Annual Report, Volume 2 |
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Additions or betterments amount outstand Analysis of Gross Authorized by law Average number Average per passenger Average rate received Balance Sheet bar iron Broadway Brooklyn Capital stock Cash realized cent close of fiscal concerning this report cost of equipment cost of road Current assets Current liabilities Date of charter Date of close Date of stockholders Deductions from income DESIGNATION OF LIEN due and accrued Earnings and Operating earnings from operation Elmira EMPLOYES ending June 30 excluding all taxes freight cars funded debt due Hornellsville Income Account Interest on funded law or charter Leased Locomotives main line Number of passengers Number of shares officers and clerks Official Address Open accounts Passenger cars Railroad Company realized on amount received per mile road and equipment sidings and turnouts single track station agents steel rail Stock and Funded street Title of company Total par value train mileage Utica Wages of conductors watchmen York city
Popular passages
Page 730 - Gross earnings from operation Less operating expenses (excluding all taxes).. Net earnings from operation...
Page 385 - Court street, Brooklyn, NY Date of close of fiscal year, June 30. Date of stockholders' annual meeting, second Monday in January.
Page 508 - Hartford, Conn. Moosup, New Haven, Ansonia, South Manchester, Conn. New Haven, Conn. Farmington, " Date of close of fiscal year, December 31. Date of stockholders' annual meeting, third Wednesday in January.
Page 797 - Long Island City, NY Date of close of fiscal year, June 30, Date of stockholders' annual meeting, third Wednesday of July of each year.
Page 399 - Company, is largely in excess of the cost of the road to the Company as above returned, as has been ascertained, pursuant to the laws of the State of Connecticut, by the President, Treasurer, and an Engineer, approved by the Railroad Commissioners of the...
Page 780 - Deductions from income, as follows, viz.: Taxes on property used In operation of road.
Page 441 - No. of shares. 4,000 Issued for actual cash Subscribed but not fully paid for. Issued for other purposes Total issued Amount remaining in Treasury. Total . 1,787 513 25 2,325 1,675 4,000 Total. 4,000 Par value of shares, $100. Average price at which stock was disposed of, $100 per snare.
Page 415 - William D. Bishop, Bridgeport, Conn. Henry C. Robinson, Hartford, Conn. Charles P. Clark, New Haven, Conn. Joseph Park, New York, NY Chauncey M. Depew, New York, NY Henry 8.
Page 165 - Date of close of fiscal year, June 30. Date of stockholders' annual meeting, first Tuesday in October.
Page 672 - General offices at Auburn, NY Date of close of fiscal year. June 30. Date of stockholders