Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners of the State of New York for the Fiscal Year Ending ..., Volume 1Weed, Parsons and Company, 1907 |
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adjourned Albany Answer of company appeared application arguments the hearing bridge Brooklyn Heights Railroad Buffalo cars cent Central and Hudson certificate under section closing and discontinuance Commissioners Baker company's railroad complaint condition constructed Copy sent company Copy sent complainant crossing at grade culverts dated August dated June division electrical expert Elmira Erie Railroad Erie Railroad Company evidence and arguments feet freight grade crossing grade crossing bureau hearing evidence Heights Railroad Company highway grade crossing highway known Hudson River Railroad inspector of grade Island Railroad Company Lehigh Valley Railroad letter dated Long Island Railroad main line main track matter operated Ordered copy sent Ordered filed pany petition piece of highway rail Railroad Law Railway Company recommendations repairs report dated River Railroad Company Rochester Rockwell Rutland Railroad Schenectady section 59 section 62 single track station steam railroad Syracuse town Traction Company undercrossing West Shore Railroad York Central York City Railway
Popular passages
Page 108 - No corporation constructing and operating a railroad under the provisions of this article, or of chapter two hundred and fifty-two of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-four, shall charge any passenger more than five cents for one continuous ride from any point on its road, or on any road, line, or branch operated by it, or under its control, to any other point thereof, or any connecting branch thereof, within the limits of any incorporated city or village.
Page 298 - Its petition to the Board of Railroad Commissioners for a certificate of public convenience and a necessity for the construction of three nearly parallel lines...
Page 287 - ... it is Ordered, That said application be and the same is hereby granted and the...
Page 296 - ... corporation or association until he is furnished a receipt for such tax from the state treasurer, and no stock corporation shall have or exercise any corporate franchise or powers, or carry on business in this state until such tax shall have been paid.
Page 563 - Commissioners. In the matter of the Petition of THE LONG ISLAND RAILROAD COMPANY under section 91 of the Railroad Law as to the...
Page 107 - Any railroad corporation or any corporation owning or operating any railroad or railroad route within this state may contract with any other such corporation for the use of their respective roads or routes, or any part thereof, and thereafter use the same in such manner and for such time as may be prescribed in such contract.
Page 258 - Thereupon the Commission adopted the following resolution: In the Matter of the Application of the NEW YORK AND QUEENS COUNTY RAILWAY COMPANY for approval of a franchise not heretofore lawfully exercised, under section 53 of the Public Service Commissions Law. Case No.
Page xxiii - February loth determined and directed that a certain existing undergrade crossing of the Long Island railroad in the town of Brookhaven, Suffolk county, by Blue Point avenue, requires a change in the existing structure and an alteration in the approaches thereto according to certain plans to be approved by this Commission and under its direction, the total cost of such reconstruction having been estimated at the sum of...
Page 575 - PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, SECOND DISTRICT. At a session of the Public Service Commission, Second District, held in the city of Albany on the 19th day of September, 1917.