tatives of this Department, is highly appreciated by the Commissioner and bespeaks the most hearty co-operation of this Department and the banking interests of Michigan. It affords me great pleasure at this time to acknowledge the valuable services rendered the Department by Deputy Commissioner Wm. Donovan, and examiners B. C. Jolly, Harmon Wendell, E. E. Ford, W. T. Bradford, Albert E. Manning, and Charles M. Turner. Very respectfully, Az N Moon Commissioner of the Banking Department. COMPARATIVE ABSTRACTS (STATE BANKS). Comparative abstracts, giving the volume of business as shown by the last reports of Michigan State banks called for in the years 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, and 1904, as made to the Commissioner of the Banking Department. Totals. $47,354,277 90 $56,950,395 68 $65,191,972 53 $82,649,533 48 $73,156,116 80 Totals. $47,354,277 90 $56,950,395 68 $65,191,972 53 $82,649,533 48 $73,156,116 80 $78,872,148 57 $85,970,689 87 $85,686,065 17 $95,397,535 01 $106,069,058 88 Totals. 285,151 36 22,407 73 2,286,076 60 295,907 52 22,543 68 2,273,685 90 307,663 09 2,590,180 00 418,372 26 341,835 45 24,283 58 2,448,122 25 387,684 17 2,754,711 00 429,334 91 396,454 61 289,380 11 2,530,816 00 Totals, $78,872,148 57 $85,970,689 87 $85,686,065 17 $95,397,535 01 $106,069,058 88 *Undivided earnings, less current expenses interest and taxes paid. D |