2 Various. 1 Reacquired $55,000 which were resold in January and May, 1916. NOTE. The figures shown above were taken from the records of the companies listed where such records are available. Where the company's records are not available, the information is taken from the annual reports to the Massachusetts Railroad Commission. IMPORTANT CHANGES DURING THE YEAR. Respondent's Securities retired. The following securities were retired: Brockton & East Bridgewater St. Ry. Co. 1st mortgage The following securities were taken up by the Receiver at maturity under authority of the United States District Court for Massachusetts and are held by him uncancelled: Norfolk Central St. Ry. Co. 1st mortgage bonds due July $30,000 27,000 $57,000 Bay State Street Railway Co. 6 per cent Car Trust serial coupon notes due August 1, 1918, 131,000 $153,500 IMPORTANT CHANGES DURING THE YEAR Concluded. The following securities have matured and remain unpaid at Providence & Taunton St. Ry. Co. 1st mortgage bonds due $57,000 150,000 Mystic Valley St. Ry. Co. 1st mortgage bonds due January 1, 1919, 60,000 $267,000 TOTAL FUNDED DEBT MATURED DURING THE YEAR, $477,500 SIGNATURES AND OATH TO RETURN. We hereby certify that the statements contained in the foregoing return are full, just and true. C. R. ROCKWELL, Treasurer. C. S. JACKSON, SUFFOLK, Ss. THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. APRIL 8, 1919. Then personally appeared the above-named C. R. Rockwell and C. S. Jackson, and severally made oath that the foregoing certificate by them subscribed is, to the best of their knowledge and belief, true. Before me, PHILIP A. WELSH, RETURN OF THE BAY STATE STREET RAILWAY COMPANY (WALLACE B. DONHAM, RECEIVER) FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1918. IDENTITY OF RESPONDENT. Exact name of company making this report. Bay State Street Railway Company, Wallace B. Donham, Receiver. Under an order of the United States District Court for the district of Massachusetts by decree entered July 31, 1918, the Receiver was authorized to make an agreement with such persons, firms or corporations as might purchase part or all of the outstanding issue of first mortgage 20-year, 5 per cent gold bonds of the Newport and Fall River St. Ry. Co. maturing August 1, 1918, at par; to repurchase said bonds or any part thereof upon 30 days' notice in writing at an amount equal to the purchase price plus 7 per cent interest thereon for the period between such purchase and the repurchase by the Receiver. Under this agreement, up to December 31, 1918, said bonds have been taken up by the following banks and trust companies in the amounts stated, and are held by them subject to the said agreement entered into with them by the Receiver: — National Shawmut Bank, Boston, $50,000 40,000 15,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 $230,000 |