| Michigan. State Banking Department - 1914 - 748 pages
...K. Fair. James E. Danaher, James H. Flinn, Roy D. Chapín, James Couzeus. Liabilities. Capital slock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid National bank notes outstanding. . Due to other National banks Due to State banks and bankers. . Due trust companies... | |
 | 1895 - 546 pages
...00 986,481 44 840,103,998 17 9.085,606 08 1,286,534 88 3,423,629,848 68 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in. Surplus Fund Undivided Profits, less Expenses and Taxes Paid National Bank Notes issued. *$187,243,73* 00 Less amount on hand 4,762,121 GO Amount outstanding State Bank... | |
 | 1895 - 558 pages
...57,500,787 00 15.537,100 00 936,484 44 840,103,900 17 9,085,606 08 1,285,534 30 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in . Surplus Fund Undivided Profits, less Expenses and Taxes Paid National Bank Notes Issued. »$187,243,7S» 00 Less amount on hand 4,762,12160 3,423,029,343 88 Amount outstanding... | |
 | Michigan. Banking Division - 1898 - 340 pages
...31,23000 17,00000 562 50 Totals $582,364 22 $497,650 36 $498,080 39 $559,766 83 Liabilities. Capital stock paid in Surplus fund . Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid.. National bank notes ontstanding $50,000 00 50,000 00 5,409 77 10,590 00 62 27 2,265 62 411,136 46 $50,000 00... | |
 | Wisconsin - 1900 - 1362 pages
...LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In ..... Surplus fund ............ I'ndivided profits less current expenses and taxes paid ................... National...outstanding ............... Due to other national banks Dividends unpaid Individual deposits Demand certificates Time certificates . , $80,000 OO 10,300... | |
 | Michigan. Banking Division - 1901 - 352 pages
...00 1,126 00 61 00 6 696 10 2 000 00 1,126 00 Totals $162 932 71 $162 О27 R4 $160 80I 60 $162 814-96 Liahilities. Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid. . $60,000 00 10, 00O Oо 13,136 69 20,200 00 $60 000 00 10,000 00 13,723 66 20 260 00 $60 000 00 10,000... | |
 | William Estabrook Chancellor - 1902 - 176 pages
...Redemption fund with I". S. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) .... Total LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in Surplus fund .... Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid . National Bank notes outstanding Due to other National Banks . Due to Trust Companies and Savings Banks Dividends... | |
 | Wisconsin. Banking Dept - 1906 - 644 pages
...$1,425,636 93 Liabilities. Capital stock paid in $100,000 00 Surplus fund Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes paid National hank notes outstanding...other national hanks Due to state hanks and hankers Due to trust companies and savings hanks Individual deposits, suh1ect 20,000 00 29,785 00 85,000 00... | |
 | Michigan. Banking Division - 1906 - 500 pages
...2,500 00 1,003 51 47,245 05 13,950 00 2,500 00 Totals . $919,218 23 $861,683 98 $903,509 91 $905,719 95 Liahilities. Capital stock paid in Surplus fund . Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid. . $100,000 00 75,000 00 26,33567 • 50,000 00 $100,000 00 75,000 00 31, MO 41 50,000 00 $100,000 00... | |
 | Michigan. Banking Division - 1906 - 474 pages
...00 Totals $990,320 29 $973,629 03 $1,057,303 57 $989,667 18 $1,001,363 31 Liabilities. Capital stock paid in. . . Surplus fund Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid .• . . National bank nptes outstanding. Due to ot her National banks Due to State banks and bankers Dividends unpaid... | |
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