The gross assets, the gross liabilities (including capital stock) and the surplus of the companies, with the percentage of surplus to capital stock, at the end of each of the last nine years and of the nine months ended June 30, 1910, are shown in the following table: Gross Assets, Liabilities and Surplus, 1909-1918. 1 Includes premiums on sales of stock and bonds" and "sinking and other special funds." 2 For nine months ended June 30, 1910. 3 The apparent discrepancy in the surplus for the year 1915 is due to a change in the classification of accounts. Premiums on sales of stock and bonds and sinking and other special funds now appear in separate accounts. 4 Year ended December 31. d Deficit. CAPITAL STOCK AND DIVIDENDS. The aggregate capital stock of the forty-nine companies, December 31, 1918, was $106,890,875,- an increase of $3,531,100 over the preceding year. Dividends. The total amount of dividends declared the past year was $2,440,834.24. Twenty-one corporations declared dividends varying in rate from 2.04% to 10 per cent; the following table gives the name of the dividend-paying companies, the rate per cent and amount of dividend declared: Capital Stock, Net Income and Dividends, 1909-1918. The funded debt of the companies December 31, 1918, was $91,547,200,- a decrease of $576,000 from the preceding year. Floating Debt. The total unfunded debt was $40,647,934.97, $7,765,196,75. The gross debt, funded and unfunded, was $132,195,134.97, - an increase of $7,189,196.75. The net debt (the gross debt less $14,701,154.01 of cash and current assets) was $117,493,980.96, an increase of $4,077,094.79. The funded debt, unfunded debt, gross debt, cash and current assets, and net debt at the end of each of the last nine years and of the nine months ended June 30, 1910, are shown in the following table: Funded, Unfunded, Gross and Net Debt, 1909-1918. Capital Investment. The total capital investment (capital stock, premiums and funded debt) of the street railway companies of the state on December 31, 1918, was $205,113,726.04, an increase of $2,855,100 for the year. COST AND CAPITAL INVESTMENT PER MILE. The following table shows the cost per mile of main track (including the cost but not the length of side track) of road, equipment, land and buildings and other property of each of the forty-nine street railways for the year ended December 31, 1918: Cost and Capitalization per Mile of Main Track (including First and Second Cost and Capitalization per Mile of Main Track, etc.-Concluded. The average cost of the street railways of the state, per mile of main track (including the cost but not the length of side track), as returned by the companies December 31, 1918, was $41,741.99 for construction; $14,649.69 for equipment; and |