer I Though the herd have fled from thee, thy home is still here; Here still is the smile, that no cloud can o'ercast, ^nd the heart and the hand all thy own to the last ! Oh ! what was love nude for, if 'tis not the same... | |
 | 1828 - 602 pages
...lies." — Pop€. FALLING IX LOVE. ' Come rest in this bosom my own stricken deer, ' Tho' the herd have fled from thee thy home is still here , Here still is the smile that no cloud can o'ercast, And the heart and the hand all thine own to the last. Oh ! what was love made for, if 'tis not the same... | |
 | Thomas Moore - 1825 - 374 pages
...this bosom. Mr— Lough Sheeting. Come, rest in this bosom, my own stricken deer ! Tho' the herd have fled from thee, thy home is still here ; Here still is the smile that no cloud can o'ercast, And the heart and the hand all thy own to the last ! Oh ! what was love made for, if 'tis not the same... | |
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