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The following table shows in detail the revenues, income and
expenditures of the three leading railroads of the Common-
wealth as returned for the year ended December 31, 1918:-

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The miles of track owned, and also track operated December
31, 1918, of the three leading railroads of the Commonwealth,
are stated in detail in the following table: -

Miles of Track Owned and Operated December 31, 1918.

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1 Operated by New York Central Railroad, lessee.

* Includes .61 of a mile of fifth and .54 of a mile of sixth track.

Revenues and Expenses per Mile of Road Operated.

The average operating revenues and expenses of operation, and net operating revenue per mile of road operated by all the companies for the past ten years, and by the three leading companies for the last year, are shown in the following tables:

Revenues and Expenses per Mile of Road Operated, 1909-1918.

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Operating Revenues and Expenses per Mile of Road Operated (Three Roads)

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Operating Revenues and Expenses per Revenue-Train Mile. The average operating revenues and expenses of operation, and the net operating revenue, per total mile run by trains earning revenue, on all the roads, for each of the last ten years, are stated in the following table:

Operating Revenues and Expenses per Total Revenue-Train Mile 1909

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Operating Revenues and Expenses per Revenue-Train Mile (Three Roads)

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The average gross passenger revenue per passenger-train mile and the gross freight revenue per freight-train mile, and the total operating revenues, expenses and net operating revenue per total revenue-train mile of the three leading railroads of the Commonwealth are given for the last year in the preceding


The ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues of the three leading railroads of the Commonwealth for the year ended December 31, 1918, is given in detail in the following table:

Ratio of Operating Expenses to Operating Rerenues (Three Roads) in 1918.

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Operating Expenses per Revenue-Train Mile (Three Roads) in 1918.

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The next table gives the cost of repairs per locomotive and

per car on each of the same three roads the last year:

Cost of Repairs per Locomotive and per Car (Three Roads) in 1918.

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The total number of miles run by passenger trains the last year, on the roads of all the companies, was 28,599,227,- a decrease of 3,211,531 miles from the previous year; by freight trains, 19,566,119, a decrease of 387,072 miles; and by all other trains, 488,556 a decrease of 116,127 miles, making the total number of miles run by trains of all kinds, 48,653,902 a decrease of 3,714,730 miles from the previous year.

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The mileage of passenger, freight and other trains, for each of the last ten years, is stated in the following table:

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1 Year ended December 31.

NOTE. The passenger and freight train mileage for the years 1909 to 1914, inclusive, has been reclassified on the basis of actual passenger and freight train miles, in accordance with requirements of the 1915 report.

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