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For remarkable Passages in the Criticisms, Extracts, Notices, and
Intelligence, see the Index at the end of the Volume.

Afflicted Christians, Instructions for, 474.
Ainger-Sound Education the Security of
National Tranquillity. By the Rev. T.
Ainger, 232.

Alison, Epitome of, 473.

Allen and Cornwell's School Grammar, 229.
Ancient Sea Margin, as memorials of
changes in the relative level of Sea and
Land. By Robert Chambers, Esq., 197.
Anderson's History of the Colonial Church,
Anti-State-Church Conference, Proceedings
of, held in London April and May, 1844,
Anti-State-Church Association, Minutes of
First Meeting of Council of, in May, 1845,
Anti-State-Church Association, Minutes of
Second Meeting of Council of, in May,
1846, 127.

Anti-State-Church Association for the Li-
beration of Religion from all State
Interference, Proceedings of First Tri-
ennial Conference in May, 1847, 127.
Anti-State-Church Association, Minutes of
the Meeting of the Council, May, 1848,
Anti-State-Church Association, Tracts of,
Nos. 1-30, 127.

Argyle-Presbytery Examined. An Essay
on the Ecclesiastical History of Scotland
since the Reformation. By the Duke of
Argyle, 276.

Arithmetic, Exercises in, Sanctioned by
Committee of Council on Education. By
Thomas Tate, 228.

Arithmetic, First Principles of. By Tho-
mas Tate, 228.


Arithmetic for Young Children. By H
Grant, 464.

Arnold-The First French Book. By the
Rev. T. K. Arnold, 464.

Arnold, Life and Correspondence of Dr.
By A. P. Stanley, 399.
Artegall; or, Remarks on the Reports of the
Commissioners of Enquiry into the State
of Education in Wales, 222.
Auricular Confession, “Kappa to Delta,”
Autobiography of Rose Allen. Edited by
a Lady, 228.

Baptism, Discourses on, prior to Confirma-
tion. By the Rev. Richard Hibbs,
Curate of Corton, 219.
Bather-Hints on the Art of Catechizing;
a Posthumous Work by Archdeacon
Bather, 390.

Beecher on Baptism, 473.
Bigg―The Sea- King. By J. S. Bigg, 473.
Birch on Shakespeare, 224.
Birkett's Trial of Creation, 473.
Blackley's Scriptural Teaching, 473.
Blanco White, Life of. Written by Him-
self. Edited by J. Hamilton Thom, 399.
Borneo. Importance of the Episcopal Office
in a newly-founded Mission. By the
Rev. H. A. White, 232.

Bosanquet's Letter to Lord J. Russell on
the Safety of the Nation, 232.
Bowdler-Prayers for a Christian House-
hold. By the Rev. T. Bowdler, 471.
Boyes-English Repetitions in Prose and
Verse. For Senior Classes in Schools.
By J. F. Boyes, M.A., 217.
Brothers and Sisters.

By Frederika


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Calculator, the Intellectual. By J. T.
Crossley and W. Martin, 228.
Cambridge Theological Examination Pa-
pers, 473.

Cardall-Israel's Journeys and Stations in
the Wilderness considered as illustrative
of the Christian Pilgrimage. By the Rev.
W. Cardall, M.A., 215.
Catechizing, Hints on the Art of. Post-
humous Work by Archdeacon Bather,
Chalmers, Dr.-Scripture Readings, 473.
Chambers-Ancient Sea Margins, as me-
morials of changes in the relative level of
Sea and Land. By Robert Chambers,
Esq., 197.

Chepmell-Short Course of Grecian, Roman,
and English History, written for Junior
Classes at Sandhurst College. By H.
Le M. Chepmell, 216.
Christian Child's Book, 474.
Christian Communism. A Sermon. By
William Sewell, B.D., 473.
Christian Loyalty, Discourse on.

By the

Rev. E. R. Eardley Wilmot, 232.
Church and the Civil Power, reciprocal
Obligations of. By the Rev. J. Lock-
hart Ross, M.A., 167.

Church Courts and Church Discipline.
By Archdeacon R. J. Wilberforce, 1843,

Church Extension and Reform, Plan of.

With Remarks by J. C. Colquhoun, 472.
Church of the Future. By C. C. J. Bun-
sen, 399.

Church Leases. On the Subject of Church
Leasehold Property considered, with a
View to place it on a firmer basis. By
W. H. Grey, 167.

Church of Scotland, History of, from the
Reformation to the Present Time. By
Thomas Stephen, 276.

"Church Union" Society, Rules of, 77.
From the "English Churchman" of
August 24th and 31st.

Churton-Letters to Joshua Watson. By
Archdeacon Churton, 472.
Clarke's Thoughts in Verse, 473.
Colquhoun-Plan of Church Extension and
Reform. With Remarks by J. C. Col-
quhoun, 472.

Conference, Proceedings of First Anti-
State-Church, held in London April and
May, 1844, 127.

Confirmation, Instructions on; and a Manual
of Devotions. By the Rev. George Nu-
gée, M.A., Curate of St. Paul's, Knights-
bridge, 216.

Corinthians, Annotations on the Second
Epistle to the. By Thomas Williamson
Peile, 466.

Corner's History of England, 473.
Cornwell and Allen's School Grammar, 229.
Corrective Discipline, Restoration of. A
Circular. By the Rev. J. B. Sweet,
Creasy-Some Account of the Foundation
of Eton College, and of the present Con-
dition of the School. By E. S. Creasy,
M.A., 208.

Creeds, Treatise on, Articles of Faith, and

Articles of Doctrine. By T. W. Lan-
caster, Vicar of Banbury, 26.
Crossley-The Intellectual Calculator. By
J. T. Crossley and W. Martin, 228.

Davidson's Introduction to the New Tes-
tament, 473.

Dennis Thoughts on the Necessity of
Rites and Ceremonies in the Church and
on the Apostolical Succession, 232.
Devotional Aids; Reflections and Prayers
for worshippers, previous to the com-
mencement of Divine Service. By a
Churchman, 215.

Dickens-Dombey and Son. By Charles
Dickens, 257.

Discipline. By the Author of "Letters to
my unknown Friends," 464.]
Discipline of Life, the. A Novel, 317.
Dombey and Son. By Charles Dickens, 257.
Douay and Rhenish Bible, Archbishop
Murray's; and the Bordeaux New Tes-
tament. By a Lay Baronet, 209.
Down and Connor, Bishop of―The Youth-
ful Christian Soldier; or, the Younger
Members of the Church admonished of
their Baptismal Vow. By the Bishop
of Down and Connor, 214.
Drop in the Ocean, 474.

Eardley Wilmot-Discourse on Christian
Loyalty. By the Rev. E. R. Eardley
Wilmot, 232.

Education in Wales. Reports of Commis-
sions of Enquiry into the State of, 222.
Emmaus. By the Rev. G. Nugée, 474.
English Repetitions, in Prose and Verse.
For Senior Classes in Schools. By J. F.
Boyes, M.A., 217.

Episcopal Office, importance of, in a newlyfounded Mission. By the Rev. H. M. White, 232.

Eton College, account of the foundation, past and present condition of. By E. S. Creasy, M.A., 208.

Equality and Community; or, the Island of Liberty. By the Author of "Theodore," 452.

Excerpta Protestantia, the antagonism of the Church of England to the Church of Rome, 222.

Exeter, Charge of the Bishop of, 1842, 77.

Family Prayers. By a Clergyman, 474.
Family Examples, selected from Holy
Scriptures for Young Persons. By a
Clergyman's Daughter, 212.

Female Parochial Schools, Hints on, 474.
First French Book. By the Rev. Thomas
Kerchever Arnold, 464.
Flower-Reading Lessons for the higher
Classes in Classical, Middle, and Dio-
cesan Schools. By the Rev. W. B.

Flower, 209. Ford-The Gospel of St. Matthew. Illustrated from Ancient and Modern Authors. By the Rev. James Ford, M.A., 211. Fox-History of Rome for Young Persons.

By the Rev. Samuel Fox, M.A., 216.

Garden-Discourses on Heavenly Knowledge and Heavenly Love. By Francis Garden, M.A., 462.

Gauntlett's Bible Psalms, 473.
Gauntlett's Chants for the Psalms, 473.
Gervinus's History of Literature; Philo-
sophy of Hegel, 357.

Gilly's Romaunt Version of St, John, 473.
Goethe-Works of, 357.

Gospel in advance of the Age; being a
Homily for the Times. By the Rev.
Robert Montgomery, 167.
Gospel of St. Matthew, illustrated from
Ancient and Modern Authors. By the
Rev. J. Ford, M.A., 211.

Grace, outward Means of. Sermon preached at the Triennial Visitation of the Bishop of Exeter. By the Rev. W. Maskell, 223.

Grammar. Allen and Cornwell's School Grammar, 229.

Grammar for Beginners. An Introduction to Allen and Cornwell's School Gram229.


Grant-Arithmetic for Young Children.
By H. Grant, 464.
Grant's Kapiolani, 473.

Gray's Lectures on Money, 473. Gresley-Practical Sermons. By the Rev. W. Gresley, Prebendary of Lichfield, 208. Grey-Church Leases; or, the subject of Church Leasehold Property considered, with a view to place it on a firmer basis. By W. H. Grey, 167. Gutzkow-Political and Moral Tales, Essays, and Dramas. By Gutzkow, 357.

Hamilton-Speeches of G. A. Hamilton,
Esq., and Joseph Napier, Esq., upon
Education in Ireland, 306.
Hare-Essays and Tales by John Sterling.

Edited by Archdeacon Hare, 399. Hare-The Mission of the Comforter, and other Sermons. By Archdeacon Hare, 399.

Harmony of the Gospels, contributions towards an, 212

Harry and Archie, 474.

Harvest Time, Rev. T. A. Holland's Sermon on, 232.

Harvey-Hymns for Schools. By the Rev. R. Harvey, 471.

Hastings-The whole Armour of God.
Four Sermons preached before the Uni-
versity of Cambridge. By Henry James
Hastings, M.A., 212.

Heavenly Knowledge and Heavenly Love.
By F. Garden, M.A., 462.
Hegel, Philosophy of; Gervinus's History
of Literature, 357.

Herodotus, Analysis of, 478.
Hibbs-Discourses on Baptism, prior to
Confirmation. By the Rev. Richard
Hibbs, Curate of Corton, 219.
History, Grecian, Roman, and English;
written for Junior Classes at Sandhurst
College. By A. L. M. Chapman, 216.
History of a Family, 473.

Holland-Sermon on Harvest Time.


the Rev. T. A. Holland, 232. Holy Gospels, Contributions towards a Harmony of, 212.

Holy Oblation, the; a Manual for the Blessed Eucharist. By an Anglo-Catholic Priest, 453.

Holy Times and Scenes. By the Rev. J.
T. Tate. Second Series, 210.
Hook-Our Holy and our Beautiful House.
Sermon by the Rev. W. F. Hook, D.D.
Hopwood's Order of Confirmation, 473.
Hours of Recreation, Poems written at the
age of twenty-one. By Charles S.
Middleton, 210.

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