The First Part of Miscellany Poems: Containing Variety of New Translations of the Ancient Poets: Together with Several Original Poems, Part 5Jacob Tonson at Shakespear's Head over-against Katharine-Street in the Strand., 1716 |
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Common terms and phrases
Arms Atrides Beauty beſt Bleſſings bleſt bright Cauſe Charms cloſe cou'd Courſe Defire Delight deſcending Deſpair Diſdain Diſeaſe doth Duke of Hereford e'er Earth eaſe ev'n ev'ry Eyes facred fafely faid fair falſe fame Hand Fate Fayrie fear felf Fire firſt Flame fome foon fuch Gods Grace Groves happy haſte Heart Heav'n inſpire Jove Joys juſt King laſt leſs loft loſe lov'd Love Lover mighty moſt Muſe muſt ne'er Night Numbers Nymph o'er Oberon paſs Paſſion paſt pleas'd pleaſe Pleaſure Poets Pow'r Praiſe Pray'r preſent Queen Queen Mab Rage Reaſon reſt riſe roſe ſay ſcarce ſecure ſee ſeems ſeen ſelf Senſe ſent ſeveral ſhall ſhe ſhine ſhould ſhow ſince ſing ſoft ſome Song Soul ſpoke ſpread ſtand ſtay ſtill ſtrange ſtrive ſuch Swain ſweet ſwelling thee theſe thoſe thou thro twas uſe vaſt Verſe whoſe wou'd wretched Youth
Popular passages
Page 89 - O could I flow like thee, and make thy stream My great example, as it is my theme! Though deep, yet clear, though gentle, yet not dull, Strong without rage, without o'er-flowing full.
Page 285 - TO MY DEAR FRIEND MR. CONGREVE, ON HIS COMEDY CALLED ' THE DOUBLE DEALER. 1694. WELL then, the promised hour is come at last, The present age of wit obscures the past: Strong were our sires, and as they fought they writ, Conquering with force of arms and dint of wit: Theirs was the giant race before the flood ; And thus, when Charles return'd, our empire stood. Like Janus...
Page 212 - Born to the spacious empire of the Nine, One would have thought she should have been content To manage well that mighty government; But what can young ambitious souls confine? To the next realm she stretch'd her sway, For Painture near adjoining lay, A plenteous province, and alluring prey. A Chamber of Dependencies was framed, (As conquerors will never want pretence, When arm'd, to justify the offence) And the whole fief, in right of poetry, she claim'd.
Page 87 - Who fears not to do ill, yet fears the name, And, free from conscience, is a slave to fame. Thus he the church at once protects and spoils ; But princes' swords are sharper than their styles : And thus to th' ages past he makes amends, Their charity destroys, their faith defends.
Page 89 - Indies ours ; finds wealth where 'tis, bestows it where it wants, cities in deserts, woods in cities, plants : so that to us no thing, no place, is strange, while his fair bosom is the world's exchange.
Page 250 - Chase from our minds the infernal foe, And peace, the fruit of love, bestow; And, lest our feet should step astray, Protect and guide us in the way. Make us eternal truths receive, And practise all that we believe: Give us thyself, that we may see The Father, and the Son, by thee. Immortal honour, endless fame, Attend the...
Page 280 - In times o'ergrown with Rust and Ignorance, A gainful Trade their Clergy did advance: When want of Learning kept the Laymen low, And none but Priests were Authoriz'd to know.
Page 91 - To his friends' pity, and pursuers' scorn, With shame remembers, while himself was one Of the same herd, himself the same had done. Thence to the coverts and the conscious groves, The scene of his past triumphs and his loves ; Sadly surveying where he rang'd alone Prince of the soil, and all the herd his own ; And, like a bold...
Page 134 - Twas I that gave thee thy renown; Thou hadst in the forgotten crowd Of common beauties lived unknown, Had not my verse exhaled thy name, And with it imped the wings of fame. That killing power is none of thine, I gave it to thy voice and eyes; • Thy sweets, thy graces, all are mine; Thou art my star, shin'st in my skies; Then dart not from thy borrowed sphere Lightning on him that fixed thee there.
Page 282 - Tis some relief, that points not clearly known, Without much hazard, may be let alone ; And, after hearing what our church can say...