The next table shows the revenue-train mileage on each of the three leading railroads of the Commonwealth for the last year: Revenue Train Mileage (Three Roads) in 1918. The total number of passengers carried the last year was 169,100,469,- a decrease of 7,250,384 passengers from the previous year. Each passenger on the steam roads travelled on the average a distance of 19.06 miles, making the total passenger mileage 3,222,222,728, a decrease of 43,555,163 from the previous year. The total volume of passenger traffic for each of the last ten years is shown in the following table: - The passenger mileage on the three leading railroads during the last year was as follows: The total number of tons of freight hauled on all the roads the last year was 79,254,795,- an increase of 3,985,946 tons over the previous year. Each ton of freight was hauled on the average a distance of 105.78 miles, making the total freight mileage, 8,383,750,779,- an increase of 471,316,815 tons hauled one mile over the previous year. The preceding table gives the total volume of freight traffic for each of the last ten years. The next table gives the freight mileage on the three leading roads for the last year: Freight Mileage (Three Roads) in 1918. The average passenger fare per mile on the Massachusetts railroads for each of the last thirty years, as ascertained from the annual returns to the Commission, is given in the following table: Average Passenger Fare per Mile (All Massachusetts Roads) for Thirty Years, 1889-1918. The following table gives the average passenger fares per mile on the three leading Massachusetts railroads, taken singly and as a group, for the years 1900, 1908, and for each of the last four years, 1915 to 1918, inclusive: - Average Passenger Fare per Mile (Three Roads) in 1900, 1908, and 1915 In the tables which follow, the average rates per ton mile for the transportation of merchandise on the railroads making returns to the Commission are shown for the same years and intervals of years, for all of the roads and for the same group of roads, as in the preceding tables of passenger fares. The first table gives the average freight rate per ton mile on all of the roads for each of the last thirty years: Average Freight Rate per Ton Mile (All Massachusetts Roads) for Thirty Years, 1889-1918. The following table shows the average rate per ton mile on the three leading railroads of the Commonwealth, taken singly and as a group, in 1900, 1908, and for each of the last four years, 1915 to 1918, inclusive: Average Freight Rate per Ton Mile (Three Roads) in 1900, 1908, and 1915– The following table shows the amount of rolling stock (owned and leased) of all the companies, as returned at the end of each of the last seven years: The average number of persons employed during the year ended December 31, 1918, by all the railroad companies making returns to the Commission was 80,614, an increase of 2,711 over the previous year. The following table gives the average number of employees for each of the last ten years: |